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Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rapist"

So, during one of my procrastination sessions on youtube during a late night I somehow stumble videos regarding disparity and inequality between the sexes (male and female). Terms like MRA's and Feminism are being thrown around a lot (especially the latter) and it's all about flaws and never reaching an understand or a midpoint (somewhat expected). Comments on youtube can sometimes be as interesting or even more interesting than the videos, and as such I stumble upon a comment that mentions: "Schrödinger's Rapist" which sparks my curiosity...due mostly to the fact that I'm trying to procrastinate! So I google it and come upon the article that gives substance to such a label:


An interesting read, bound to flare emotions if you're a guy as it's written by a woman for men. Basically the lay out is the following: Women see male strangers as rapists simply due to the fact that there's a chance (however small it is) that said man may be a rapist, and as such it is demanded that us males do our best not to feed that "rightful" pre-assumption that women have over us. Meaning that as a guy you must be aware that when you approach a female stranger it is your job to do your best to let her know that you're not the rapist she fears you may be (however small the chances that you are are).
However this is my opinion, perhaps I've misunderstood the writer's point and if such is the truth I am willing and subject to be corrected. So lads and beautiful ladies (OCSM's or not, I see you Petra ;) ) let me know what you think if you've got the time to read it (it's not that long really).

PS: We're adults and mature (I hope), so no trolling please.
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

this says all that i have to about the woman that wrote this


Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

The article is ridiculous. The woman who wrote that is paranoid.

- Not all women study a man when they first meet him, trying to figure out whether or not he is a rapist, trying to figure out what his threat level is. I certainly don't. Then again, I read people very well and can spot a creeper the second I see him. I'm not TRYING to spot a creeper. If he's a creeper, he's a creeper. But I never assume that every single man walking down the street is a possible rapist, let alone guys that approach me. That would be ridiculous. Again, that woman is paranoid.

- Tattoos? Tattoos come off as "rapist?" Uh, no they don't. Guys with tattoos are hot. They will get responses from women- from women that aren't as prudish and paranoid as her. She must be a total... ehm, prep. I can't think of how else to put it. She sounds unattractive, she sounds like she vacuums her house every day, hates when people walk with their shoes on in the house, hates tattoos, hates rock and metal music, seriously hates fucking curse words, hates smokers, hates the color black, has never gone to a bar or club in hopes of meeting a hot guy and having a one night stand, hates low cut t-shirts, hates belly button rings, and has only ever slept with one guy. I have 4 tattoos. Does that mean I'm probably a female rapist?

- I have never considered a guy that leaves me numerous emails and facebook messages when I'm not interested in him to be a rapist. I have simply considered him annoying. I don't think they're potential rapists at all- I ignore them and eventually, they go away.

- Sure, I've been sexually assaulted and yeah, I have been raped before. No, it's not a fond memory, but it also doesn't mean I assume that every guy I meet or walk by could be a rapist. If a guy, or anyone for that matter, starts to get aggressive and talk down to me, then yeah, I get scared. But how often does that happen, really? Hmmm... well, every other day when I'm at work, but... I'm not considering him to be a rapist. I'm just labeling him a dickhead.

So OP, no, women do not see strangers that are men as rapists. I am rarely opposed to a little chit chat while walking down the street. I welcome compliments, no matter who is complimenting me. That woman is stuck in her own little sheltered world, who thinks she knows everything about everything and everyone.

That article is really fucking stupid.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

I love this article. While yes, the writer seems to be a bit overboard, the general premise is spot on, at least for me. I don't trust any strange man who approaches me. Ever. No matter how nice he looks or how sweet he seems. When I'm out in public alone, I'm always on guard. I keep my cell phone out in the open and at times pretend to be talking on it. I carry pepper spray, and never go out alone after dark. I watch my back when I'm walking alone on the street, and keep my eyes peeled when I get into my car. I don't allow myself to be alone around males that aren't my friends, and that includes when the cable guy or furniture delivery person comes over. Am I insane? Am I paranoid? Am I overreacting? Maybe to some, but as a survivor of sexual assault, I only see myself as preventative because rape and sexual assault is something I never wish to go through again, even on a small scale. The article states that 1 in 6 women are sexually assaulted, but I'd be willing to bet that its higher. Which means that there are DAMN lot of sexually perverse and dangerous men floating around out there and I don't want to risk becoming a victim while giving any man the benefit of the doubt. It sucks that women have to deal with this fear on a daily basis, and it angers me that the male gender has the ability to destroy our lives and safety the way they have but it is what it is.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

So you're saying the reason I'm single is because I might be a rapist? I thought it was because I was poor, drive a shitty car and don't look like Brad Pitt.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

So does this mean I can pen all strange men who approach me into a steel box and expose them to radiation because they are and are not a rapist at the same time?

