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Hiring Is At Its Best In 15 Years...Even Though We Voted For Obama


Healthy US Hiring Should Make 2014 Best Since 1999


The best year for U.S. hiring since 1999 likely ended with another solid gain in December, supporting expectations that the United States will strengthen further even as overseas economies stumble.

Analysts have forecast that U.S. employers added 243,000 jobs in December, according to a survey by data provider FactSet. The unemployment rate is expected to remain a nearly normal 5.8 percent, the lowest in six years.

The Labor Department will release the jobs report at 8:30 a.m. Eastern time Friday.

American businesses have been
largely shrugging off signs of economic weakness overseas and continuing to hire at healthy rates. The U.S. economy's steady improvement is especially striking compared with the weakness in much of the world.

Europe is barely growing, and its unemployment rate is nearly double the U.S. level. Japan, the world's third-largest economy, is in recession. Russia's economy is cratering as oil prices plummet. China is straining to manage a slowdown. Brazil and others in Latin America are struggling.

Fears about significantly cheaper oil spooked investors earlier this week before financial markets recovered. But most economists remain optimistic that lower energy prices will benefit U.S. consumers and many businesses and give the American economy a further boost.

Hiring surged in November as 321,000 jobs were added, the most in nearly three years. December's job gain should raise last year's total to nearly 3 million, which would be the most in 15 years.

The improving jobs picture has healed some of the deep scars left by the Great Recession. The number of people who have been unemployed for more than six months fell 27 percent last year. And the number working part time who would prefer full-time work dropped 12 percent.

A rate that includes the officially unemployed as well as the involuntary part-timers and people who have given up looking for work was 11.4 percent in November. That was down from 13.1 percent at the start of 2014.

And the percentage of the adult population who have jobs rose to 59.2 percent in November, from 58.6 percent when 2014 began. That was the first sustained improvement in that measure since the recession officially ended 5½ years ago.

Still, much healing remains to be done. To keep up with population growth since the recession began, the economy would need to create 4.9 million additional jobs, according to the Brookings Institution.

Average hourly pay is barely staying ahead of inflation. It rose 2.1 percent in November compared with a year earlier, not far above the 1.7 percent inflation rate. In 1999, average wages rose 3.5 percent.

Economists do expect more healing to occur this year. Tumbling oil and gas prices have put more money in consumers' pockets, enhancing their ability to spend. Goldman Sachs estimates that the additional spending on restaurants, auto dealers and other goods and services will lead to the creation of 300,000 more jobs this year than if oil prices remained at their June levels.

Spending at retail stores and restaurants rose in November by the most in eight months, an early sign that Americans are already spending some of the savings they are enjoying on gas-pump prices.

Car sales jumped 6 percent last year to the highest level since 2006, according to Autodata Corp. Analysts forecast that sales will reach 17 million this year, near the record of 17.3 million set in 2000. That should lead to more jobs at automakers, parts suppliers and dealers.

Of course, once a certain doom-and-gloom naysayer wanders in here, we'll all hear about how more jobs are bad for the economy, and that "employer dependency" is one more way that Liberals are destroying America. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I was wondering when the libs would start hanging their hat on this and giving all the credit to Maobama. There are 35 Republican governors in this country and most of them are implementing policy creating jobs in their respective states and we have had a republican majority in congress since 2011. But of course that has nothing to do with it. Thanks Obama!

State by state through November



As with the other thread, why weren't those 35 governors and the Republican majority getting curb stomped in the last Presidential election? Neither Mitt nor FOX News was saying a word about them back then. And neither were you.

And as with the other thread, I'm not hanging my hat on Obama. I'm hanging it on how things like this are reported, covered and perceived.
As with the other thread, why weren't those 35 governors and the Republican majority getting curb stomped in the last Presidential election? Neither Mitt nor FOX News was saying a word about them back then. And neither were you.

And as with the other thread, I'm not hanging my hat on Obama. I'm hanging it on how things like this are reported, covered and perceived.

They weren't getting stomped because the American voter wanted a check in place against Obama's reckless policies. And because all politics are local. And yes it was talked about and is why there was so much attention paid to the individual governor's races by both parties. How many times did Mittens mention how the Obama administration's policies were stifling job growth and that we needed governors that understood job creation? Too damn many to count actually. Now, if you will kindly educate me as to what exactly Obama has done to cause all this new found prosperity, I will kindly accept that and eat a little crow.


You're not paying attention to the purpose of this thread and/or the gas prices thread. We were told that voting for Obama was going to wreck the economy and drive gas prices up to $7-$8. This is what we were told, point blank. We weren't told that if we vote for Obama, thank God for Republican governors. We were told the sky would fall, the oceans would boil and mountains would crumble. We weren't told that a Republican majority would save the day. We were told that we would live through 4 more years of sheer hell. This is what we were told all through the election cycle.

