Has America Won The War On Terror?

Has America Won The War On Terror?

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I never made that case.:2 cents:

I asked what had this specific person done lately besides criticize the descendents (and country) who's forefathers helped to save theirs. Since they're always critical of what we may or may not have done lately.

It's all a lark for me because I know Boothy just has penis envy of US.:o
Can men have penis envy? :confused:

it can't be won; it's not even meant to be won ... it's an excuse to erode our civil liberties and declare war on countries the USA considers as unconstitutional/ despotic/.
It can be 'won' for want of a better term if we engage in a dialogue with terrorist organisations. But people find that unacceptable.
Hot Mega said:
Boothy...what have you done lately

This morning we cleaned all the downstairs windows. After that was done my wife cleaned the garage and I washed and waxed our car. Take that you terrorists!
This morning we cleaned all the downstairs windows. After that was done my wife cleaned the garage and I washed and waxed our car. Take that you terrorists!

We'll just settle for you guys screening them every once in a while when they fly from your country to ours.

You know, just as a small token of appreciation for all 'we've' done for you guys and all...::angels:
We bow down before you mighty yanks for all what you have done in the name of freedom!! Whilst we have just sat around doing nothing! :rolleyes:

Well, in that post I was specifically referring to Boothy and not letting flamers...err...guys with explosive underwear to bypass the body scan equipment we sent them.

But if you're just in a bowing mood mrt....knocketh yourself out....
Can men have penis envy? :confused:

It can be 'won' for want of a better term if we engage in a dialogue with terrorist organisations. But people find that unacceptable.

:surprise: oh mrt , but realistically, that is never gonna happen -- esp. so after 9/11. having said that, a precedent - of sorts - has been set with the IRA.

{John Major initiated that for which he should be praised imo }.


[ . .However, we did succeed in one aspect of terrorism in the Middle East, and that was to provide an ample training ground. By spending a lot of time in the region and by having absolutely no clue as to what we were doing in the region - let alone the native customs. Not only did we help energize already existing terrorism organizations in the region, but after a few civilian casualties here and there, we have helped create a whole new breed of people pissed at the U.S. for fucking up their lives.
Way to go, George! That is your permanent mark on history, right there. I'm very sure you are proud of yourself.

How would you have fought it any differently, Stanley? All we've been doing over there is pussyfooting around trying to stay in compliance with the UN rules of engagment... Make sure that the enemy blows you comrade's head clean off before you return fire, soldier! Step out of bounds and you'll be facing a court martial.:shy::facepalm:


? All we've been doing over there is pussyfooting around trying to stay in compliance with the UN rules of engagment...

UN compliance? You must have been asleep for that part when the 'allies' rejected the UN inspectors findings, refused to let them back in and then took a nice hot dump on the UN charter by invading without SC authorization

rules of engagement? puhh-leeze

Wikileaks has once again stirred the controversy pot with the release of an unclassified U.S diplomatic cable which contains scathing claims that US soldiers brutally executed Iraqi civilians, some of which were children, back in 2006. Worse yet, the report claims that the US then tried to cover up the incident.

Matthew Schofield of McClatchy Newspapers wrote about the Wikileaks report and described how U.S. troops executed at least 10 Iraqi civilians, including a woman in her 70s and a 5-month-old infant, before calling in an airstrike to destroy the evidence.


Will E Worm

Absolutely not, and it will never be won.
For those who are foolish enough to think that the elimination of Islamist extremists will end this, they are unable to see the large picture. Domestic terrorism in the KKK, skinheads, Black Panthers, the Weather Underground, the May 19th Communist Organization, Army of God, Aryan Nation, Phineas Priesthood, ELF, CSA continues to exist, and for each organization which is "defeated", others take their places.

The real domestic terrorists that need to be looked at are: SPLC, AIPAC, ADL, The Socialist part, The Communist party, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Rosicrucians, and many more.
Militarily, I guess you can make an argument it has been effective. But fighting an enemy without borders is VERY difficult and relies more on good intel and "special" ops more than military might.

On the domestic side, our government now spies on it's own citizens and uses the threat as a means to subjugate it's citizens so on that front, I think the bad guys have "won" and we as Americans have given up more of our freedom... :2 cents:

The cia and the fbi used to spy their own people as well as innocent citizens during and after the cold war era.
It will never be over in my opinion but hey, im a noob lol x x


We bow down before You Mighty yanks for all what you have done in the name of freedom!! Whilst we have just sat around doing nothing! :rolleyes:

Not precisely. You sipped tea.

Had 'the Yanks' not intervened, where would you be today?

So damned cavalier and dismissive.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Iraq War is results many people Kılled.Amerikan soldiers capture in Iraq in Petroleum reserves...Everyone does it!" is not a valid excuse for violence You like to Adolf Hıtler??? ALL Amerikan people Adolf Hıtler people???You are cominist.



My Penis Is Dancing!
How would you have fought it any differently, Stanley? All we've been doing over there is pussyfooting around trying to stay in compliance with the UN rules of engagment... Make sure that the enemy blows you comrade's head clean off before you return fire, soldier! Step out of bounds and you'll be facing a court martial.:shy::facepalm:

The real domestic terrorists that need to be looked at are: SPLC, AIPAC, ADL, The Socialist part, The Communist party, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones, Rosicrucians, and many more.

Aww, look at those cute little posts, trying to be all grown up and everything. I think I'll cage them up, feed them and maybe in a few years, they can play with the big boy posts.
That's OK, guys. You tried. There is no shame in complete failure.
You lot funded the IRA.

You mean the Irish Catholic diaspora in the U.S.

Don't say "you lot".

If you look @ Egypt for example you can now see a new, young generation of Muslims who want something else.

Yes their Jew hate has come to the surface once again. Looks like they want a war with Israel very soon. When that happens the Egyptians will be reminded why they'll always stay second class.
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