scientist attention seekers.
God forbid scientists seek attention!!!!
scientist attention seekers.
Your point? I didn't take a side, I commented on the structure of the film. Many of the doctors interviewed do not dispute an HIV connection. All of the contradictory posts in this thread don't address the claims that 20% of South Africa has "AIDS" yet "AIDS" in South Africa can be diagnosed by symptoms such as rapid weight loss or chronic coughing. Or that HIV testing in places like Africa and S.C Asia is a joke.
Did you watch the documentary?
BY PEOPLE WHO APPEAR IN IT" of Numbers Letter.pdf
"We are writing to state our strong objections to ‘House of Numbers’ and the agendas it promotes. We consider the film as being harmful to the best interests of the general public and, in particular, people with HIV infection or at risk for acquiring it. We all appear in the film, having granted interviews to its Director, Mr. Brent Leung, during the period 2006-2008. Mr. Leung was deceptive in his interactions with us. He informed us that his film was intended to present the true history of AIDS research, and an accurate summary of the science of HIV infection. He also told several of us that he intended the film would expose and counter many of the myths about HIV and AIDS that have been promoted by a small clique of individuals we refer
to as “AIDS denialists”.
The reality is that his film does none of those things. Instead, it presents the AIDS denialist agenda as being a legitimate scientific perspective on HIV/AIDS, when it is no such thing. His film perpetuates pseudo-science and myths..."
The article goes on to pretty much explain exactly why this film is absolute GARBAGE...and would only trick the minds of the weak. Dont follow bad science blindly. Do some actual research and find out the truth on your own.
Again I ask, did you actually watch the film?
I watched the whole thing. The argument that HIV isn't the cause of AIDS is only expressed by a few scientists; all who back that claim. The majority of the doc deals with exposing the inconsistencies of what we consider AIDS based on socio-economic status across the globe. That and the inconsistency of HIV diagnosis and the ignored side effects of HIV medication. None of that is refuted. I didn't come out of this thinking that HIV doesn't exist or that there's a global conspiracy...this isn't the Loose Change of AIDS and it's not meant to be.
I ask if you have seen the film because it honestly seems like you're arguing against what you think the film consists of.
so what it comes down to is this...
All of these highly regarded EXPERTS put a statement out that regards the film as, "an inaccurate portrayal of the truth about HIV and AIDS".
If you continue to take the word of Leung over theirs, well thats your prerogative I suppose...
.End of Line.
so what it comes down to is this...
All of these highly regarded EXPERTS put a statement out that regards the film as, "an inaccurate portrayal of the truth about HIV and AIDS".
If you continue to take the word of Leung over theirs, well thats your prerogative I suppose...
.End of Line.
All he said was to watch it, and see if they were taken out of context.
Eventually HIV/AIDS will be cured 100% for sure. The question is when and how long it takes.
A significant no. of north European white males don't get AIDS/HIV because they lack the entry site antigentic marker for the HIV virus to enter and infect the cells.
The problem is how to find a similar blocker to block the entry of HIV virus into T4 lymphocytes. It may take another few years but we already identify the way to "CURE" AIDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing is ever cured 100%. There are these things call mutations that happen which tend to put a kibosh on that whole theory.
A patient was cured of AIDS by bone marrow transplant using AIDS-resistant T4
lymphocytes donor ! Read the Science journal !!!
AIDS will be conquered. It is just that simple.
I agree HIV virus will undergo mutation and use another antigenic site to enter the cells.
But with the combo of Highly Active Retro-Virus Medication and HIV antigenic site blockers, 80-90% of patients will be under controlled.
There is no such thing as 100% cured, but 80%-90% rate to control the infection of HIV/AIDS is better than nothing !
Aids is already 100% cured.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Don't take medicine just eat healthy!!!You are missing the point of this film. Aids is already 100% cured. Don't take the drug cocktail. And detox your body and eat healthy. DONE!
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Don't take medicine just eat healthy!!!
If anything is bogus it's detoxing. The human body does not need to 'detox'.
Having spent quite a lot of time in third world nations, especially Africa, I would invite you to do the same. I can guarantee that you will absolutely not come away with the same perspective.
Er no it's not. But keep believing your secret underground misinformation if it makes you think that you know The Truth as opposed to all the lies that the rest of us believe in forcefed to us by The System man!That's called poverty mixed with lack of knowledge.