We can nitpick and blather over this point and that sub-paragraph. We can argue over who gets the credit for the good and the blame for the bad. And we're going too. What I'm talking about in these two threads is the relentless load of bullshit we allow ourselves to be fed during an election campaign.

And you know as well as I do that if everything happening right now was happening with Mitt in office, you guys would be squirting all over the place, giving him the credit for lower gas prices and higher employment.
I don't blindly credit or discredit any party Obama stated yesterday that we shouldn't get too attached to these lower gas prices. He has stated in the past that energy prices would go up and he is perfectly content with that in pursuit of his green environmental initiatives. The difference between a Romney administration during prosperity and Obama would be that Mitt would be able to show where his policies had an effect, Obama can't produce such evidence. Except to say.. isn't this great!


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
They weren't getting stomped because the American voter wanted a check in place against Obama's reckless policies.

I get so tired of this bullshit talking point. Which "reckless policies" are you talking about? I don't think you know because then you turn around and say-

The difference between a Romney administration during prosperity and Obama would be that Mitt would be able to show where his policies had an effect, Obama can't produce such evidence. Except to say.. isn't this great!

So which is it, does Obama have no policies to point to OR are his apparently imaginary policies "reckless"? I suppose it fits the "weak dictator" narrative of the confused far right.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
The article does reflect good things like jobs created and more spending. It shows the recovery trend but let's look into it a bit deeper. Job growth is a lagging indicator and must be adjusted for the seasons.

"The number working part time who would prefer full-time work dropped 12 percent."

This may say that more people are settling for part time work rather than full time. Not a boom number but people are getting into the workforce. Pay staying ahead of inflation is good at any pay scale.

"Spending at retail stores and restaurants rose in November by the most in eight months, an early sign that Americans are already spending some of the savings they are enjoying on gas-pump prices."

Get the rose colored glasses off for this. It happens every Christmas season. But overall the gas prices are putting dollars into people's pockets. An encouraging sign would be how many of these part-timers get held over into the post Christmas months. From the retail standpoint, it's not just about cashiers in stores anymore. The market is-a-changin'. Register ringers can now push buttons and scan into systems at manufactures and warehouses and shipping companies to make those brick and mortar transactions. You can't order a sammich, fill your gas tank or fix you car from Amazon. But if you want to get out of those other places then there are many places to go.
I get so tired of this bullshit talking point. Which "reckless policies" are you talking about? I don't think you know because then you turn around and say-

So which is it, does Obama have no policies to point to OR are his apparently imaginary policies "reckless"? I suppose it fits the "weak dictator" narrative of the confused far right.

You can be tired of it all you want and it is not a talking point more than it is a fact of life under this administration for 6 plus years. We can start with the ACA which has incentives for companies to switch full time employees to part time and not expand beyond 49 employees. Not to mention the increases on capital gains taxes and dividends so essentially it means there WON'T be any dividends. Let's try the 13 percent increase on the top marginal tax rate. These my friend are policies that have hurt not helped and I can name plenty more when time allows. Basically I am saying, that Obama has not implemented ONE pro-growth job creating policy during his tenure and anything that has been done has been by proactive governors (namely Rick Perry in your own state of Texas) that accounts for over 1/3 of the job growth that Obama is crowing about.

I am not confused at all on this. My point was that Obama will not give the credit where credit is due for his own self serving reasons whereas a pro business lower taxes President would be able to easily point to when and why these things have taken place and would be able to call out those responsible by name.'.

Those are the reckless policies of this administration and all he can do is try and stake claim to any economic good news while not being able to point to one positive thing he has done to cause it.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
So you're saying that republican governors are responsible for 1/3 of the growth, a number I find suspiciously convenient, however you're admitting that 66% of the growth is free and clear for the taking by Obama. Wow, those Obama policies really suck, being responsible for 2/3 of the job growth. Now, look at the five worst state economies Nevada, Florida, Connecticut, Arizona, and Michigan and all but Connecticut are run by Republicans, and that doesn't even touch the fuckups that Scott Walker and Sam Brownback are overseeing in their states. Come on, brother, quit talking out of your ass.
We can start with the ACA which has incentives for companies to switch full time employees to part time and not expand beyond 49 employees. Not to mention the increases on capital gains taxes and dividends so essentially it means there WON'T be any dividends. Let's try the 13 percent increase on the top marginal tax rate. These my friend are policies that have hurt not helped and I can name plenty more when time allows. Basically I am saying, that Obama has not implemented ONE pro-growth job creating policy during his tenure and anything that has been done has been by proactive governors (namely Rick Perry in your own state of Texas) that accounts for over 1/3 of the job growth that Obama is crowing about.

