Has Jesus Returned????????

The Catholic Encyclopedia suggests that the prophecy is a late 16th‑century forgery
I can't understand why some people believe that a 2,000 year old dead guy is going to rise from his grave like something out of Night Of The Living Dead and save the world or whatever. THE DUDE IS FUCKING DEAD!!!!!. He wasnt a fucking superhero like everyone plays him out to be. Jesus Christ was a regular fucking dude. Before I gave up religion (I was once catholic until I realized how fucked up religion really is) I even knew then that Jesus was a regular guy. I think it's funny about the whole son of god thing. We look at Heracles being the son Of Zeus nowadays and go :Hey what a great story!!!!. But people like at Jesus being the son of God now and go: OOOO LORD I WORSHIP THEE SON OF GOD BLAH BLAH BLAH. Idiots....


Closed Account
Why couldn't he just posted a note back then: "Hey guys I'm out of office. But I'll be back on June 19th 2013. See you in McDonalds at 11:48h in London. Look out for a guy with a black metal shirt, jeans, long beard, sandals and an afro hearcut. See ya". But nooooo...