Heaven or Hell?

Heaven or Hell?

  • Heaven - I've Been a Good Person

    Votes: 23 47.9%
  • Hell - I've Done Unforgivable Things

    Votes: 2 4.2%
  • Purgatory - I'm Both Good and Bad, But Not Too Good or Too Bad

    Votes: 8 16.7%
  • I Was Born. I'll Die. They'll Bury Me. I'll Be Worm Food. Ashes to Ashes...

    Votes: 12 25.0%
  • I Never Thought About It Much. Who Cares Anyway?

    Votes: 3 6.3%

  • Total voters
I think about this almost everyday. What have I done in my life, what will I do, and where will I end up? I try to live my life to the best of my ability and try not to give into sin. I believe that this is all that God asks of us. Everynight I pray and read at least two chapters from my Bible. In the end I hope that all I've done has landed me in Heaven. If not, then I'll be waiting to get to Hell and bust down Satan.
Overall I would say I'm a good person. Obviously I'm not perfect (I am posting regularly on a board for a pornographic website), however I would say over all I am a very caring person who is good to others in my life; including my wife, my parents, the rest of my family, my friends, and even my in-laws. I am in the process of training for a job that has a sole purpose of helping others. So, even if I spend some time in purgatory I hope that I will someday be in heaven.
I am not religious guy, but I think that in spite of all, you could find more insteresting people in Hell. I know Dante did...
But as I'd like to say: If you Die, I will try to F**k your widow, and you won't be able to do anything

(17) for in the gospel a righteousness from god is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: "the righteous will by faith".
- romans 1:17

translation - man is saved to heaven by faith alone.

ps: there is no purgatory, the divine comedy by dante is just a big love letter to some woman.
I'm going to heaven, but I am enjoying life here now.

BTW the Inferno was not a love letter, it was burn on the Catholic church.
Nightfly said:
I had thought about that option (reincarnation) and truthfully, I forgot it when I was making the poll part of the post! :eek: :tongue: :hatsoff:

Perhaps you could start a new poll/thread. What do you think you would come back as if you were reincarnated? :D
What I would like to come back as if I was reincarnated and what I would come back as are to very different things. :1orglaugh
i really laught with the options!!! :D
well , let's see ...
i know i'm not the best person in the world.i've done many bad things ,but i dont know
whether i deserve to go to hell or to heaven!!!!
may the Big Boss deside for that! :D

but since you're gonna be dead "Who Cares Anyway?"
If I believed in heaven or hell or purgatory I would say that I would probaby end up in purgatory. I've never done anything really bad but I also live my life the way I want despite what any church says I should do with my time and how I should live my life. Since I don't believe in heaven, hell, or purgatory, I guess it's not a problem.
I am relegious, and believe in God, but I know I have done a lot of wrong things in my life. I just have to ask God for forgiveness. I hope to be in Heaven one day