Harrison Ford’s Chest Waxing Revisited. This is for all you liberal, global warming weenies in here

Harrison Ford must be a great actor. On screen, he can pass himself off as cool characters like Han Solo and Indiana Jones, even though in real life he is an absurd draft-dodging moonbat weenie. Jason Mattera calls him on his outrageous envirohypocrisy:



Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Fuck off sam.
Climate change is a proven issue. Just fuck off. We've all had it up to here with your shit.


Torn & Frayed.
The fact is Sam, Harrison Ford is a bigger real-life badass than you'll ever be:

If there's one thing that Han Solo is really good at, besides stupid ear-piercing decisions, it's being America's favorite aging action hero.

The assumption, of course, is that in real life, Harrison Ford is nothing like the smooth operator he plays in movies, especially after we get a gander at that screaming midlife crisis of an ear hole up there. And especiallyer after watching Ford high times it up on Conan a few weeks back. Clearly, the real-life Harrison Ford is one part crotchety fuddy-duddy, two parts on weird old people medicines and three parts in the grave.

The Badass:
Ford is the real-world Han Solo, if Han Solo piloted helicopters, worked for free and actually liked helping people.

Twice Ford has used his helicopter to come to the rescue of real-world hikers in distress, once by saving a woman on top of an Idaho mountain and once by joining a search and rescue mission for a 13-year-old Boy Scout lost in the woods. And out of all the people on the mission, Ford was the one who found the kid. In both cases, he volunteered his helicopter and piloting services free of charge, and also made himself available to the sheriff for future emergencies, undoubtedly prompting lonely middle-aged women all over the American Northwest to suddenly take up the sport of ill-planned hiking trips.
It turns out Ford has been piloting since the 90s, and just about every time he comes near an aircraft, glorious things happen, even the time he crashed his helicopter and then walked away without a scratch. He's personally flown Special Olympics athletes to their competitions, and he oversaw an airlift of volunteers and supplies to Haiti for Operation Smile.
Having Han Solo step out of the rescue chopper that just saved your life is not the most mind blowing helicopter related encounter you can have with Mr. Ford. If you throw a candy wrapper out your window while driving along the Hudson River, it's entirely possible that you will round the bend to find a pissed off Harrison Ford blocking traffic in his helicoptor. See, on top of those nice-guy jobs, Ford straight polices the Hudson River, using his helicopter to catch polluters. Beat that, Luke Groundwalker.

Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_1890...re-secretly-total-badasses.html#ixzz2Rm1JvcX1

I know you'll just dismiss that because it's from a Cracked.com, but it's all true. I'd tell you to look it up yourself, but I know better.
The fact is Sam, Harrison Ford is a bigger real-life badass than you'll ever be:

I know you'll just dismiss that because it's from a Cracked.com, but it's all true. I'd tell you to look it up yourself, but I know better.

It's worth noting that the article shows its sources at each turn and they're all fairly reputable, so dismissing it for being Cracked would be entirely baseless.


Torn & Frayed.
It's worth noting that the article shows its sources at each turn and they're all fairly reputable, so dismissing it for being Cracked would be entirely baseless.

That's true, but it also requires deeper thought to click said links, something which Sam seems to be lacking.