The same old republican bs arguments that have been proven wrong again and again. Since the ACA went into effect, full time work is up, and part time work is down, and has been slowly but steadily dropping since it's peak during the recession. Do you know what would increase part time work? Raising the threshold to 40 hours, like the republicans want to do. It would also add 53 billion to the deficit, according to the CBO, which is still credible for now, until the republicans ram dynamic scoring into it.
They've been plugging the same old bullshit about top marginal tax rates for decades, but all actual data points the opposite way. Clinton raised the top tax rates, and the economy boomed, Bush cut them back, and we know how that ended. And the recovery since 08 has been fastest since the top tax cuts expired. There is no evidence that supports your marginal tax rate claim, and plenty that refutes it.
Obama and the democrats have introduced plenty of pro growth policies and jobs acts, and they've pretty much all been filibustered by republicans. Do you remember the American recovery and reinvestment act? I'm sure you did plenty of bitching about it at the time. Pretty much every economist agrees that that kept unemployment much lower than it would have been otherwise.

Under Obama's hurtful and reckless policies we've had the longest continuous stretch of private sector job growth, despite the GOP working against America the whole way. Imagine what we could have done if they gave even half a shit about Americans. You can argue anything you like and hold any belief if you choose to ignore facts, but all the evidence is out there.
The same old republican bs arguments that have been proven wrong again and again. Since the ACA went into effect, full time work is up, and part time work is down, and has been slowly but steadily dropping since it's peak during the recession. Do you know what would increase part time work? Raising the threshold to 40 hours, like the republicans want to do. It would also add 53 billion to the deficit, according to the CBO, which is still credible for now, until the republicans ram dynamic scoring into it.
They've been plugging the same old bullshit about top marginal tax rates for decades, but all actual data points the opposite way. Clinton raised the top tax rates, and the economy boomed, Bush cut them back, and we know how that ended. And the recovery since 08 has been fastest since the top tax cuts expired. There is no evidence that supports your marginal tax rate claim, and plenty that refutes it.
Obama and the democrats have introduced plenty of pro growth policies and jobs acts, and they've pretty much all been filibustered by republicans. Do you remember the American recovery and reinvestment act? I'm sure you did plenty of bitching about it at the time. Pretty much every economist agrees that that kept unemployment much lower than it would have been otherwise.

Under Obama's hurtful and reckless policies we've had the longest continuous stretch of private sector job growth, despite the GOP working against America the whole way. Imagine what we could have done if they gave even half a shit about Americans. You can argue anything you like and hold any belief if you choose to ignore facts, but all the evidence is out there.

It's kinda busy around here today, but I will do a drive by like you have a penchant for and respond to what I put in bold.

The Clinton economy was a BUBBLE driven economy son this is not debatable. Trillions of dollars of bubble wealth helped to drive the economy. Any old Tom, Dick or Harry was making money on "anything.com".

I'll get to the rest when I have more time. Geez this guy is a glutton for punishment.
The same old republican bs arguments that have been proven wrong again and again. Since the ACA went into effect, full time work is up, and part time work is down, and has been slowly but steadily dropping since it's peak during the recession. Do you know what would increase part time work? Raising the threshold to 40 hours, like the republicans want to do. It would also add 53 billion to the deficit, according to the CBO, which is still credible for now, until the republicans ram dynamic scoring into it.

First let's state another fact. The labor force participation rate is at a 37 year low. What that means of those eligible to work in the 16-65 year old range 67.2 percent are working. But we won't hear Maobama talk about that. The Obamacare regulations have reduced small business pay by more than 20 billion annually and have reduced jobs by over 300,000 and counting. Workers are averaging close to a 1000 dollar a year reduction in wages due to Obamascare.

They've been plugging the same old bullshit about top marginal tax rates for decades, but all actual data points the opposite way. Clinton raised the top tax rates, and the economy boomed, Bush cut them back, and we know how that ended. And the recovery since 08 has been fastest since the top tax cuts expired. There is no evidence that supports your marginal tax rate claim, and plenty that refutes it.
Obama and the democrats have introduced plenty of pro growth policies and jobs acts, and they've pretty much all been filibustered by republicans. Do you remember the American recovery and reinvestment act? I'm sure you did plenty of bitching about it at the time. Pretty much every economist agrees that that kept unemployment much lower than it would have been otherwise.

