The exact text as adopted by your congress. Nowhere does it mention tyranny from the US government. the security of a free state can be threatened by an external force.
Security Of A Free State. There is your mention of tyranny.
Well, nuking may be a bit over the top, but using tanks (think of China and the Soviet Union) have in fact been used and we are talking about tyrants.
You just made my above point. They used tanks against an unarmed populace. And it's stunning to me how people continuously choose to ignore Syria. These guys are duking it out against tanks and fighter jets, and they're making it happen. It's tough going and a lot of people are dying. But by your claim, they should have been rolled over within a month.
Difficult, not impossible. First of all, an amendment itself a change to the original law or, in this case, constitution (just think of it, the right to own a gun wasn't even in the original constitution, which was adopted in 1787, while the 2nd amendment was adopted in 1791). It requires a 2/3 majority of both houses congress, but the constitution and amendments can be amended.
They are never going to get the votes. It's as simple as that.
Please enlighten me.
No. It's not my job to see to your education. Every single sentence in that particular paragraph was wrong. It's up to you to find out why.