HISTORY Hitler Vs. Jews, MYSTERY Hitler = Jew

oh WWII history, partly truth and party fiction.

but this article is old news.

the dna, i don't know, hitler had no kids right.
full siblings.
it may be true, who cares.

common belief is that hitler wanted to kill all jews because he felt they were inferior.
anyone who knows the history of both world wars and about germany in between those wars knows it was much more complex than that.

I thought he hated the jews as he blamed them for Germany's defeat in World War I in which he fought. He thought the Jewish bankers refused to finance the war which condemned Germany to defeat as they had made a pact with Britain who had agreed to use their mandate of Palestine to allow the creation of the Jewish homeland of Israel. That's what I've heard was one of his beliefs anyway. :dunno:

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I heard he never showed any unusual feelings toward the Jews until he decided to get into politics and used Germany's hatred for them as a political tool.:dunno:
It's called ignorance people! The USA founding fathers had slaves and had many children with the women! And yet it took almost 200 years before "blacks" were considered "equal"? Which in some places they still are not treated "equal"! Too many Americans are blind to the true facts! I call it all... :bs: :nono:
It's called ignorance people! The USA founding fathers had slaves and had many children with the women! And yet it took almost 200 years before "blacks" were considered "equal"? Which in some places they still are not treated "equal"! Too many Americans are blind to the true facts! I call it all... :bs: :nono:


Hitler was ignorant, and so is this guy. Ignorance can kill one innocent person or 6 million innocent Jews, either way it needs to be eradicated from our society and more so in the west where we have more than adequate educational institutions in place.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Hitler was ignorant, and so is this guy. Ignorance can kill one innocent person or 6 million innocent Jews, either way it needs to be eradicated from our society and more so in the west where we have more than adequate educational institutions in place.

An ignorant leader can kill twelve million innocent people. A good leader can kill twenty million. :yesyes:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I heard Martin Luther King Jr. was a white guy who was birthed in a tub of squid ink, which forever hid his pasty white epidermis. Poor guy...he never knew :(