I met Nikki Benz in June 2009. She was feature dancing in Portland, ME for the weekend and I managed to have enough gas to go and check out the show. I tried to get an interview with her since we had somewhat of a rapport but sadly she was still under management at the time so couldn't do it. But the crazy thing was that she recognized me before I came up and said my name.
I went to the show with a big framed piece of fan art I'd sent her on MySpace a couple months before which was of her GTA IV style, which became her display picture for quite a long time after. And before that I'd presented other fan art for her. I went up with two copies of the poster, one in the frame signed by me for her, and one that was rolled up for myself for her to sign, but before I get in a word I hand her the frame and she asked, "Do I sign this for Sketch or Eddie?" (my alias and real name) and I thought I was having a stroke. Anyway, she signed my poster, took the framed one, and I went home. The PS to that story is a couple weeks later she shoots me an e-mail wanting to pay me for the art I did for free to make promo prints to hand out at appearances, and also that the frame I gave her was hanging in her living room (no confirmation on that one.)