Has porn helped homosexuality seem normal?

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Dirk and Will E! :lovecoupl

Am I the only one who hated that show? :confused:

You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination. Leviticus 18:22

Notice it says man. not woman.
Therefore women laying with women is ok.
Its a no brainer.

One more just for good measure:

Whoever lies with an animal shall be put to death.Exodus 22:19

so don't get any funny ideas

The bible was not written by God. It was written by men and the bible is not the word of God, it is man's interpretation of the word of God.


Hiliary 2020
2 kinds of homosexuals.
those who like men but don't advertise it with every word , movement and any other way.
then there are those who must make everybody around them know they are homosexual by any means possible.
the former are normal sane people.
the latter have serious mental hangups.

Like these fruitcakes



AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
2 kinds of homosexuals.
those who like men but don't advertise it with every word , movement and any other way.
then there are those who must make everybody around them know they are homosexual by any means possible.
the former are normal sane people.
the latter have serious mental hangups.

Like these fruitcakes

Or this guy .... :D


Connor Macleod

Staff member
2 kinds of homosexuals.
those who like men but don't advertise it with every word , movement and any other way.
then there are those who must make everybody around them know they are homosexual by any means possible.
the former are normal sane people.
the latter have serious mental hangups.

I look at it differently. There are men who are gay, and other men who are Super Gay! It's really easy to tell them apart. :rolleyes:
Homosexuality is normal. :confused:
I think not being obliterated completely from society long enough for people to either not care anymore or to actually help protect their rights is what did the trick.


Hiliary 2020
I look at it differently. There are men who are gay, and other men who are Super Gay! It's really easy to tell them apart. :rolleyes:

Homosexuality is normal. :confused:

I have no problem with what somebody wants in their life.
I was only messin when I quoted the good book.

But I do have a problem with homosexual guys shoving the fact that they are homo sexual in mine and everybody faces 24/7.
In the states its common, and to me thats not normal behavior, its weird and its homosexuals like them who make people want to avoid them and form negative opinions of homo sexuals in general.

Its like me living in another country and constantly reminding everybody I deal with that I'm American........people would avoid me not because I am American but because I am an overbearing asshole.
I have no problem with what somebody wants in their life.
I was only messin when I quoted the good book.

But I do have a problem with homosexual guys shoving the fact that they are homo sexual in mine and everybody faces 24/7.
In the states its common, and to me thats not normal behavior, its weird and its homosexuals like them who make people want to avoid them and form negative opinions of homo sexuals in general.

Its like me living in another country and constantly reminding everybody I deal with that I'm American........people would avoid me not because I am American but because I am an overbearing asshole.

I see your point and it can get annoynig (canything can really)

But imo it's a form of advertising. Like someone who subscribes to a social culture...such as being EMO or Goth or Punk or Thug or Cowboy etc... It's a sign to others of the same mindset or at least themselves that they're pulling their weight for that particular ideology and not hiding it.

For anyone who doesn't relate to it though it's just mildly to greatly annoying at worst and ignorable at best.

Nationality can be the same way but like the others it depends on how much self-representation one wants to put into it.
But I do have a problem with homosexual guys shoving the fact that they are homo sexual in mine and everybody faces 24/7.
In the states its common, and to me thats not normal behavior, its weird and its homosexuals like them who make people want to avoid them and form negative opinions of homo sexuals in general.
Does it actually hurt you in any way? Nobody's shoving it in your face, unless... you're already tempted by it...that actually makes more sense. XD
Many porn scenes seem to show all-American women being as into girls as men naturally. Is this in any way progressive?

heh...i don't think i've ever heard anyone argue that porn is progressive, when it comes to porn i've heard immoral more times than i can count but this is the first time i've heard progressive thrown porn's way :D


Hiliary 2020
Does it actually hurt you in any way? Nobody's shoving it in your face, unless... you're already tempted by it...that actually makes more sense. XD

no, it doesn't.
its just annoying to be around,

And youre right though, no one is shoving it in my face .......here.
friday nights in the gym 6-8 pm, just meester and the gay guys.
here they are veery discreet about it.
In the states, like I said, a lot of them go out of theyre way to make it apparent.........and I find it weird and annoying.