Or just VV?
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

the best advice i have is to simply use your head, pay attention, stay calm and learn how to defend yourself. be prepared in case you are attacked but don't automatically expect it from every man you come across. remember that if worst comes to worst if you keep a clear head and have knowledge of how to hurt people your chances of getting out intact are much higher. even the biggest, strongest men are fragile if you know where to apply force.
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

This article at first scared me.

Then I thought: "New York City" - "New Yorker" - "American" - "two big Dogs in a tiny Apartment" - "practices martial arts" - "probably has pepper spray or a gun" ... practically fulfills all prejudices we Europeans have about Americans: way to paranoid for their own good.

This line of thought scared me even more, am I truly that prejudiced? I've lived on the American side of the big pond, yes I have mixed feelings about that experience. There were some great and awesome people I had to do with - but also a lot of ignorant *****. Also a lot of cool people seem to be here on the Board too. Yet a general paranoia of fear of others is widespread, and can't be denied.

Now the World, is generally not a safe place. It is not for men, children, women or anything in between. But to go through life, fearing of what could happen should never go as far as to actually limiting one living their life. Americans should, in my opinion, be grateful of the many liberties they have, and should stop worrying about things that will probably never occur to them. In other parts of the world you have to fear that a bomb is dropped on your car from a Drone flying miles above you, perhaps because you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, or because of a mix-up. There are places you have to worry where you place your foot, or a mine will blow up in your face, which had been laid there 30 or 40 years ago, tearing off your limbs. In certain countries you might be a child, living on a garbage dump, and you have to fear that at night someone comes to take you away to harvest your organs.

Whereas people like the person writing that Article (is she truly a woman?) are afraid even of their own shadow, seeing a potential Murderer, Rapist, Terrorist, Fanatic in every person that sits (or stands) in the same Subway car, is at the counter of Starbucks, or looking through the aisles of books at Barnes&Noble. This stereotypical portrayal then of the "potential rapist" is just ridiculous as Harley Spencer pointed out. Uncleanliness to me translate as "not clean-shaven", tattoos, etc. etc.
Well I hate to bring it to you, but the typical rapist - does not look like that. And those that do, won't bother to try to hit you up for a conversation about Beowulf, that kind of assaulter will come up from behind, in the dark and not bother with niceties.

The article states that - (probably) 1 in 6 american women will be assaulted sexually at least once during their lifetime. Now what constitutes (legally) sexual assault in the US may vary a lot from individual State to individual State (or Union Territory, US Territories, US Military Bases Abroad, etc.). Now the National Center for Victims of Crime defines sexual assault as:

Sexual assault takes many forms including attacks such as rape or attempted rape, as well as any unwanted sexual contact or threats. Usually a sexual assault occurs when someone touches any part of another person's body in a sexual way, even through clothes, without that person's consent. Some types of sexual acts which fall under the category of sexual assault include forced sexual intercourse (rape), sodomy (oral or anal sexual acts), child molestation, incest, fondling and attempted rape. Sexual assault in any form is often a devastating crime. Assailants can be strangers, acquaintances, friends, or family members. Assailants commit sexual assault by way of violence, threats, coercion, manipulation, pressure or tricks. Whatever the circumstances, no one asks or deserves to be sexually assaulted.
[quoted from http://www.ncvc.org/ncvc/main.aspx?dbName=DocumentViewer&DocumentID=32369#1]

What this article does not cover at all, is that the majority of sexual assault or rape, is not carried out by strangers, but by people known by the victim.
- A 1997 study, by Kathleen C. Basile, - that 13% of married American women had been raped by their husbands. (The dark number will probably be higher)
- A 2000 study, by the UN, - that in the USA a woman is battered, usually by her husband/partner, every 15 seconds.
- Data from 2000, US Department of Justice, - that in the USA a woman is raped every 90 seconds.

