Have U read about this douchbag whore???

I want to know the trick to doing it so I can do it too. YEAH BABY, YEAH!.

Will E Worm

How is she a whore for winning money? She won $700,000.

She won a cash prize. Because she played the lottery.
So, if she had won a car she should have to give her old care away?

My lawyer told me it is legal. :hatsoff:
This reminds me one time of a drug dealer who won £20 million and had a big private house with three vehicles in his runway all got from his "not so legal business". It was in the paper in the UK a few years back. And another clown who won £10 mil and a year and a half later he was down to £500k left. And another time a convicted serial rapist won £7mill and then his victims were trying to sue him for damages. It seems to be the wrong ones winning big cash amounts. Maybe I should become a serial rapist or a drug dealer or a murderer or some other sort of convict. If I was maybe then I'd win big time cash amounts at lotteries. It works for them.... then again this is me not them. I'd probably win a fucking fiver or something knowing me.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
This reminds me one time of a drug dealer who won £20 million and had a big private house with three vehicles in his runway all got from his "not so legal business". It was in the paper in the UK a few years back. And another clown who won £10 mil and a year and a half later he was down to £500k left. And another time a convicted serial rapist won £7mill and then his victims were trying to sue him for damages. It seems to be the wrong ones winning big cash amounts. Maybe I should become a serial rapist or a drug dealer or a murderer or some other sort of convict. If I was maybe then I'd win big time cash amounts at lotteries. It works for them.... then again this is me not them. I'd probably win a fucking fiver or something knowing me.
Take a moment.
You may not realise this, but you win already just by not being like those parasite scum.
Didn't the guy from Breaking Bad said that he got his cash from "gambling"? :dunno:

First thing that came to my mind was "that is a good example of how our welfare system is broken" but then again if she doesn't have any brains she might end up needing welfare again not that far into the future. You give that amount of cash to someone with no foresight they'll just blow it all on celebrating their good fortune...and gifts for family and friends, that's okay I guess but then the money won't last. The fact that she still collecting food stamps tells me something about her having a dependent personality that now even with some cash that she could use to better herself by getting an education first get her GED then off to... I don't know, community college at least and then getting herself a good job, or by opening up a small business, at least a franchise of some restaurant, or investing it into the stock market....oh, wait, Democrat in the White House, forget that one :tongue: I mean, just trying to find a way to live off the interest!!


what the fuck you lookin at?
OH after taxes it was a little over half. That's a good way to justify it you fuckin cunt! :thefinger:
She's an asshole.

Some states have it setup so that if an individual receiving benefits get lump sum payments, say like back child support, they won't lose their benefits because the income isn't consistent.

Idiots like this woman take advantage of that "loop hole."

This happened in Michigan last year as well. A guy won several million bucks, but was still getting food stamps.
This is not surprising at all. It's the whole entitlement culture that we have. Most people just expect to be given everything without any strings. How much of her Bridge Card do you think goes toward "munchies"?

So after taxes you got about $500,000. Have you ever thought about investing some of it? It doesn't really make any difference anyhow. She will blow all of it in a year and go back to being a broke bitch leeching off the system.
Clearly this is a loophole in the system that needs to be closed. I've heard about this happening a few times in the past. I think its because you qualify for welfare based of how much money you make, not how much money you have. So if you win a million bucks but you don't work, then technically your income is zero, qualifying you for welfare. I could be wrong but thats how I think it works. Hopefully those bills that the article spoke of will pass, so assholes like this won't take advantage of a system that is meant for people who really need it.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
That 700K won't last her too long.


This is stupid, if she now has that amount of money in the bank, she's not going to use Food Stamps. She might still be eligible for them, though.

This woman could be costing US taxpayers nearly .001 cents each by exploiting welfare!

Kick her ass for getting lucky!
I'll bet not a single one of you fuckers would win a (relatively) small amount in the lottery and then say "Stop giving me more money!!!"

Like she said in the interview, she thought it would stop but it didn't so she kept taking it. She didn't know she had to go and tell them to stop.

We just love to hate on people, don't we?


Will E Worm

The legislature is revising the law at this moment.

I'm sure there's not one crook on the city council. :tongue:

That 700K won't last her too long.

I doubt it will. Hopefully she will do something responsible with it.

I'll bet not a single one of you fuckers would win a (relatively) small amount in the lottery and then say "Stop giving me more money!!!"

Like she said in the interview, she thought it would stop but it didn't so she kept taking it. She didn't know she had to go and tell them to stop.

We just love to hate on people, don't we?


Sad, pathetic people love to hate others because they have something they don't. ;)