Happy Canada Day!


Official Checked Star Member
Happy Canada Day to all the Canadians on the board:)

I moved to Canada a few years ago from South Africa and I'm very happy that this country is my new home. Everyone has been very welcoming and my quality of life is much improved living here.

So three cheers for Canada!:nanner:
Not a Canadian myself, but I know quite a few. Happy Canada Day, everyone. True patriot love, and all that.
Happy Canada Day!, eh? :D
Thank you Canada for your one and only contribution to society.

Which...I admit, is considerable.


Thank you Canada for your one and only contribution to society.

As much as I like Rush, you're forgetting William Shatner, Bret Hart, Voivod, David Cronenberg, John Candy, James Cameron, Jim Carrey, Michael J. Fox, Brendan Fraser, Donald Sutherland, and, despite her awful singing career, the hotness that is Celine Dion.
sorry i missed it happy canada day to all you canadians
I love this country and could really give a flying fuck when we are criticized or made fun of. Maybe Canada is to young to be passionate, and maybe it's still to young to have forged a national consciousness, but tribalism, sectarian and religious hatreds have drenched much of this planet in blood. People in many parts of the world have slaughtered each other over disputed territory and conflicting beliefs. Just because Canada wasn't spawned through revolution doesn't mean we can't wave our flag in pride and honour. IMHO this is simply the best damn country in the world!

P.S. Canada Day was yesterday...July 1st
Happy belated bday Canada!!!!

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Great beer, great fishing...shitty gun laws. Nice place to visit, but....