Like I said earlier in the day, Clinton enjoyed a dot com bubble economy. Even the Commerce Department acknowledged that savings were at a rate of 8 percent in the 1990's to around 2 percent around the year 2000 the peak of the bubble.
Bubba handed Dubya a bubble and a looming recession. A few years later Dubya would return the favor in the form of the housing bubble and an all out economic crisis to Barry. So if I haven't said it before loud enough I will say it again Fuck GWB and any other Bush that wants to live at 1600 Penn. They won't get there if I have anything to do with it.

Under Obama's hurtful and reckless policies we've had the longest continuous stretch of private sector job growth, despite the GOP working against America the whole way. Imagine what we could have done if they gave even half a shit about Americans. You can argue anything you like and hold any belief if you choose to ignore facts, but all the evidence is out there.

Um that claim has more holes in it than Hulk Hogan's wife beater. At best, Obama has enjoyed a 2 percent annual GDP 54 months of job growth under Obama pales in comparison to Clinton (Boy in the Bubble) And Reagan's string of 75-80 months. I notice my liberal friends aren't taking shots at you for regurgitating talking points which is basically all you do and it would be a full time job refuting and discrediting all your bogus claims.

Let's face it, your boy is a failure and the economy is doing as well as it is right now in SPITE of his policies not because of them. We can thank the numerous governors that are pursuing business and offering incentives. Quite frankly, I am sick and tired of all the lies that comes out of this administration especially the biggest one of all "If you like your policy you can keep it!" He may as well have said.. if you like your sunshine..then it's not going to rain. If I want to hear more Obama lies all I have to do is tune into MSDNC to get my daily fix. We don't need you spreading that crap around here like you are some wannabe Aussie deputy White House Spokes-liar.
So you're saying that republican governors are responsible for 1/3 of the growth, a number I find suspiciously convenient, however you're admitting that 66% of the growth is free and clear for the taking by Obama. Wow, those Obama policies really suck, being responsible for 2/3 of the job growth. Now, look at the five worst state economies Nevada, Florida, Connecticut, Arizona, and Michigan and all but Connecticut are run by Republicans, and that doesn't even touch the fuckups that Scott Walker and Sam Brownback are overseeing in their states. Come on, brother, quit talking out of your ass.

No I am saying that Rick Perry is responsible for 1/3 of the job growth. Your state is flourishing.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
No I am saying that Rick Perry is responsible for 1/3 of the job growth. Your state is flourishing.

That merely illustrates how little you understand about the role and limitations of the power of the governor of Texas, that notwithstanding, anyone could be in charge in Texas and it wouldn't matter, Texas would keep humming right along, growing, producing jobs, and flourishing. I'm assuming you still cling to the failed fiscal theories of Ronald Reagan, thirty years of running up debt should have opened your eyes by now, but hey, some folks never learn.
That merely illustrates how little you understand about the role and limitations of the power of the governor of Texas, that notwithstanding, anyone could be in charge in Texas and it wouldn't matter, Texas would keep humming right along, growing, producing jobs, and flourishing. I'm assuming you still cling to the failed fiscal theories of Ronald Reagan, thirty years of running up debt should have opened your eyes by now, but hey, some folks never learn.

You are going to talk to me about Reagan's, as you call them, failed fiscal "theories" and running up debt all the while riding Obama's jock? That's rich!

And as far as any governor could be successful in Texas, a selfish part of me would have loved to see the bang up job Wendy Davis would have done. Rick Perry was the most pro business governor your state has had in my lifetime and I don't have to live there to recognize it.
Oh and x-man you still my boy you commie bastage. Even if you do piss me the fuck off sometimes. lol


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You are going to talk to me about Reagan's, as you call them, failed fiscal "theories" and running up debt all the while riding Obama's jock? That's rich!

And as far as any governor could be successful in Texas, a selfish part of me would have loved to see the bang up job Wendy Davis would have done. Rick Perry was the most pro business governor your state has had in my lifetime and I don't have to live there to recognize it.

Oh and x-man you still my boy you commie bastage. Even if you do piss me the fuck off sometimes. lol

The deficit has gone down since Obama took office, how exactly am I "riding Obama's jock"? See, this is part and parcel for the GOP, say whatever is convenient, true or not, to attack Obama. That might work on neophyte political acolytes, but not on anyone that actually pays attention.

Wendy Davis would have done the exact same job Rick Perry has done for the last fifteen years, the only difference being in the rhetoric. Governors in Texas are mostly window dressing, no real power.

I'm sorry if chiming in with reality pisses you off, but I don't do it that often. What's the point, really? You have an axe to grind with Democrats for the way they treated George W. Bush, I get it, but not at the expense of warping reality.

the deficit could do nothing but go down after that 700,000,000,000 right out of the gate of his administration. Stop believing all the Obama smoke and mirrors. You are too smart for that.