Half 'n' Half Stacey Dash

Her deal please...

A conservative afro-american woman who happens to be a -former- actress. That's a gift from God for Fox News.
A conservative afro-american woman who happens to be a -former- actress. That's a gift from God for Fox News.

It's "African American" not "Afro American" that term hasn't been used in the USA since the 1960's. You been hanging out with the white Euro trash in Pas Calais again?
It's "African American" not "Afro American" that term hasn't been used in the USA since the 1960's. You been hanging out with the white Euro trash in Pas Calais again?

I always wondered; what race do African-Americans consider their cousins in England? Why with all the passive-aggressive crapola when it's easier to call them Blacks? I have no problem being called a White guy.
It's "African American" not "Afro American" that term hasn't been used in the USA since the 1960's. You been hanging out with the white Euro trash in Pas Calais again?
Nope. But in France, we call these people "Afro-Américain", the word "Arficain-Américain" doesn't exist.
A colleague of mine will correct anyone that calls him African American. He says " excuse me but I am black"
A colleague of mine will correct anyone that calls him African-American. He says " excuse me but I am black"

Good for him having some positive self-esteem as opposed to being fastidiously insecure about how we call his peoples. Nothing wrong with being called Black or, in a group, being referred to as The Blacks. I like being White, being called White, and am proud never being confused for anything but White. You can also call me Honky, Cracker, Blue-Eyed Devil, but just never call me late for dinner.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I don't know what the big deal is about calling a spade........ Wait, that was kinda racist. I kid. Most descriptions put out by dispatchers and LEOs about suspects who happen to be black start out with BMA (Black Male Adult) BMJ (Black Male Juvenile) BFA (Black Female Adult) or BFJ; followed by height, build and attire. Same goes for White, Hispanic or any other race. It's easier and faster than saying the other phrase and there is no African America. I think that appellation does more to distance black people from society. It's no good and the people who insist upon using it are usually the biggest assholes.
I don't know what the big deal is about calling a spade........ Wait, that was kinda racist. I kid. Most descriptions put out by dispatchers and LEOs about suspects who happen to be black start out with BMA (Black Male Adult) BMJ (Black Male Juvenile) BFA (Black Female Adult) or BFJ; followed by height, build and attire. Same goes for White, Hispanic or any other race. It's easier and faster than saying the other phrase and there is no African America. I think that appellation does more to distance black people from society. It's no good and the people who insist upon using it are usually the biggest assholes.

The news out here is so cautiously PC they'll refer to the color of a suspect's(on the loose) shirt but many times not tell the color of the face. They could, at least, hold up a paint swatch to suggest the race.


"Where da hyphen at?"


"This is him right here! He did it!"