Guitar Hero III


knows petras secret: she farted.
i play real guitar and i find there is small relation to this game but i do love guitar hero its a whole new world though if your experienced in playing the real instrument

as an active guitarist, i still dont see how this is anything like real guitar playing. if you dont believe me, pick up a guitar. go ahead, try to play enter sandman, and all the rest of those mtv hits they have on there.

i mean, yeah, its pretend, but i cant believe how many people are acting so bad-ass thinking they are all about guitar all of the sudden. to me, the whole thing is just a popularity contest, with all this downloadable new hit crappy songs. its just another blow to the music industry.

but then again, ive lost all faith in the music industry. with all this "emo" bullshit, and the get-rich-quick no-talent crap they slop out there, it just irritates me that people are still excited about the latest fall out boy song so they can download it on their ipod and now xbox or whatever.

i guess im just a purest, i still hope that there will be a shimmer of art and some sort of work going into music. to me, this is just a way to suck us deeper into it. is my rant going to change anyone? fucking a, it wont. so just rememeber, you still cant play guitar, you're faking it! ;)


what the fuck you lookin at?
Oh I know I don't know the first thing about playing a real guitar, but this game is still damn addictive! Fun as shit!
My 22 year old cousin is an expert at all versions of Guitar hero. He just won a GH contest at a local bar and this really hot chick stepped to him right afterwards.

I was like damn yo! I wanna be a guitar hero rock star too!


knows petras secret: she farted.
My 22 year old cousin is an expert at all versions of Guitar hero. He just won a GH contest at a local bar and this really hot chick stepped to him right afterwards.

I was like damn yo! I wanna be a guitar hero rock star too!

a guitar hero contest? you got to be kidding me!


what the fuck you lookin at?
I've heard of these contests. But I don't waste my time with em. I'm know I'm not good enough to win. I can destroy all my friends who have the games so that's good enough for me! But when it comes to real competition...I suck!
anyone know a list of songs that is in the new game i know that there is more rock & metal music this time around, also heard there is a wireless guitar coming out to play it with ment to be better than the wired one and info would be appericated


what the fuck you lookin at?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
One of the greatest, so far.
ok i found a demo for this game xbox 360 on download the iso file burn it to a cd then put it in you xbox then play and enjoy, took me a few days of looking and trying loads of differant site but found it in the end, plays good too, ha ha enjoy all


what the fuck you lookin at?
what's false? Those are the same songs I listed!
one group i would have liked to see on the list is papa roach, they've got some good riff's in a lot of their songs. but i'm happy to see pride and joy, black magic woman, and la grange among others


what the fuck you lookin at?
Yea...I won't be getting this game now till who the fuck knows when. Engine locked up in my car so NOW I've gotta find a new fuckin car.

Which fuckin pisses me off since I've been feigning for this game the past couple months!

God damn mother fuckin piece of dog shit!!!
shame about you car bud, wish i could help but not very good when it come to fixing stuff like that ? but the thought there. the game will wait so don't worry and chill, have had a few car problems myself the other week mine got stolen and the insurance has ripped me off with a small pay out !! not bothered go to go for a trike next.


what the fuck you lookin at?
You can't fix it once the engine locks up unless you buy a new engine. The car is 17 years old and in decent shape but considering how old it is it isn't worth the cost a new engine. Yea the game can wait, but I'm still pissed! And will be for quite some time to come!
as i said mate i know how you feel, am still pissed myself after mine got stolen, the police found it but it was burnt out got my spanner set back that was good just need a clean, oh well life gose on.