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Harry Reid retired


Closed Account
Tell me Reid's "Gym equipment" accident wasn't the mafia kicking his ass for something he did or didn't do. There is no way that guy wasn't corrupt and he got his reward. (Do I have fact? Nope.)

Chuckie is no bargain for Repulbicans. I think he is significantly smarter and shrewder than Harry could ever dream of being. He supports a much more liberal agenda and is no where near the center. However, time will tell. I think if Chuck thinks that he can get the Dems back into power and he can keep power by being in the center, that is what he will do. This guys is all about power. It isn't that he has never done any good, he just has never done anything that wasn't to increase his own power base. Basically he is another career politician douche bag.

(...and yeah..Koch Brothers suck too)
It looks like he advocated on behalf of the same doctor that Senator Robert Menendez (another Democrat) has now been indicted for helping. Perhaps his retirement is less about his injuries and more about wanting to get out of office before the Justice department starts an investigation on him!
You speak as if he's a traitor...look he is no traitor. Not even close to a communist. Far from it.

You're Canadian. Who the hell are you to deny that he is a traitor? Yes, Harry Reid IS a globalist, automatically making him a traitor to the American people. He's no Communist, he's something much worse.


Closed Account
Reid did what he had to do as a politician. You should be happy with his spirits and efforts while serving in Congress. In the words of the great Nancy Pelosi "Get a clue"
No, YOU get a clue. Even liberals on NPR admit that he was one of the main reasons nothing got done during the divided Congress. He said everything the House sent up was going to be "Dead on Arrival." The guy was a hindrance his whole time and wasn't fit to be Senate Majority Leader.


Closed Account
Still don't see how he was a traitor or a hindrance. Reid even admitted his mistakes and now to close this off...

Pelosi Statement on Retirement of Senator Harry Reid

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid announced he will not seek reelection:

“With Harry Reid’s decision to retire, Congress and our country will lose a patriot, pioneer, and one of the greatest leaders the Senate has ever known. Senator Reid is a master of the Senate, a reliable fighter for America’s hard-working families, a legislator whose leadership stretches back more than three decades.

“From his earliest days in the House to his tenure as Democratic Leader in the Senate, Harry Reid never forgot the hard-working families of Nevada he is so proud to represent. He has brought their values, their pioneer spirit and their determination to the Congress, and he has been an unsurpassed champion for the rights and opportunities of every American.

“It has been my great honor to call Senator Reid a dear and trusted friend for so many years. More so, I have been privileged to work with him in enacting historic and consequential legislation for our country.

“In the darkest days of the financial calamity, we worked together to pass the legislation that rescued our economy. We worked to pass the landmark Dodd-Frank consumer Wall Street reform bill, the most significant consumer financial reforms in a generation. We passed the Affordable Care Act and ensured that, in the United States of America, affordable, quality health care is the right of every American, not the privilege of the few.

“Senator Reid leaves a historic legacy of strength and achievement on behalf of the American people. He has helped to dramatically expand American investments in clean energy, passed bold and comprehensive immigration reform through the Senate, championed the Violence Against Women Act, and welcomed a record-breaking generation of new women Senators.

“His leadership and ability command respect on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers of Congress. Without question, Senator Reid’s departure is an irreplaceable loss for our entire country. But as he announces his hard-earned, well-deserved retirement, I wish him, his wife Landra, and the entire Reid family all the best in happy years ahead.”

The common man...

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Will Chucky "Schmucky" Schumer be any better or worse? I'm sure Netanyahu will approve.


Taken about 15 minute before they got a room at the Motel 6 on New York Avenue. Are they gonna swap some spit in the next shot?

On Reid... I heard something about him lobbying for someone who hooked his son up with some contracts. Truth? Rumors? :dunno:

Hell, seems like they're all a bunch of crooks. Some are just more crooked than others. Dems, Repubs... it doesn't matter. Just different sides of the same corrupt coin.
So Harry Reid who never passed a budget as leader and talked about how visitors to the capitol smelled and made unsubstantiated claims about Mitt Romney's taxes is lamented in his retirement and Ted Cruz is demonized. Gotta love lefty wing nuts.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
How did Whorehouse Harry, a man of the people, gain his estimated $9,000,000 net worth? He wasn't born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he has ALWAYS sucked at the gubment's tit from his time in the gaming commission all the way through to his time as the biggest obstruction to bi partisanship since...since...BHO.