Now to show that the World is just as or even more dangerous a place than the US:
- A study showed that "At least one in every three women, or up to one billion women, have been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in their lifetimes. Usually, the abuser is a member of her own family or someone known to her" (L Heise, M Ellsberg, M Gottemoeller, 1999).
- Another 1999 study,by the WHO, - in Tajikistan (that's in Central Asia, somewhere between Russia and Afghanistan) - 47% of married women over the age of 14 (yes they got married off young by their families) had been raped by their husbands.
- A 2000 study by WWHR - in Turkey (a Member of NATO, and applicant for EU-Membership) 35.6% of married women have been raped by their husbands and 16.3% often and repeatedly.
- A 2001 study, by the Pakistani Government in the State of Punjab, - in Pakistan 42% of women accept violence as part of their fate; 33% feel too helpless to stand up to it; 19% protested and 4% took action against it.
- A 2001 study, European Womens Lobby, - in France 25,000 women are raped per year.
- A 2002 study, by the WHO, - that up to 70% of female murder victims are killed by their male partners.
- A 2003 study, by OMCT, - that in the Russian Federation 36,000 women are beaten on a daily basis by their husband or partner.
- According to Joni Seager in 2003 - In Kenya more than one woman a week was reportedly killed by her male partner. In Zambia five women a week were murdered by a male partner or family member. In Bangladesh 50% of all murders are of women by their partners. About two women per week are killed by their partners in the United Kingdom.

Now as wrong as this all is, it shows one major thing, that perhaps women have less to fear from the "stranger" who talks her up somewhere in the City, than from the people she is surrounded by on a daily basis (partners, friends, collegues, family, etc.), but then again, that would make living life even more paranoid and unbearable, wouldn't it?

Getting back to the article, it is also of no help what-so-ever to a normal guy.
We are constantly told that gender roles have changed, but we are not told how to change, and this article does not do more than add to the general confusion.
It has been said that Men were the "hunters" for millenia, and women were the keepers of the "hearth", the great desire man had in his dreams, be it while sleeping in a cave, in a hut, or in a palace.
Recent Anthropological Evidence, shows that this divison of roles, may not have been as rigid as believed in the stereotypes of the cavemen, and that men and women (cave-man and cave-girl) went on the hunt together, as it would take most of the community to take down those Mammoths.
Still men are told that it is our duty to be outgoing and to "conquer the heart" of a woman, yet this article does nothing but set restrictions and basically tells us to "stay away".
So should men then accept that (militant) femminism from the 1970s has so profoundly changed the roles, that Man should now patiently wait at the sidelines until a Woman would graciously descend and address him?
Strangely such a course is not viable, as women hardly ever will take the incentive, and still wait for men to do so, even though some women have developed a profound fear of that, perhaps even of their own femminility.

This article is also offensive in the ways it describes all men and generalizes in its paranoid fashion.
A true Gentleman will always respect the personal sphere and essence of a woman. Most men know that violence and rape are profoundly wrong, and are disgusted that there are lowely members of the male-gender who recur to such means.
But here men are described in the lowliest fashion, and this is just another article in a long line of articles which demonize and castrate men.

One last thing: violence of women over men, are hardly ever evidenced, though they do exist but are much less reported, and result to be just as devastating. Female-on-male violence is rarely of the physical type, but mostly of the psychological, and tends to be just as harmful. This article could even under circumstances be described in that line.
I also remember an Episode of ABC's "What Would You Do?" where the instance of what would people do if they saw violence of a woman on a man, would they step-in or not, had shown that not a single person stepped-in to defend an abused male, and a lot actually rooted for the abuser. Whenever episodes were shown portraying male-on-female violence, there was always someone ready to step-in. Goes to show how far we really are to achieve gender-equality...

I apologize to any woman who has been (or is still) a victim of assault and/or violence, here on the board (OCSM, Member, FreeOnes Team, or just a Visitor stumbling over the thread), as a man. And may only hope that that horrible experience, which I cannot even dare try to understand a minimum the feelings you have/are gone/going through, has not left you with a lasting hatred against, or fear of, the entirety of the male-gender.
Be it that one is male or female, we are all parts of the Human Species/Race, and are inter-dependent upon each other in so many ways. Even after Millenia of attempting to study women, we men still have not started to understand woman in a minimum part. Women to most of us are still these marvellous, complex, lovely, and some-what supernatural Creatures, who never cease to surprise us and whom we fantasize about, love and adore.
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

^ that's a lot of words but a good post...i was actually about to say something about that in my post before yours, but of the sexual assault cases i am personally familiar with most of the attackers were people who were already in the victims circle of trust i.e. people they thought were friends, friends of family, friends of friends and in some cases actual family...all people who the victims shouldn't have worried about. just goes to show that while suspecting everyone would be a bad thing, one should be prepared to deal with the possibility even when it's not in a sketchy situation...


