Halo 2 Hacker

cool vid cap. although i hate hackers that was some funny shit to watch.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Oy. Halo 2 'hackers' are annoying as hell. They've done pretty well getting rid of all that with Xbox Live, but I'm often playing on Xlink Kai and it can just about ruin games.

Thankfully, those using that kind of stuff are usually garbage at actually playing the game.
Fuck that douchebag! That video is exactly why I hate Halo 2. It is full of kids and cheaters. If you're going to hack/cheat, do it offline! Why ruin the experience for everyone else because your lack of skill requires you to cheat. We pay $50 for this online service and then little fucks like this asshole go around fucking it up! That's also why I am such a big fan of better games like Ghost Recon. Kids and hackers don't have the patience or skill to play those more realistic, sim type games. Negative feedback is all I can do to fight it on Xbox Live but I do hope these fartfuckers die of a suffocating facial and rot in Hell for eternity with nothing but a PS1 and a copy of Ten Pin Alley! :thefinger

...So, how about them Kings?!