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Hey, Americans...


Hiliary 2020
Yes please vote for Obamo.
I'm planning on moving back to the USA one day with my Colombian girlfriend.
One reason is because Chavez will probably start a war with Colombia the day after Obama is sworn in (if he gets elected) and the USA will just sit back and watch, considering Obama and Chavez have the same Ideology so I better get the fuck out of here.
I figure if I don't marry my GF and get her pregnant a few times I should be able make it by just fine with all the social programs and "tax Credits" stolen from somebody who earned it and given to me by Barrak.
I just gotta remember to hide when the board of social services comes around.
With him there will be more spreading the wealth, midas well spread some my way.
Work? why bother?
New Jersey has done a good job squeezing out the middle class with outrageous taxes so far, he should just about finish the job.

Although I'm a typical white person who clings to guns a religion at times, I'm not rich, si I guess I'll join the ranks of the folks he wants to help by taking away personal advancement incentives and instead live off of the crumbs he throws me.

Not wanting to sound like one of those bitter Americans in this post, just analyzing the obvious future if it happens.

"When they kick in your front door, how you gonna come? With your hands on your head or on the trigger of a gun" Clash
You are forgetting about Supreme Court that has majority in Republican nominated Justices

yea but some of the republican nominations are very anti-bush. bush has never had a sympathetic majority on the supreme court. it is balanced now 4 right 4 left and kennedy as a deciding vote. for the last 50 years it has been firmly left of center.


Hiliary 2020
Sorry BlueBalls, but I have to correct you. The last 8 years have not been dominated by Republicans because Democrats have had control of Congress for much of that time. While it's nice to have a president as a scapegoat to blame for everything that happens in the country, the reality is that the president only has 1/3 of the power of the government. Whether you like him or not, Bush is not 100% responsible for everything that has happened in the past 8 years. The wars, even though they were planned by him and his staff, had to be approved by the Congress, the same Congress that now says they never backed him. The current state of the economy is not entirely his fault; while he did favor his oil cronies, the housing and banking slump were both caused by irresponsible lending practices that were instituted in the Clinton era.

I'm not trying to defend him, but I just think that we shouldn't only blame him when there are others who are equally, if not more, responsible for the fucked up state of things today.

I still don't know who to vote for. I'm not fond of McCain one bit, but I'll be damned if I ever vote someone like Obama. I think I'll just vote for Chuck Norris. :hatsoff:

Its like children cursing their parents for having to go clean their room.
Some people just won't see the threat until it disrupts the power source of their X-box and half a million people are dead.
So funny, that everytime during election campaign people have illusions!

I feel like many people invest their favourite candidate with all the ideal qualities they want. And when he is elected, they start to realise that their expectations play the bankrupt.

And after a few years after election the same people will start to curse new president up hill and down dale.

So, when it is an election day, I do not vote for better life, and I do not vote for the one whom I expect to be a fighter for the radiant future.
I vote for the one of them thinking "interesting to know, what kind of an asshole he will turn out to be as a president?"

no illusions. just curiosity. and the one who arouses more curiosity as a potential bastard will be the winner.

great post
If Obama wins I gurantee the bashing from the liberals will start after maybe 6 months like prime minister blair in britain. The problem is that liberals ultimately hate their political opponents. They HATE the south, the church, the military heritage, the family values... In my experience republicans don't hate the liberals they just see goodness where liberals see 'patriarchy' and 'oppression'. It's a load of bullshit. We might as well stick with the party that thinks America has some fundamental sense of goodness at the bottom of it, where we value people's freedoms to create their own destiny. I think Obama has traits of this, but ultimately I don't want to see a ruling elite that is full of idealism that will be brought down by its own supporters when it fails to produce the goods - i.e. anarchy and revolution. And I also resent Europeans telling us what to do and who to vote for. They obvioulsy think we have no brains of our own to choose. Their superiority stinks.

Oh boy.:rolleyes:

Liberals don't hate you. We just hate that you southern christian conservatives are racists and you belive in an imaginary space God. Which is really ridiculous in our opinion.

Also, we hate the fact that you see "goodness" where we see "oppression". Here is a few examples:
1. Guantanamo Bay detention camp - liberals see the violation of basic human rights, conservatives see "goodness".
2. Government sponsored torture - liberals see the violation of basic human rights, conservatives see "goodness".
3. Suspension of Habeus Corpus - liberals see the violation of basic human rights, conservatives see "goodness".
4. Spying on American citizens illegally - liberals see the violation of privacy and the rape of the constitution, conservatives see "goodness".

