Ok then, otherwise this game will be to easy. I let you do the honours since you pointed it out to us.
Agreed!!!!!! Okay then, will do!!!
Really... I have no clue!!! Now you really got me curious!
Okay, since it would appear that you have been in the dark long enough, here is the "secret":
I noticed by the 2nd picture that you posted (and it turned out it was the case for the 1st one as well) that you actually had the answer to each picture in the name of the file. So, all one had to do was go to save the image and, since you kept the answer as the file name for the picture, the answer was right there in black and white as the suggested file name when you went to save it.
I ended up sharing this discovery with a few others...and that is why we have all been able to nail every picture you posted after the 1st one. Granted the last one I got correct, Hayden Panettiere took a bit more work because "Hayden" was all that was in the file name (as opposed to the full name as was the case in all the others)...but still admittedly it wasn't all that tough.
Moral to the story & lesson learned.....if you want to get people to guess an image, an important 1st step is to change the file name for the picture so that it does not in fact also reflect the answer. Ha ha ha!
Now you're out of the dark and you can proceed without inadvertently giving the answer away each and everytime.