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High fructose corn syrup propaganda commercials


Hiliary 2020
Have you seen these? Have you heard about these?
The corn people who are subsidized by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT are spending a lot of money on TV commercials stating, " Youre body can't tell the difference".
"Sugar's Sugar".
Which is complete bullshit of course.
They even changed the name to "Corn Sugar" just to throw us off.

So why do they suddenly feel the need to do this?
Is it because that finally after 20+ years of saturating almost every food product(even most breads are loaded with it) with this crap that people are beginning to catch on that HFCS and obesity are completely connected?
That it's a major contributor to FAT USA.
Just them feeling the need to advertise it is practically an admission of guilt.
Like me walking into a bar and announcing , " I love Boobies!"..............which means more than likely I'm a homosexual.

Corn syrup is bad, the body can't process it like natural sugar, makes ya fat.
Its good people are avoiding it.
What bothers me most is that the GOV knows this but theyre making too much money off it to limit its use in food products.


Will E Worm

I have seen them and they are garbage.

" Youre body can't tell the difference".
"Sugar's Sugar".


Jon S.

Technically, from a scientific standpoint, sugar IS sugar.......and people DO process sugar the same. However, I do believe these commercials are total bs too....I mean, what would one expect the corn lobby to say? :dunno: HFCS IS bad for you......BUT, so is any kind of sugar in large quantities. :2 cents:

Anyway, I believe the is an even stronger correlation between the obesity problem in the United States over the past 20+ years, and an increase in portion sizes. For instance, 20 years ago, what fast food restaurants called a large soda.....well that's now a small (with 2-3 sizes larger...most offering a 44 oz as their largest now....compared to 20-22 oz in earlier times.).....PLUS, today we get free refills also. An 8 oz soda contains 200+ calories......multiply that by 4 for a 32 oz large soda, and that is 800+ calories just from the beverage alone. And calories ARE calories....even if there isn't any fat in it. Then, what used to be a large fry is now either a small or a medium. The sandwiches are bigger than ever.....Hardees/Carl's Jr. create some of the worst from a caloric/fat standpoint. Even casual dining establishments have increased the portion sizes. Couple that with the fact that people eat out more than ever (at least until the down tick in the economy anyway), and of course people are getting fatter than ever.....I just don't believe much of the blame can really be on HFCS solely. Plus, people aren't exercising like they used to either...up until recently, they had stopped putting in sidewalks even. Anyway, I believe the obesity problem is more a combination of gluttony & a lack of exercise than anything. Companies are offering us horrible things, and we are buying it.....most of the blame really goes to the people we see in the mirror everyday.....ourselves. :2 cents:

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
The day that we started replacing cane sugar with HFCS is the day the terrorists won.



*Watch/look/listen - UCSD Carbohydrate Ant test results +37:34

The ants that were fed sucrose were sluggish and had a higher mortality rate than those fed a different carbohydrate. The dead ants also had a 40% by weight fat content. fwiw :dunno:

Moderation, moderation, moderation I say.


Hiliary 2020
true story :clap:

Death proof is right about pete rose being right!!!!!!!
When I'm in Colombia the Coke is awesome (Don't say it!).

So true, Try that pepsi throwback with sugar instead of the cornshit, sooo much better.
Same with Mountain Dew if you like that antifreeze looking crap.
I think the Kosher Coca Cola has real sugar too, not cornshit............
They should market it as " Jew Coke", that'd be cool.
I'm gonna stock up on it when I see it in the store.
I just won't/can't drink that cornshit.


I just won't/can't drink that cornshit.

Sucrose is just plain everywhere much in the same way chinese products are, they're just too plain hard to avoid. You almost have to shop at Whole Foods (the rip off artists) or another alternative type of grocer in order to find products that don't contain the evil cost cutting ''suck-gross''.

Another thought... I wonder if sucrose from genetically manipulated corn is any safer than the sucrose that's not from genetically engineered/manipulated corn? Ya think?

Wait a minute, there's no such thing as non genetically engineered corn these days? Nope! :facepalm:
Corn syrup ruined sodas.

While I don't know if the sugar content is that different. High fructose corn syrup has about 5 % more fructose than normal sugar, I can find it believable that the taste is different between the two. It wouldn't be hard for one or both to have trace material that makes them taste different.
HFCS makes rats 50% fatter than the rats tested with the same amount of cane sugar. That's why so many more people are fat nowadays.


I doubt health outcomes in America would be much different if they suddenly switched from HFCS to normal table sugar- Australia is going through an obesity epidemic and there isn't HFCS in anything.

Vegetable oils are more to blame than sugar I think. Their anti-thyroid effects ensure you get fat as fuck from eating very little. To give some idea of how toxic they are: in rat studies cirrhosis of the liver can be reversed -while continuing to ply the rat with alcohol- just from changing it's dietary fat calories from vegetable oil to saturated fat.


knows petras secret: she farted.
ive seen the commercials too. and yes, well put, they ARE propaganda. why? ill tell you.

a lot of people are becomming aware of how awful corn "sugar" is. its a complicated form of sugar thats hard on the body to process. it is also becoming accpeted by many that this complication is a factor leading towards diabetes.

diabetes is a multi-million (if not billion) dollar industry. the drinks, the food, the doctor visits, the monitors, the test strips, and, not the forgoet, the fucking "medicine."

so people are now looking for alternatives. not many, but some. and the corn producers are losing money. so they researched and found out why. and so, to combat the missing profits, they made these commercials telling you not to worry, and that corn syrup isnt "bad for you."

pff, yeah, ok. you can say all you want its the same that "sugar is sugar" well, its not. sugar takes on many different forms. some are natural and simple to process, and some unnatural and complicated which causes stress on the pancreas. when your pancreas has had enough, thats called diabetes.

You Might be thinking, well, arent all commercials propaganda? well, sorta, but not like this. the pharmaceutical companies, health care system, and all the other people who have their finger in the tools and medicine you will need when you're sick with diabetes and/or obesity have their money based around the fact you need to be sick for them to stay in business and get rich.

you think they actually care and want you to get better so you wont need their shit anymore? yeah right. its big business.

those of us with a half a brain will disregard their sorry attempts. but, you know its working on a lot of other people and thats fucking sad.
High fructose corn sugar and "table" sugar are processed the same way by the body.

Gary Taubes wrote about this earlier this year in the New York Times.


Key passage: Because each of these sugars ends up as glucose and fructose in our guts, our bodies react the same way to both, and the physiological effects are identical. In a 2010 review of the relevant science, Luc Tappy, a researcher at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland who is considered by biochemists who study fructose to be the world’s foremost authority on the subject, said there was “not the single hint” that H.F.C.S. was more deleterious than other sources of sugar.

Bottom line: per present research, sucrose and HFCS are equally bad.

As far as corn producers being bad guys, the sugar industry in America has lobbied for a tariff on foreign sugar, so that sugar prices here in the US are far higher than the global free market price. They're hardly angels.

Also, just to be clear, sucrose is processed from sugar cane or sugar beets, with the sugar far purer and more concentrated than in the "natural" state. So it's not clear that table sugar is more natural than HFCS.