Government Shuts Down As Congress Fails To Reach Spending Agreement

Would it make you guys feel any better if I told you that my little girl is a flaming liberal? And Mayday Sammy started whole apology threads once he got his meds filled. I make a passing apology within a thread.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Dads or not, guys stick together so, yeah. Count me in.

Both of my grown nephews have no children but like you, they can be counted on.

Would it make you guys feel any better if I told you that my little girl is a flaming liberal? And Mayday Sammy started whole apology threads once he got his meds filled. I make a passing apology within a thread.

I, too, am hindered by FreeOnes cock blocking rep system.


Would it make you guys feel any better if I told you that my little girl is a flaming liberal? And Mayday Sammy started whole apology threads once he got his meds filled. I make a passing apology within a thread.

Yeah well, I make a passing go fuck yourself in the same thread. I did hit the nail on the head earlier today when I said that you Conservatives all sound alike. You were channeling Sampon before, now you're the spitting image of georges with your, "I've had a bad day so I'm giving myself permission to be a dick" bullshit. You, like your mentor, like to repeatedly make references about my job. Here we have a lawyer acting like a 12 y/o girl on her first period. Grow the fuck up. Deal with your problems. Whatever anyone thinks of me, no one has any clue how many times I've banged out some bilious swill and then realized it was my bad mood I was responding to and not the topic. Post gets backspaced and I walk away until I'm in a better frame of mind. In other words Counselor, you could learn a lot from a poker dealer.

Nothing's changed. Except maybe to reinforce my opinion that lawyers were invented to make cockroaches feel better about themselves.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Whatever anyone thinks of me, no one has any clue how many times I've banged out some bilious swill and then realized it was my bad mood I was responding to and not the topic. Post gets backspaced and I walk away until I'm in a better frame of mind.

If I had a dollar for every post I've deleted instead of posting I'd have quite a few dollars.
Ok I will just take that and let it ride. I gotta tell you guys that I am extremly bvrned out with my job. In January I am taking a 4 month leave of absence and I am going to join aboard one of the Mercy ships that travel the coast of Africa giving food and medical care. I have a friend that is a chef and it is unpaid volunteer work except for my food and cabin. Google Mercy ships. They do good work. And before we get out of hand with this Sammy look at how many in your face bait threads I have started. Very few I am certain.


Hopefully you don't have too many bad days where good people are trapped on a boat with your petulant, whiny ass. I'd hate for you to find out the hard way how well bullshit excuses mix with hot sun and waves. You just might find yourself getting served to the natives.
Ok man I am going to say something and you can take it for what it's worth. You are the fucker who started with the insults toward me before I ever said anything to you in response. It is always some smartass remark based upon yovr dislike of a political opinion and instead of spelling out why you disagree you just jump in bomb throwing. I don't recall one instance of you engaging in debate without calling someone a dumbass or making generalizations.Unless of course the poster has somewhat of a moderate POV and then you may be a little reserved in how you react. Their are some very liberal posters whom I have disagreements with but it never reaches the point that it does with you. I don't give a fuck how tough you think you are or if you like my opinions or not you are the one who raises the level of discourse around here. I have a temper myself and if someone is a dickhead to me I can be one too. Anything I said to you about your job or education started first with you. You don't have to like me. respect me or otherwise but make damn certain that I will not take any shit from you and if you are going to engage in debate and the best you can muster is name calling and an air of ideological superiority then don't be surprised if my response is every bit as nasty as you think you are being. There are some posters here that I disagree with vehemently yet don't seem to reach the level I have with you. Perhaps you should reflect on yourself and You Might see that it starts with you. The next time you want to be particularly insulting to me ask yourself if you want to meet up with me the next time I am Vegas and if you do, decide if you want to say those things to my face. I am willing to bet that you won't. Not trying to be a bad ass but I am not going to spend my time on this board constantly having a back and forth with yov. You can decide which way you want this to go as I don't give a fuck.


Oh mother fucker, you just opened a door that I was praying for. Yes, I live in the easiest to get to city in the world. So come on down bitch. No cops, no security are my only rules. Other than that, post the time and the place. Do it right here where everyone can see it. And don't play the "I would but you'll bring a gun" bullshit. No I won't. But I'll be more than happy to walk right up to your pudgy face. And I'm sure a con-man cunt like you can write the trip off on your taxes. So book your flight chickenshit. I was taking the high road by not putting this on the table, and Sampon Jr. tees it up for me. You, like your Daddy, are so predictably stoopid. And bitch-boy, don't make any other plans for that day because this will take a while. Bad call dumbass. Bad call. I'm going to make you wish you walked through the Congo wearing a tutu rather than issue this challenge. See you soon, cocksucker.
Oh I will be there cunt. In fact I always go in December so you won't have tn wait long. The only thing I will bring is a pair of pliers so after I lay you out with one punch I will remove what teeth you have left and post the photos here of you and your cunt lipped face. I am not afraid of spending a few hours in jail to get the chance to expose what a big talking pussy you are. I also notice you make a lot of references to little girls. Got something you want to tell us bitch?


