Has McCain thrown in the towel on the race?

LMAO you guys can't have it both ways ,he is eithier too inexperienced and never done anything or has done all this bad stuff,which is it????

He wasn't even in the senate in 2003 so its kinda tough to see him connected to anything that happened then.Has McCain thrown in the towel,no for sure he hasn't.But his cut man is having a heck of time in the corner between rounds right now.:D

Don't include me in "you guys" I started to like Barrack after he gave that speech in 2004 but changed my mind when he started getting endorsements from celebrities and the media started making him walk on water and how crazy they went over him during that speech in Germany I was like "who the hell does this guy thinks he is?" Not even Kerry who I voted for him back in 2004 did shit like this.

I am still trying to figure this mess out. With this "economy stuff" going on right now Ron Paul seems like the man who tell it like it is and not walk on eggshells like either McCain who doesn't want to look bad to his conservative base by helping in approving this "bail out bill" or in keeping his bipartisan image or Barrack who doesn't want to take no clear position or his hands dirty by just watching things develop"(have not seen the debate yet) or "it was their fault, mentallity".

I think if McCain would have not attended that debate it would have been over him. I give props on Obama on stating that debate will go on because "a president needs to be able to multitask". Barrack's camp are catching on to McCain's tactics on setting the playing field and they just running a long with him.

Now he did not throw the towel, there's still some fight on him and IMO this one is going to be decided either on large landslide of votes towards Obama in reaction of their anger towards Bush or a every vote must be counted as in a repeat of the Gore/Bush fiasco.
Don't include me in "you guys" I started to like Barrack

Barack I think.

Well one person that he has associated with for years is Bill Ayers, scumbag terrorist.
He also took money from groups associated with Hezbolah, more scumbag terrorists.

This crap is getting old, and this guy is NOT what this country needs, I'm done with this shit.

I'm done with people taking pot shots at ME PERSONALLY just because I see things differently from them.

I'm entitled to my fucking opinion just like everyone else is. Yet just because my opinion is different from most people here, I am basically called a racist and stupid and whatever some of these people here think..

I've NEVER attacked ANYBODY here.

Well gee Mr. Wilson don't get mad. I guess according to CNN this morning 62% of the people don't agree with you, and have other important priorities. :dunno:

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Originally Posted by 86150
Well one person that he has associated with for years is Bill Ayers, scumbag terrorist.
He also took money from groups associated with Hezbolah, more scumbag terrorists.

This crap is getting old, and this guy is NOT what this country needs, I'm done with this shit.

I'm done with people taking pot shots at ME PERSONALLY just because I see things differently from them.

I'm entitled to my fucking opinion just like everyone else is. Yet just because my opinion is different from most people here, I am basically called a racist and stupid and whatever some of these people here think..

I've NEVER attacked ANYBODY here.

Did you threw tomatoes at anyone??

Oh yeah AFA I did stated "started to like..." you didn't quote the whole sentence you with your cultist clapping sig! lol... But right now he's as good as Barry used to be.
Originally Posted by 86150
Well one person that he has associated with for years is Bill Ayers, scumbag terrorist.
He also took money from groups associated with Hezbolah, more scumbag terrorists.

This crap is getting old, and this guy is NOT what this country needs, I'm done with this shit.

I'm done with people taking pot shots at ME PERSONALLY just because I see things differently from them.

I'm entitled to my fucking opinion just like everyone else is. Yet just because my opinion is different from most people here, I am basically called a racist and stupid and whatever some of these people here think..

I've NEVER attacked ANYBODY here.

Did you threw tomatoes at anyone??

Oh yeah AFA I did stated "started to like..." you didn't quote the whole sentence you with your cultist clapping sig! lol... But right now he's as good as Barry used to be.

Yes, I lost control. I didn't want to repeat all that. I guess the Obama cult got, me as I suddenly didn't remember what I was doing.

Does McCain also have a cult? If he doesn't, I don't think there's any reason I'd support him for free. It's just not their way! :confused:
Yes, I lost control. I didn't want to repeat all that. I guess the Obama cult got, me as I suddenly didn't remember what I was doing.

Does McCain also have a cult? If he doesn't, I don't think there's any reason I'd support him for free. It's just not their way! :confused:

Maybe HALLIBURTON? oops..did I say that.
Yes, that's part of the cult. What a great bunch of guys. I thought Cheney would get a new law passed to keep the Bush presidency legal for the next 1,000 years. No, sorry that was someone else. Maybe the money was better made out of the country. :dunno: Can't say it's the "Go Fuck Yourself", platform, anymore, can we?


Yeah on that "funnel cake or thingie" you said before oh yeah the war...Hey Halliburton provided me with folks from India, Pakistan, Phillipines, Kuwait, Turkey to cook my food while I was over in Iraq...yeah I got the shits for a month after getting sick because they were washing their feet on the salad trays were they were serving us. Thanks Halliburton!!
Yeah on that "funnel cake or thingie" you said before oh yeah the war...Hey Halliburton provided me with folks from India, Pakistan, Phillipines, Kuwait, Turkey to cook my food while I was over in Iraq...yeah I got the shits for a month after getting sick because they were washing their feet on the salad trays were they were serving us. Thanks Halliburton!!

Yep. Cheap labor and they made a fortune. Funnel I said. Money going down the funnel.

I guess you're a big fan now that your undies are clean? :)
Yep. Cheap labor and they made a fortune. Funnel I said. Money going down the funnel.

