indeed ...realized that you weren't fucked up the world actually was
B bustybbwlover Aug 19, 2010 #5,601 indeed ...realized that you weren't fucked up the world actually was
B bustybbwlover Aug 19, 2010 #5,605 indeed (drinking and fighting kind) ...realized you didn't need to be angry (in general) anymore
B bustybbwlover Aug 19, 2010 #5,607 yes ...thought about how much of life is spent on completely wasted time (elevators, driving, etc)
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Aug 19, 2010 #5,611 Yep Eaten a can of tuna for breakfast cos ur in a hurry?
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Aug 20, 2010 #5,613 NO! Found beauty in smething/someone disgusting.
M Member442 Aug 20, 2010 #5,615 No can't say that i've done that one washed a car in a bikini because they lost a bet?
B bazza599 Aug 20, 2010 #5,617 yes ever let a girl kiss you after she has been sucking you off and you cum in her mouth