yes and less jingoistic/chauvinistic ...tripped then corrected yourself and then tripped again
B bustybbwlover Sep 4, 2010 #6,021 yes and less jingoistic/chauvinistic ...tripped then corrected yourself and then tripped again
B bustybbwlover Sep 4, 2010 #6,025 no but i've seen one (it was little and disappeared then reappeared then disappeared again) ...hit your funny bone so hard your arm went numb
no but i've seen one (it was little and disappeared then reappeared then disappeared again) ...hit your funny bone so hard your arm went numb
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Sep 4, 2010 #6,027 No. Bent a woman over in a hedge outside college, arsefucked her for a while without a condom, then had her turn around and start sucking ya dick?
No. Bent a woman over in a hedge outside college, arsefucked her for a while without a condom, then had her turn around and start sucking ya dick?
B bustybbwlover Sep 5, 2010 #6,031 nope ...been steadily getting annoyed for no apparent reason, then realized you hate the song playing on the radio
nope ...been steadily getting annoyed for no apparent reason, then realized you hate the song playing on the radio
B bustybbwlover Sep 5, 2010 #6,033 yes...then i got over it ...wished you could just make everything better for your love
B bustybbwlover Sep 5, 2010 #6,035 was pointless once or perhaps i didn't see the point ...thought about how what our corporations do throughout the world constitutes the main reason a lot of the world hates us was pointless once or perhaps i didn't see the point ...thought about how what our corporations do throughout the world constitutes the main reason a lot of the world hates us
B bustybbwlover Sep 5, 2010 #6,037 indeed they take their work as science when it's closer to an art ...jumped off a bridge for fun
B bustybbwlover Sep 5, 2010 #6,039 indeed...those fuckers take that shit should have i but i was intoxicated with my 22 year old invincibility and infallibility ....been so stoned going 35 felt like you were speeding
indeed...those fuckers take that shit should have i but i was intoxicated with my 22 year old invincibility and infallibility ....been so stoned going 35 felt like you were speeding