Has WWE gone downhill?

yeah WWE is horrid now. I've seen a couple episodes from 2010 and it's just unbearable to watch. There characters seem so bland and it seems like it's a show solely for kids.
Its all become a huge advertisement to sell their apparel, toys, games, and other useless crap they sell...as soon as I found out from a friend that Hornswoggle was in DX and all DX's skits were like comic relief to promote their new merch, I never watched again...and I was a huge fan since I was was like 2 years old and stopped watching cause of that wigger, that never loses, Cena .

Plus if you want a good match you have to buy one of their exaggerated amounts of PPV's they have now...raw and smackdown matches always seem so pointless and are never any good now, plus the PPV system is going down the shitter too... seriously they name the events Fatal 4-way, Helll in a cell, and TLC now?....so if I want to see a certain match type, I have to order the corresponding PPV...seriously?
This PG crap is pissing me off, especially after firing Bryan Danielson. Still love me some CM Punk though, he, Evan Bourne and The Miz keep me watching though.
The Attitude Era was a way of life during 97-01.

WWE is in a rerun right now. I see it as it was in the early 90's, appealing to kids and family oriented. But back than wrestling was still good.
Absolutely. Story lines are predictable for the most part. All the good stars are aging. I think after the attitude era we were hoping that someone would be as awesome as The Rock or Stone Cold, but no one really comes close. Maybe it's our fault for expecting so much, but the WWF set the bar awfully high as to what Pro Wrestling should be.
TNA in the recent has been topping the WWE in quality if you ask me. The introduction of RVD was a great idea. I don't like him personally, but the fans seem to love him. On the WWE side, it feels like there's an awful amount of heels, and not a lot of faces to balance it out. I'm hoping something gives and TNA and WWE just go hardcore Attitude-ish and blow all of us away.
First of all you're all right. WWE ain't nothing what it was used to be. I loved the Attitude era with Rock, Stone Cold, Dudleyz etc, but since the era ended it became more boring and boring. When I watch a show, it seems they wanted to copy the old days but they all fail to be like the Attitude stars. Some of them who stayed have become old or awkward (Kane e. g.). It's a shame that the new storylines and matches are all predictable. And Cena isn't worth the money he's getting. And why did Bret Hart come back? In all those years since he left the industry, he got all the respect from nearly everyone. But now it seems to me that his appearance just has to save WWE and he deeply knows that he's just not worth it. :(
i used to watch wwf/wwe every time it was on but these days it's fun to check out every once in a while and i'd say it's just as bad as it always was...but still enjoyable


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
CM-Punk & the SES are the only enjoyable things about wrestling now, and even that's starting to suck because WWE doesn't know what to do with them.
What's this? WWE is not real? It's scripted?
I do not believe it!
Gave up when HHH became an almost good guy! Orton I loathe. Oh yea, it ain't real is it?

It's crap now it's PG, all the edgy and interesting storylines are banished whilst the divas aren't the same as the circa 98 talent.

In my opinion it's terrible these days!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I remember that stuff as a kid on Saturday afternoon and then Saturday Nights Main Event...Ocassionally I watch the wrestling on the Mexican stations and if I am up late I have a few Japanese stations that show wrestling over there...And to be honest those two countries have some pretty cool wrestling...In Mexico you got guys and midgets wearing maskes flying in and out of the ring doing flips, and the same can be said in Japan, but then you get guys that are being tossed into plate glass windows and barbed wire...any that is my two cents with out the cents.
I did not read any post in this thread. I will leave it to that.

In my experience I remember watching wrestling when Goldberg was a small name on Saturday Night Nitro at 7PM on TNT and TBS. I remember WWF on Monday nights and WCW on Wednesday nights.

I got out of both the wrestling shows and next thing I found was NWO returned with black and white and red and white. Following that I noticed Eric Bischoff came back out of he blue.

Next thing I noticed the F in WWF was dropped and it was called WWE. All of a sudden Hulk Hogan had a reality show on VH1, I gave completely up on wrestling, no matter the fact I should return to it every five years or so.

Though I will admit that TNA seems to be what I was apart of when it comes to wrestling.

In the end wrestling be it WWE or whatever it is called now is nothing but a soap opera in a wrestling ring.
Its gone down hill ever since 2001, they need to get rid of Cena, it won't happen though because all the little shits buy his t-shirts, also get rid of Batista, Swagger, Sheamus, Khali, Undertaker has gone past his sell by date, they need to give people like Morrison, Mizz.

They also need to bring back the Hardcore division!

Glad to see Orton has gone facce, but a bad guy face like Stone Cold.
Stopped watching wrestling when I discovered UFC. I'd rather watch real fighting than fake fighting mixed with a stupid storyline involving Vince McMahon and a midget every single week.