Gun Control is Coming - But Listen to This!

One of the families of the people who were murdered in the Colorado theater shooting filed a law suit against an online gun and ammo retailer and now are being required to pay that same retailer over $200,000!!!!!!!!! There is a law that protects the gun industry from being sued for ANY reason. Full Story

This guy bought over 4,000 rounds of ammunition; The Sportsman’s Guide, which sold him a 100-round magazine and 700 rounds; BTP Arms, which supplied two canisters of tear gas; and Bullet Proof Body Armor. He could have been a 10 year old, they would never know because they didn't even ask. Some of the stuff he bought was military-grade weaponry.

I am a gun owner and proudly so. But I bought every gun I own legally and from a licensed gun dealer. My ID was shown and my information entered and I had to wait the period required by law. I was fine with all of that. I have a concealed carry permit for which I had to take classes to get. I go to the range and practice a few times a month. If I were to be required to go and register all of my guns I would do so happily because I have zero reason to worry as I use them for protection. I'm not an idiot who needs to kill animals to feel like I'm worth something so no hunting here.

So why is it that the NRA sees what this guy did to kill 12 and injure 70 and how easily he was able to just go online and buy all of this stuff legally? How can a decent person think that this is acceptable? We are the only country in the world with the lack of gun laws that we have and we are also the only country in the world with school shootings and mass murders in public places that aren't acts of war like in Israel and Palestine. If we're the only one that has a Sandy Hook murder or a Colorado murder or any of the others how do good people still standing in the way of something being done to limit the access and amend the laws that will keep shit like this from continuing to happen?
How's that AK?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
That's not a fuckin AK74. It's a probably a Chinese knock off...likely a Norinco, or a Century Arms. That fucking thing is in to good of shape to be a Com block, or Soviet sanctioned weapon. For fucks sake, even a newbie knows AK74 mags are orange, and have a sharper curve. Are we still going to pretend this is actually her gun, and not a prop from some photo shoot. How many times has she screamed for registration and stricter gun control? That isn't her gun, and she has no clue what it is, or how to even load and charge it...let alone live under the belief that private citizens should be allowed military style weapons.

Lets stop the madness!!
I'm all for gun registration and stricter etc, but I don't think you can sue anyone for operating within the law, which it seems the supplier did. And as shitty as it is, I do think that when people bring bs lawsuits and lose they should be on the hook for legal costs. If anyone is the douche bag in this situation it's the lawyer who convinced them it was a good idea.

Will E Worm

When we get a progressive in office I hope the first thing they do is tell the NRA to go fuck themselves and require all guns to be registered just like cars and make gun shows and selling ammo online illegal. Its gonna happen, its just a matter of when. It will be a beautiful day.



Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I'm trying to figure out the OP's duality and I just can't. It doesn't make sense.
It makes sense because something has to be done to keep these types of lunatics from such easy access. What is the reason for laws when a gun show can sell guns and ammo to 12 year old kids without any ID or parental permission? Online retailers can sell thousands of rounds of armor-piercing ammo to anyone, no questions asked. What is the reason anyone other than the military would need armor-piercing bullets? You all take the side of cops in any situation but its ok for bad guys to be able to buy bullets to shoot through their body armor? They're the only ones wearing body armor so who else would that be aimed at?

Oh I know, the big war of the citizens vs the US military is coming and you need to be ready LOL My point was I'm a gun owner and have no problem with the laws and having more laws. This guy who bought all this so easily when he was mentally ill just proves our system is fucked up. That and all the mass murders.
It makes sense because something has to be done to keep these types of lunatics from such easy access. What is the reason for laws when a gun show can sell guns and ammo to 12 year old kids without any ID or parental permission? Online retailers can sell thousands of rounds of armor-piercing ammo to anyone, no questions asked. What is the reason anyone other than the military would need armor-piercing bullets? You all take the side of cops in any situation but its ok for bad guys to be able to buy bullets to shoot through their body armor? They're the only ones wearing body armor so who else would that be aimed at?

Oh I know, the big war of the citizens vs the US military is coming and you need to be ready LOL My point was I'm a gun owner and have no problem with the laws and having more laws. This guy who bought all this so easily when he was mentally ill just proves our system is fucked up. That and all the mass murders.

Are you really this uninformed? Even at gun shows there are federal guidelines.

Jesus Christ.
Real Sports did a segment on how the gun industry is marketing kids.... they had a 13 year old boy try to buy lottery tickets beer and cigarettes with a hidden camera and he was turned down at all of them...then he walked into a gun show and bought a rifle no questions asked. He was 13 years old.

Don't believe me?

So it is OK to go undercover at a gun show but not at Planned Parenthood. Gotcha.

Sure there are those that break the law.

But most gun shows need identification for anyone under 18 and they can only purchase rifles. Mom and dad or legal guardians can give a rifle to a child under 18 in states that allow it.
I think it's fine to go undercover ANYWHERE to find the truth. I never said that about PP. Please show me where I did. You are like a fucking child. You defend shit by pointing out other shit. When I did that as a kid my mom would tell me to stop justifying bad behavior with other bad behavior. You Might consider that as a lesson for yourself. This wasn't a back-alley deal as you can see. this was at the guys table in the wide open. So you're saying that this isn't legal and is not the way gun shows are run?

This kid was 13 and bought it no questions asked. out in the open.
as well guns used in the Columbine High School and 101 California Street massacres and the 2010 Pentagon shooting had all been purchased at gun shows

Gun shows are most often used for "Private sales" which require no background checks. Only a few states regulate gun shows. That's where most assault rifles are bought and sold as well as heavy ammo and where most "straw purchases are made"

Go ahead and defend gun shows too lol Hopefully the school your daughter attends won't be shot up by some loony. Then what song will YOU sing counselor?
Like I said, there are those that break the law at the shows. Obviously it is not rampant or this current administration would have busted far more during BATF and FBI stings.