Has Anybody Ever Experienced "Sleep Paralysis" . . ? I'm Dead Serious


I've experienced such, about 5 times in my life

Here's how it went -

Timeline : I had four "spells" in one month. (approx. a dozen years ago.)

I had the fifth and final (so far) about 4 or 5 years ago.

The condition(s) -

"event(s)" occurred, seemingly, just minutes after turning in for the night.

Nobody else was with me (solo sleeper).

"Scenario:" OK, so you're in bed, very relaxed & cozy . . I recall that my eyes were open, all five times.

All at once, you feel this sense of panic.

You want to get up . . and on your feet. You can't move.

You feel a sense that you're having trouble breathing. Your eyes continue to be open.

The audible atmosphere is overwhelmed by what I would describe as - ears ringing. More specifically - If, for example, your ears were ringing and you had those foam safety earpugs in your ears - That type of sensation.

You also feel this sensation that it is imperative . . You have to get up . . and get the hell out of this ''walls are closing in" / imminently dangerous situation.

You still can't move, eyes continue to be open, as you continue to gaze across the lightly lit room.

You sense that you are yelling out, in real, physical terms (for help), but when this passes, you gather that, you weren't audible.

Have any members had an experience, remotely similar to this ?.

Thanks ~
i think that's happened to me, i was so fucking scared. I really thought i was dead looking at myself from somewhere else. My mind was telling me to get up, move your hand, etc.. but I couldn't do anything. It seemed like i was in this state for 2 hours. I don't even remember how i woke up.


Thanks YMI ! looks like some good reading . . . gonna get right on it .

√ Additionally, the spell seemed to last approx. 5 minutes in length. Hard to tell :dunno::1orglaugh

Slik - There's some terms on your post that sound eerily alike mine ! But two hrs ?? !!

Take Care ~
Yeah, I've had it many times in my life starting from about 10 years old but it kind of petered out when I reached my 30's. Been quite a few years since I last experienced it. It's not a pleasant feeling. I didn't think I would ever breathe again.
My wife gets it every few months, she finds it absolutely terrifying and worries she may actually die of a heart attack whilst it's happening.
Hmm, I've had this happen probably about 5 times in my too, maybe more. It has been awhile since it happened. Maybe I felt scared the first time? I don't think I had trouble breathing. But yeah, I had to use like what seemed to be like every force of willpower to move a limb or something to break the spell. It's some weird ass shit. It usually would happen to me on days when I'd sleep in. I'd wake up, unexpectedly, and try to go back to bed, then it would happen. I talked to some people about it. To me, it was like, my body was just soooo relax. To me, it seem like the gate way to an "out of body" experience. I've talk to this one person who understood what I was talking about, and said that her father has had "out of body" experiences before, and that that is how it's starts. Probably just BS. Since talking with her, it has happened twice. I wanted to experiment with it. But the first time it happened, my mouth was left open LOL, I felt goofy so I broke it off. The 2nd time was different. I really tried to just let myself go...I can't really explain what happened, but I got scared and I broke out of it. Since then, it hasn't happened. That was a long ass time ago too.
Well, it is some weird ass shit. I always had a hard time explaining it to my friends. I'll have to check out those links.
It has happened to me a few times, but not in the last 12-15 years though.
Worse than the actual paralysis, was a 'buzzing' feeling inside my head..almost like my head was being subjected to an electrical shock.
I woke up with mild headaches on at least two occasions.

blue ballz 22

Closed Account
ive had this happen to me before. i woke up but only my eyes opened. everything else would not move. stayed like that for 5 minutes and all of a sudden my arm shot up into the air. freaked the shit outta me
oh god, i hope I never experience that, it sounds terrifying!

I do sometimes get cramps and wake up long enogh to pull a muscle and then immediately fall back asleep, only to wake up and remember what happened as I get up :1orglaugh Silly, i know

I think I'd think along the same line as Silk if it happened, that I was dead or something
Yeah I've had this happen before there is actually some kind of psychological explanation for it that escapes me right now. But if I remember correctly it has something to do with either the REM or REM Rebound phase of sleep. Hope this helps.
The worst experience for me was the kind that most people have.

Imagine lying there, light switched on, stiff as a board, eyes wide open and something walks up to you with a distorted face and leans right over you breathing on you! I was terrified
The worst experience for me was the kind that most people have.

Imagine lying there, light switched on, stiff as a board, eyes wide open and something walks up to you with a distorted face and leans right over you breathing on you! I was terrified

Yikes. Now imagine if the distorted face begins to laugh at you.... :eek:
The worst experience for me was the kind that most people have.

Imagine lying there, light switched on, stiff as a board, eyes wide open and something walks up to you with a distorted face and leans right over you breathing on you! I was terrified

It is thought that most of the "alien encounters" i.e. "abductions" are people still dreaming during sleep paralysis.
arr....i kinda had something like this...i couldnt move,no one could hear me kinda thing but kinda got used to it now when this happens ill just go back to sleep
OMG! I'm not the only one in the world who has experienced this? A while ago I couldn't even find the phrase in a google search. My experience doesn't include my eyes being open or ringing sounds in my head, but practically everything else you described. The worst part is I have total awareness of my surroundings, what's on TV, what people are saying, and I'm trying to cry out to them but noone is responding. Only one time was I able to rock back and forward like someone was holding me down before my wife shook me out of it. Other times when I felt like I was screeming at the top of my lungs for help only to be ignored was this since of extreme bitterness overwhelmed me, like someone was watching me drown and not throw me a life saver.

This happens to me in waves, at least once or twice a month, then a year or two goes by without incident, then back again. I'm now in that year or two phase.

I did a sleep study which the results turn out inconclusive for two main reasons:

1. I didn't actually sleep with all the wires plugged to me and people walking in every two hours, all while in a strange bed and room I'm not use to
2. I can't do this on queue and
3. I was a little bothered by someone flipping me off in traffic that day (they ask you if something to upset you happened that day on a questionaire). I almost accidentially cut someone off in what really wasn't a legitimate lane and swerved back into my lane. He passed me and I rolled down my window told him I was sorry about that to which he said "FUCK YOU MAN!" Usually people appreciate road courtesy but not that day.

If this happens again maybe I will get tested again, but it's refreshing to hear someone else use this phrase.