yes. ...fallen in love with a porno star
B bustybbwlover Aug 11, 2010 #5,482 no just lust ...gone to a record store and come out with none of what you went in to get?
B bustybbwlover Aug 11, 2010 #5,490 yes cuz of a fever ...watched a movie with a 'surprise ending' that you figured out early on?
B bustybbwlover Aug 11, 2010 #5,495 no ...watched the news and laughed at the sad story (make sad face) followed by the happy story (make happy face) of the anchor?
no ...watched the news and laughed at the sad story (make sad face) followed by the happy story (make happy face) of the anchor?
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Aug 11, 2010 #5,497 No. Interrupted a convo between busenbust and sexybbwlover?
vodkazvictim Why save the world, when you can rule it? Aug 11, 2010 #5,499 yep and spunked on. Been so drunk u tied to finger a gal from behind and accidentally put ya finger in her arse and not her pussy?
yep and spunked on. Been so drunk u tied to finger a gal from behind and accidentally put ya finger in her arse and not her pussy?
Shifty O.G. Aug 11, 2010 #5,500 No, it's never been accidental. ... ever been pulled over for driving too slowly?