I guess you're a big fan now that your undies are clean? :)

psst! I was being sarcastic. I didn't wear undies in the desert..no that was just a joke.


Originally Posted by 86150
Well one person that he has associated with for years is Bill Ayers, scumbag terrorist.
He also took money from groups associated with Hezbolah, more scumbag terrorists.
How about only 143 working days in the lowly U.S. Senate (?) - (House of Foreign Agents)

How about July 2, 2008 - B.O, -
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
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none mentions that dear Obama is a great friend of Louis Farrakhan, Rachid Khalidi and William Ayers. Don't tell me that he is christian because he is not. I must also add that he is not someone I have trust in. Guess who support and want him to win in the European countries? The leftists whose most voters are generally people living in poor quarters/scummy suburbs, people who are social leech offs, lazy ass parasites, anti american haters and other ghetto trash.
none mentions that dear Obama is a great friend of Louis Farrakhan, Rachid Khalidi and William Ayers. .
except you - you never see to tire of saying this, over and over again

Don't tell me that he is christian because he is not..
how do you know this - is it because his surname is obama?, because of the colour of his skin? i guess you must have some evidence to show that he hasn't been a regular christian for decades

Guess who support and want him to win in the European countries? The leftists whose most voters are generally people living in poor quarters/scummy suburbs, people who are social leech offs, lazy ass parasites, anti american haters and other ghetto trash.

what an absolute pile of shit
the support obama has comes from all different sections of european society,
the 200,000 in berlin for example, many of whom were waving american flags - so how are they anti-american?

do you actually hate the poor? all those leeches & parasites
and the "ghetto trash"
who are they in europe - can you define what you consider ghetto trash to be?
do they tend to belong to certain groups, nationalities, races ?


Postal Paranoiac
Sorry this is getting boring. I just remembered this picture during the 04' campaign from the same bunch of guys. :thumbsup:

But seriously this is one rarely seen from the archives of Freeone's showing business as usual;

I like that shot of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Hussein. Kinda sums things up.
except you - you never see to tire of saying this, over and over again

how do you know this - is it because his surname is obama?, because of the colour of his skin? i guess you must have some evidence to show that he hasn't been a regular christian for decades

what an absolute pile of shit
the support obama has comes from all different sections of european society,
the 200,000 in berlin for example, many of whom were waving american flags - so how are they anti-american?

do you actually hate the poor? all those leeches & parasites
and the "ghetto trash"
who are they in europe - can you define what you consider ghetto trash to be?
do they tend to belong to certain groups, nationalities, races ?

I will reply how I judge it necessarily, you will find me perhaps heartless and unforgiving but it is better to be honest and make things clear for once and for all.
First, here are videos why I am saying he is not a christian:
http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=Prhnc2fxAzg&NR=1 this is who is Farrakhan
http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=38I55mZuSOY&feature=related another vid of Farrakhan
http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=iQqIpdBOg6I&NR=1 OBAMA admits he is a muslim
So don't put in me question, when it is more than clear and that it was proven that dear Obama is not a Christian. Fact is that he didn't studied in an American christian school. He also supported his cousin Odinga in Kenya.
There is a famous saying which is always staying true: "Tell me who are your friends and I will tell you who you are." Will Ayers is one of Obama's campaign manager and advisor, every person who is enough realistic can dig up the information relative to William Ayers and Rachid Khalidi.
There was thread about Obama that turned into flaming and accusating me unfairly.

Pile of shit??? Stop failing by using crappy immature arguments because it doesn't make sense. Who is more a pile a shit? Someone who refuses to accept a job that is proposed to him or someone who just migrated in a country in order to touch social helps and leech off other people revenues for benefiting from Medicare and Social Security freely without doing anything to look for a job and learn the language in the country where he migrated in?
Answer my question if you are honest.
Anti Americanism starts by voting for someone who is against the 2nd amendment, someone who is for massive tax cuts as well as for implementing Medicare and social security which are taken from honest and hard working citizens and given to some lazy people or parasites that make no efforts to adapt. It is not because one waves the American flag that he is pro American, the beliefs of who you chose as president make you either pro or anti American. If you are for a socialist based system then you are anti American. A lot of young people don't like strong discipline and total rule abidance so they hope Obama will be elected.
I don't hate the poor. But let's be realistic some people are offered jobs and refuse them and other got poor because they lived way over their financial means and were very bad at managing their money. I don't think I owe a single cent of my revenues to help them or assist them because if I was in this case, none would have helped me. The parasites are people who were offered jobs many times but refuse them and get some social revenues, there are many of them especially in European countries where socialist governments are in place. The leech offs are people who migrate from their country which is too poor in another in order to benefit from social helps and Medicare as well as a flat without necessarily learning the language of the country where they migrated in nor trying to work by finding a job. The ghetto trash are people and scumbags living in the shittiest suburbs who are burning cars, attacking old people and people who have a different religious faith as well as selling drugs and making pressure on honest citizens to keep their mouths shut. You have parasites, leech offs and scumbags of every nationality and race but the question was not here, the question is are you in a favor for a government that helps them?


Originally Posted by georges
Don't tell me that he is christian because he is not..
blakey said:
]how do you know this - is it because his surname is obama?,

Because we know that Mr. Honourable - Louis Farrakhan is a separatist who detests Christians. You're not aware of this ? :confused: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=4337417

What is it about this guy (Obama) that mesmerizes people ?

Oh, they're just voting against a 3rd bush term ? Is that it ?