I could keep going but I'm tired of typing.

Obviously, I'll take liberal philosophy over your fake God, your bullshit "values" and the oppressive style by which the Republicans govern.


what the fuck you lookin at?
whatever, I'm glad all this bullshit will be over in less than 24 hours. Then we can focus on how the new president is fucking up!:nanner:
...Please do the right thing.

Your choices affect all of us, you know?

You're so right about that, Spleen.
And hopefully this time we will.

24 hours to go - here's hoping that, like you, other citizens of the world will encourage their american friends to do the right thing.


Closed Account
If he does not win, then I hope everyone who lives in another country is ready for a wave of new neighbors!


Indoctrinated / Reedukated Marxists Unite !

"It's All Good ! Oh, you sure know you global warming . . . but do you know your history ?

:thefinger :tongue:
what makes obama the "right" thing? i'm not saying i like mccain, in fact i despise him, i just think you should keep this ignorant crap to yourself instead of telling us what is the right and wrong way to vote.


Closed Account
McCain is going to die, and soon. Not from a death threat, but from old age. I don't want this country to have to handle Sarah Palin as President, there fore I vote Obama, because I believe under Biden, assuming Obama is assassinated we will have better chances at survival.
i wish people would research third party candidates before making decisions like that

why does it always have to be lesser of two evils

though honestly imo both mccain and obama are equally wrong for this country, i suppose it's easier for someone with my opinion


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
i wish people would research third party candidates before making decisions like that

why does it always have to be lesser of two evils

though honestly imo both mccain and obama are wrong for this country

Because it's the American way. Why break tradition? :dunno:


I can't believe I got soliceted by a forgiegner on who to vote for. I love it when everyone outside the U.S. think they know the U.S. and all it's complexities.

By the way for the record, take yer friggin' Euro, because last I knew employment in the U.S. was still higher than in Europe.

See this is why American politicians care more about their precious forgiegn policies, rather than a good solid domestic policy.

What exactly do you people think Barrack is going to do for you? Do you have any serious clue? Perhaps you've all forgotten or don't know, but a president in America can't do much that congress can't do already.

Christ I could go on such a tirade right now, but figure why bother. It will only fall on deaf ears anyways. No sence in preaching to a brick wall.


Yes please vote for Obamo.
I'm planning on moving back to the USA one day with my Colombian girlfriend.
One reason is because Chavez will probably start a war with Colombia the day after Obama is sworn in (if he gets elected) and the USA will just sit back and watch, considering Obama and Chavez have the same Ideology so I better get the fuck out of here.
I figure if I don't marry my GF and get her pregnant a few times I should be able make it by just fine with all the social programs and "tax Credits" stolen from somebody who earned it and given to me by Barrak.
I just gotta remember to hide when the board of social services comes around.
With him there will be more spreading the wealth, midas well spread some my way.
Work? why bother?
New Jersey has done a good job squeezing out the middle class with outrageous taxes so far, he should just about finish the job.

Although I'm a typical white person who clings to guns a religion at times, I'm not rich, si I guess I'll join the ranks of the folks he wants to help by taking away personal advancement incentives and instead live off of the crumbs he throws me.

Not wanting to sound like one of those bitter Americans in this post, just analyzing the obvious future if it happens.

"When they kick in your front door, how you gonna come? With your hands on your head or on the trigger of a gun" Clash

So you expect to live of of my taxed income, aye. I've got a better idea, keep your lazy ass in Columbia. We don't need or want you back.
I would vote, but I'm too lazy plus I would have to stand in a line?
I'm not too much into wasting my time trying to accomplish anything I prefer free stuff that I deserve.
I think I'm going to have all my personal history hidden too unless it will keep me from getting any freebee's. So I'll only hide my past if I want to run for the big banana of the world.
Speaking of a big banana, I guess it would be more worth my wild to look at some hot babes now.
You do understand that Obama is going to do more damage to the economy than has already been done by the democratic congress?--
I can't believe I got soliceted by a forgiegner on who to vote for. I love it when everyone outside the U.S. think they know the U.S. and all it's complexities.
It's too bad there are so many people inside it that think they do...and don't.