Have you ever.............


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

Ever been to a Jacko(MJ) concert, be honest now.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

& No, if I go to a concert, I'm there for the music, not some lowly human, who wants an sexual experience.

Ever went to work/College/whatever, after you've been awake for at least 24h?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND

Have you?

P.S Besides, we don't use dollars here.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Actually, I have. A BJ in the brothel.

I didn't like it, I need to have a little love involved

Have you ever started a fight?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
No, but I ended it, people always bullied me in school, due to my height.

Have you ever read To The Center of The Earth?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
No. Well, except for when I've turned down lonely, desperate, muscular gentlemen.

Have you ever farted so hard that you peed a little?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
They tried in the job I had before. But because I have a serious disability that helped stay and work there.

But I left the company (Ironically, a Center for Seriously Disabled People, always a laugh when I tell this story) a year later due to the fucked up situation in the group homes for the handicapped. It is a shame how people that can hardly stand up for their human rights get reated. I worked there as a Social Worker.

Did you ever cheated with a married person?


Lord Dipstick

....got blown/serviced by someone you met on the net?