Granted, it was an ambush interview, but still. Where did the money come from?
Taken about 15 minute before they got a room at the Motel 6 on New York Avenue. Are they gonna swap some spit in the next shot?

On Reid... I heard something about him lobbying for someone who hooked his son up with some contracts. Truth? Rumors? :dunno:

Hell, seems like they're all a bunch of crooks. Some are just more crooked than others. Dems, Repubs... it doesn't matter. Just different sides of the same corrupt coin.


But true. Point out the GOP and the greed GOP clique here that will out clever you..............with BS propaganda. Like voter fraud decides elections. As Johan pointed out in another thread 26 known cases.

Try think on your own and fuck Fox News or NBCMSN.

Fuck American politics! It is a joke as George Washington predicted if we allowed political parties to dominate it instead of the people.

Today we have outside ALEC funded heavily by the Koch Bros to get America a society that is at par like the 1930's Nazi regime in Germany!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
It is a joke as George Washington predicted if we allowed political parties to dominate it instead of the people.

^^^This. This! This!!!

Isn't it amazing that Washington was COMPLETELY accurate in that warning, issued over 200 years ago??? I don't think it's so much that he was a prophet or anything like that. But he, along with most of the other Founding Fathers, was a student of the Latin and Greek classics. His warning was based on him already knowing how the book would end if we made the same mistakes that others had already made... and failed doing it.

Love a party (any party) more than your country and this is what you get. And so, here we are... :(


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
^^^This. This! This!!!

Isn't it amazing that Washington was COMPLETELY accurate in that warning, issued over 200 years ago??? I don't think it's so much that he was a prophet or anything like that. But he, along with most of the other Founding Fathers, was a student of the Latin and Greek classics. His warning was based on him already knowing how the book would end if we made the same mistakes that others had already made... and failed doing it.

Love a party (any party) more than your country and this is what you get. And so, here we are... :(

This is so true. How totally amazing that Washington was so cognizant of this danger so many years ago. So tragic that his warnings have remained unheeded and have unfortunately come to fruition in recent years.
Has it ever crossed anyone's mind that the political parties are so powerful because government keeps getting bigger and bigger?

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Taken about 15 minute before they got a room at the Motel 6 on New York Avenue. Are they gonna swap some spit in the next shot?

On Reid... I heard something about him lobbying for someone who hooked his son up with some contracts. Truth? Rumors? :dunno:

Hell, seems like they're all a bunch of crooks. Some are just more crooked than others. Dems, Repubs... it doesn't matter. Just different sides of the same corrupt coin.

When Chuck Schumer sticks his nose up Netanyahu's ass he can probably reach his prostate with it making Bibi's bbs tingle with delight.



Closed Account
Juan Williams article

Let Republicans now praise Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.).

Since there is silence, let me help.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R- Ky.), the new Senate Majority Leader, famously promised that once he won control of the Senate, the good old days would return — not just for his party, but for the institution.

Republicans campaigned last fall voicing a constant refrain that voters should free them from Reid’s control of the Senate. McConnell promised that Republicans would prove they could govern once Reid’s hold had been broken.
As the cynics say, “How did that work out for you?”

Reid is now in the minority. He has announced he will not run again. But the GOP’s inability to get anything done in the Senate for three months and counting is leading to new appreciation for the much-maligned Reid.

Compare Reid’s record to the GOP’s ongoing failure to pass legislation to stop sex trafficking, to approve highway trust-fund spending or to confirm an attorney general.

McConnell’s failure to produce winning ideas and legislation even with a GOP Senate majority recently led him to make an apology. He told the New York Times that the promised rebirth of the Senate has not happened because he had underestimated the damage done in recent years.

