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Spider-Man 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 the "Perceptions" story line. Perceptions is quite a dark Spider-Man story, set in Canada and featuring a string of child murders. Spiderman and Wolverine go and investigate the killings. The towns folk blame the Wendigo, but it ends up being two men that molest children, kill them to keep the kids quiet and then dump the bodies in the woods. I read it when I was nine years old and remember asking my parents what molestation meant. They wanted to know where I got that word from and told them, "from my Spiderman comics" they didn't want me to read spiderman any more, but in my mind it only encouraged me to keep reading if it bothered my parents enough to get angry.
That was a good story-line, J. M. DeMatteis had a good one around the same time in Spectacular Spider-Man "The Child Within" #178-184. Harry Osborne returns as the evil Green Goblin this story-line finally led into Spectacular Spider-Man #200, another great issue.
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