Official Checked Star Member
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

ARticle wise: another one hit by the LOC syndrome.

It sucks that women have to deal with this fear on a daily basis, and it angers me that the male gender has the ability to destroy our lives and safety the way they have but it is what it is.

Spexy, seriously: is it men's fault that you are so paranoid? I don't mean to offend, i'm just stating a fact based on your words. The male gender has no such ability to destroy your life more than the female gender. There is bad and there is good out there, despite of color, gender, religion etc. There are females destroying men's lives and taking children, money and jobs away from them and i don't see any crusade against us women for this. No matter the bad experiences that you might have had, it's never a gender matter, but an individual matter. I find men amazing. The good men, i mean. I find women evil and disgraceful. The bad women i mean.
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

Spexy, seriously: is it men's fault that you are so paranoid? I don't mean to offend, i'm just stating a fact based on your words. The male gender has no such ability to destroy your life more than the female gender.
A bit of sensitivity please! Sabrina I think you're taking it out of context.. this is about sexual/physical assault. Spexy said she was sexually assaulted, so of course she's paranoid about men. The fact is men are OVERWHELMINGLY responsible for crimes against women and other men too. That's the fact anyway you look at it. And Spexy, I wish you all the best hun! Stay strong :hugkiss: Just read your posting about a stalker on your website.. that makes me scared too :surprise:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

Spexy, seriously: is it men's fault that you are so paranoid? I don't mean to offend, i'm just stating a fact based on your words. The male gender has no such ability to destroy your life more than the female gender. There is bad and there is good out there, despite of color, gender, religion etc. There are females destroying men's lives and taking children, money and jobs away from them and i don't see any crusade against us women for this. No matter the bad experiences that you might have had, it's never a gender matter, but an individual matter. I find men amazing. The good men, i mean. I find women evil and disgraceful. The bad women i mean.

Ms. Deep, that was deep.


persona non grata
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

The only thing about this that is worth commenting is that the article writer obvisously doesn´t fully understand what the Schrödinger´s Cat paradox is really about.
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

I believe that any man in his right mind and sences would like to fuck 1000 women. This does not mean that he would want to rape, hurt, humiliate them. rather the contrary. Women are the best thing on this earth and should be treated accordingly. Love them, adore them, worship them or treat them as they prefer. Unfortunately there are exceptions amongst men, a small minority, I want to believe who think and behave otherwise. But then nothing is perfect in this world and it is natural that bad experiences to lead to bad feelings.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

This reminds me of a safety film called Stranger Danger.

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

A bit of sensitivity please! Sabrina I think you're taking it out of context.. this is about sexual/physical assault. Spexy said she was sexually assaulted, so of course she's paranoid about men. The fact is men are OVERWHELMINGLY responsible for crimes against women and other men too. That's the fact anyway you look at it. And Spexy, I wish you all the best hun! Stay strong :hugkiss: Just read your posting about a stalker on your website.. that makes me scared too :surprise:

I was sexually assaulted before too, but I don't have the mindset that Spexy has. I can be understanding of where that fear of it happening again comes from, but it won't make me feel any different about it.

At the risk of stepping on toes here, I think that people need to be more aware. I don't mean more aware of the fact that sexual assault is so common, I mean more aware of your surroundings and more aware of peoples' intentions, attitudes, personalities, etc. You have to be able to see the good in people, and recognize the differences in characteristics between good and bad intentions. If you can't, you're going to spend the remainder of your life in constant fear and paranoia. You have to be able to move on with your life.

As has been mentioned in this thread before, more often than not, the rapes and accounts of sexual assault happen with people that are already in your life. Friends, family, spouses, ex-spouses.

Spexy, this isn't to attack your feelings on the matter. I know that sexual assault can have a great impact on our lives. I am just stating my opinion and offering another point of view. Food for thought.


Re: Guys check this out, especially the women (OCSM's especially): "Schrödinger’s Rap

I didn't read this entire thread, so I'm not sure if Schrodinger was raping the cat in the box, or whatever. It would probably involve some interesting new questions, though.

I am in support of personal weapon permits though. Purchase and register a handgun, and if someone tries to rape you, shoot them.