And c'mon, youre gonna pull that if anybody says anything negative about homosexuality they must be a closet homo sexual crap on me?


Connor Macleod

Staff member
no, it doesn't.
its just annoying to be around,

And youre right though, no one is shoving it in my face .......here.
friday nights in the gym 6-8 pm, just meester and the gay guys.
here they are veery discreet about it.
In the states, like I said, a lot of them go out of theyre way to make it apparent.........and I find it weird and annoying.

And c'mon, youre gonna pull that if anybody says anything negative about homosexuality they must be a closet homo sexual crap on me?


I think I understand what you mean. To me, the idea of guy-on-guy sex is just repugnant, but what other guys do in private is just fine and doesn't bother me. It's like food. Some people love escargot, but there is no chance in hell that I'm ever gonna eat a snail.
Homosexuality is normal. :confused:

Well, from my POV homosexuality is just *another* part of sexuality , like for example lesbian is .
I´m very simple in this things : If NONE is getting hurt ( by sould or body ) , they may do whatever they wanna do. I don´t have to make everything *my own * , but I can accept it . :):angels:

Connor Macleod

Staff member
Well, from my POV homosexuality is just *another* part of sexuality , like for example lesbian is .
I´m very simple in this things : If NONE is getting hurt ( by sould or body ) , they may do whatever they wanna do. I don´t have to make everything *my own * , but I can accept it . :):angels:

Sounds okay to me...
Well, from my POV homosexuality is just *another* part of sexuality , like for example lesbian is .
I´m very simple in this things : If NONE is getting hurt ( by sould or body ) , they may do whatever they wanna do. I don´t have to make everything *my own * , but I can accept it . :):angels:

perhaps even more complete...or if one enjoys getting hurt there is no problem
No, it has probably set the 'movement' seriously back.
1) Ever since the early 90's and it was discovered that homosexuality in men is caused by a birthdefect that alters their hypothalamus's shape to that of a womans the argument that it is not a choice has held no water as cures actually do exist.
2) I have almost stopped watching Porn with Men in it entirely because of all the closeted directors shooting male genetalia and asses instead of the women -which is why we watch porn. If I wanted to watch men fucking or Men I would buy a movie with men on the cover!
3) Many of the 'male talent' in porn are gay a lot of them work as m4m escorts even though they may be in the 'straight porn' business they are gay and to be quite frank it has been showing in a lot of their work for some time.
4) Yea, someone really should make a list of the gay performers particularly the ones who do m4m escorting as I am sure many of the women in Porn once they knew would chose to put them on their 'no' lists. Then we can go on like we did 20 years ago and only have to worry about a couple of gays doing the straight stuff like Mark Wallace and Alex Sanders.
5) Contrary to what some activists may say unprotected Anal intercourse is still the best way to catch all 3 of the HIV strains and given what I have heard about the fiasco with testing in the industry I don't think any of the ladies want to be working with high risk partners.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
No, it has probably set the 'movement' seriously back.
1) Ever since the early 90's and it was discovered that homosexuality in men is caused by a birthdefect that alters their hypothalamus's shape to that of a womans the argument that it is not a choice has held no water as cures actually do exist.

And how many do you think would want the cure? I know there would be some, but all that would want it, would only do so because of how they've been treated throughout their lives, not because they truly believe they are abnormal. This cure is potentially dangerous because it would effectively alter the personality of each individual it was given to. In the long run, I believe a large number of those would end up being institutionalized or committing suicide. I think this cure would be better off only considered for infants where this defect has been detected.

Also, the so-called cure can work both ways, changing a straight individual to gay. I read where someone submitted an idea to the military where we could infect the water supply of an enemy country, turning men gay for a long-term campaign of lowering birth rates and reducing enemy combatants.
I think Hollywood 'helped' to make it seem normal to answer the topic question.
Right now movies are littered with gay/lesbian innuendos and storyline plots,scenes,etc
Music is the same thing.The most popular artists feature songs and videos glorifying it.
Soon enough most people will say homosexuality is normal.
Even church ministers who are gay are being ordained.:facepalm: