Have you ever.............

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Well you are hot and I have fun posting here...so sometimes one thing leads to another and both things get combined. ;)

forgot to clean your fingers after masturbating and so accidentally spread cum/pussy juice on your keyboard?
Been to everyone that is in my town actually.

Forget when masturbating at your computer and scratched your head with your cum filled hand?

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life

Question for Alisa again :D
forgot to clean your fingers after masturbating and so accidentally spread pussy juice on your keyboard?

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
No. Never been stung by a bee!

(btw you don't HAVE to do it! ;)) And do you mean I wished that you had done it already? :shy: Or do you wish you had spread pussy juice on your keyboard? :confused:

been stung by more than one bee or wasp at one day?
Yep snakes a mouse a rabbit a raccoon. All my fault I picked them up and wanted to bring them home.

been camping and not been bitten by bugs? (during bug season not this ya it was winter crap)

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
No. Well when we had a big house there was a black neighbor cat coming by every now and then and we gave him some food. But that's all. Never seen or found a home for a stray cat. :o

needed to euthanize (or let euthanize) a pet? :(
Yes my dog and cat from when I was a kid. MY doggy had massive heart failure at 11 and my kitty started having strokes at 19 yrs old.

Watched an animal give birth?
It has happened in one of my fantasies. Which lead me to touch myself. Though I don't think that's exactly what you meant

thought about being wrapped up in my blanky with me when its all I'm wearing?