Guard dog breed you would want guarding your house?


we have one of these:
weighs about 140 pounds, and i can put both hands on his head and there is space left over...
he also doesn't like strangers, and goes to investigate every little noise immediately. i pity the fool who would break in here and gets mauled to death. well, at least it'll be a quick death.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
My two future schnauzers will protect me! Or at least bark at anyone entering into the home to where I can easily grab a firearm and get the person who did such an idiotic thing as to break into my house.

You can hold a firearm?
Much prefer my Samoyed, good bark, no bite and a loaded 12 Ga. under the bed.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Damn copycat!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Nice choice Mega.
If your very good at training dogs and you're training it specifically for the purpose of guard duty I would say a Doberman. If you get more than one there is a bonus in that the seem to work well in packs. The only problem is that breeders have so thoroughly screwed up the breed (the same with Rottweilers and most other utility dogs for that matter) I don't know where you would find a one with good intelligence, great instincts, and stable healthy genetics. Those days might be gone for that. It's also not a dog that will be optimal unless you are willing to do extensive training.
my pitbull dolmation mix is so love able when my 7 yr old neice was younger she would pull her ears and ride her like a horse but when it comes to protecting her familly my dog wont let a stranger take one foot in my house unless i tell her to lay down its ok


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
If they were real then a Hell Hound.

Accept no substitutes!.