Has anyone heard about this lunatic group? These people are out of their fucking minds, they are anti-gay group and they are going to picket the funerals from the VT massarce. How sick can you be? Don't they have any respect for anyone? Other than their lunatic ideals?
"The organization, founded and led by Fred Phelps, believes the United States has condemned itself to destruction by accepting homosexuality and other “sins of the flesh.” Phelps’ daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper, said the Virginia Tech teachers and students who died on Monday brought their fate upon themselves by not being true Christians. "
Who the fuck are they to condemn these people this way? They are probably a bunch of hypocrites themselves and sound to me like they need to beaten the shit out of. And if you read about their leader Fred Phelps, he's a real nut job. Personally I don't care what homosexuals do and actually I have a few as friends, and who cares what they do? But this just fired me up so much, i can't stand people like this that condemn people because they aren't just like them or act like them and etc etc etc
Fred Phelps
"The organization, founded and led by Fred Phelps, believes the United States has condemned itself to destruction by accepting homosexuality and other “sins of the flesh.” Phelps’ daughter, Shirley Phelps-Roper, said the Virginia Tech teachers and students who died on Monday brought their fate upon themselves by not being true Christians. "
Who the fuck are they to condemn these people this way? They are probably a bunch of hypocrites themselves and sound to me like they need to beaten the shit out of. And if you read about their leader Fred Phelps, he's a real nut job. Personally I don't care what homosexuals do and actually I have a few as friends, and who cares what they do? But this just fired me up so much, i can't stand people like this that condemn people because they aren't just like them or act like them and etc etc etc
Fred Phelps