“The corrosion of the Senate took place over many years,” McConnell said in an e-mail to Jennifer Steinhauer of the Times. “So restoring the institution to allow members of both parties and their constituents to have a voice in the legislative process will take longer than three months. But we’re making progress.”

And who is responsible for that “corrosion”?

McConnell’s “progress” is slowed by the same political divisions among Republicans that gummed up the works when Democrats had the majority.

Maybe Republicans will now acknowledge that Reid was never the problem. The real issue all along has been the GOP’s antipathy to the president.

The mission statement of contemporary Republican Senate politics was issued by McConnell himself in 2010. "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president,” he proclaimed.

In response, Reid limited votes on amendments to rein in the political circus and focus attention on legislation that could win passage.

"All I want to do is legislate," a frustrated Reid told me and a small group of columnists last summer. He complained that Senate Republicans had become captive to the threat of a primary challenge from far-right candidates who ran on the promise to be even more obstructionist and anti-Obama than any Republican incumbent.

In response to GOP tactics, Reid made strategic use of reconciliation in 2010 to avoid a Republican filibuster threat and enable passage of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), which is celebrating its fifth anniversary. He also stopped endless attempts by Republicans to use floor time for political grandstanding as well as endless votes on repealing healthcare reform.

Republicans don't like to hear it but Reid’s disciplined approach was also critical to keeping the American economic system from falling into a depression when he worked alongside President Bush in the fall of 2008.

Reid went on to battle the GOP to pass the $800 billion stimulus package that helped revive the economy after the financial crisis. He also backed Dodd-Frank reform for Wall Street and an overhaul of the federal student loan programs.

Without Reid, there would be no new Senate rule allowing a simple majority to confirm most nominees for the courts and executive branch. Reid pushed that button, the so-called "nuclear option," after concluding, as he told me last summer, that "the Senate is not like it used to be."

He meant that, in the last few years, the nation has seen the end of the famous deliberative, collegial body that existed when legendary Senate majority leaders from Lyndon Johnson (D-Texas) to Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) focused on getting important work done by building coalitions across party lines.

With Reid guiding the Senate, Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan gained confirmation despite the current partisan environment. The presence of those two abortion rights supporters on the court is the result of Reid's work.

Also, since Republicans gained the Senate majority in January, it has been Reid who has successfully held his minority caucus together to protect the president's executive actions on immigration reform.

"Never in the history of the country have we produced more for a president," Reid said during an appearance on a Nevada radio talk show after announcing that he would not seek reelection.

"We've had a great run," said President Obama, who called in to join the same radio interview with Reid. Obama credits the Nevadan with being among the first people to advise him to run for president.

In an era of blatant GOP obstruction of any Obama-related legislation, nomination or regulation, it was Reid who redefined Senate rules to make sure Congress got something done.

That made him a target for the GOP. But to Democrats, Reid's work is synonymous with all the Senate accomplished during the Obama years.

The Senate’s new Republican majority is coming face-to-face with the dysfunction they introduced. And they don’t have Reid to blame for it
Maybe Republicans will now acknowledge that Reid was never the problem. The real issue all along has been the GOP’s antipathy to the president.


Even as the president elect:

At first, we thought organized Republican recalcitrance against the president started in October 2010 after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) famously said, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” Then came Robert Draper’s book, “Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives,” this spring. As the Huffington Post’s Sam Stein reported in April, the book reports on a dinner of leading Republicans held the night of Obama’s inauguration.


Fuck America's bullshit creed liberty and justice for all!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Those of you who fawn over this crooked old cunt have no idea how much Whorehouse Harry fucked up 'Murica for his own gain. Watch "Casino" and pay attention to Dick Smothers character in particular. It was a thinly veiled portrayal of Reid when he was the head of the NV gaming commission from 1977-81. Scorcese DOWNPLAYED the graft and corruption Whorehouse Harry fostered because there were so many allegations of impropriety and misconduct thrown his way that it would have required a separate movie just to chronicle.

From Abromoff to the Bundy Ranch scandal, Harry Reid has proven himself to be the best senator money can buy.