Oh I will be there cunt. In fact I always go in December so you won't have tn wait long. The only thing I will bring is a pair of pliers so after I lay you out with one punch I will remove what teeth you have left and post the photos here of you and your cunt lipped face. I am not afraid of spending a few hours in jail to get the chance to expose what a big talking pussy you are. I also notice you make a lot of references to little girls. Got something you want to tell us bitch?

I'll have a lot to say in December. Don't weasel out of this. No cops, no security. But since Mariah made the same accusation, feel free to bring her. Two stark cases of reality are better than one. And God knows you'll need the help.
The irony of this whole shut down is there will be zero rage from the American public. We will just go and vote the same economic and political terrorists back into our government next election.

I humbly disagree. It isn't ironic at all if it's completely predictable, even assured beforehand.

This country is owned by corporations. It's as accurate to say we have a democratic form of government as it is to say Iran has a secular government that promotes tolerance.

Congress can have approval ratings in the single digits and it won't matter one bit to them. They have no fear and operate with impunity because they faithfully serve their deep-pocket masters, and will be very well taken care of as long as they continue to run this country into the ground. There will be zero rage from the American public because this is just the way things are, the way they have been for a long time. There is nothing ironic about it.
Don't worry sugar britches I haven't turned down the chance to knock a muhfucka out that deserved it even once in my life. And nobody is more deserving of a BC ass whipping than you are right now. Consider your prayers answered trick. It will just be me and my set of pliers.and after I finish giving you some desperately needed dental work I will kindly ram those pliers up your ass. I know how you like that. Shit even Mariah doesn't like you? What a two bit trick you must be.
Somebody please tell me how Obamacare will ruin America. I'm not interested in an ideological explanation, but an economic one.

How will implementing a law that Congress itself passed and the Supreme Court upheld cause economic ruin and collapse? Please be specific, and again, refrain from ideological explanations such as "government isn't the solution, it's the problem!" I'm not interested in sound bytes, only factually based argument.

For example, were I to apply for and receive approval on a mortgage that exceeds my entire salary, it would be reasonable to conclude that going through with it would be insane. I would rapidly deplete my savings, fall behind on all my other debts, would not be able to put food on the table and would STILL lose the house because I couldn't afford the monthly payments, let alone property taxes, insurance of any kind, and so on. And since I would have given up my current residence to move there, I would have nowhere to go once I defaulted. In short, it would ruin me financially and otherwise.

I would like to know how Obamacare would cause just such a meltdown.

I really do have an open mind, I'm not baiting the hook or setting up a straw man here. I want to know exactly why Obamacare is not just bad, but the Angel of Death to our entire socioeconomic way of life.


BTW lawyer boy, if you reread my posts, you'll see that nowhere did I threaten physical violence. There is not one instance where any judge you've ever faced would tag me with a charge of making threats of violence. But you did. Twice.

Editors Note: Anders, when you show up and delete these posts, it's ok. I've made copies.

Back to our regularly scheduled program: What kind of half-assed lawyer are you that you let yourself get played like a fiddle this easily? Just like Daddy, you are just waaay too stoopid to even be talking to me. It took 5 seconds and no effort whatsoever to put you right in the frying pan. Are you this easy in court? How many speeding ticket offenders have you lost to the electric chair?

Anyway, I'll be here, in December and after. Thanx for the gut laugh. Maybe I'll have December.


Official Checked Star Member
Because Obama is black and he wants to help the people that the republicans turned into poorer people than they already were. he wants to stop our country from becoming a 3rd world, and the republicant's will not permit that. they need the very rich and the very poor with nothing in between so the wealth can run everything.
I don't make threats Mayqueen. I make promises. Don't worry son as they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Make all the copies you want And get me a coffee will ya?


Staff member
lmao a fight because of political opinions :facepalm: that would be the first one I have ever seen on a forum
This keyboard commando is a major titwhistle and comes to this board daily with a chip on his shoulder. Then when someone calls him on it he gets sand in his vag . Hell I even made two gestures to call a truce and the fat fuck keeps going. The fucker can't help himself. At that point I decided that i wovld give him the opportunity to say it to my face and then he gets beer muscles. Sam Fisher looks like Steven Hawking compared to this mental giant. Anyway now he is all up in arms because I threatened to peel his onion lol. And you want to see lawyers fight and how much we worry about threats. Check out one of ous softball games. Come at me bro.


Little girl, what reality do you live in? You've never made any gesture but with your middle finger to anyone that doesn't conform to your 1950s world view. You've never attempted a truce, whereas every olive branch I've offered has been immediately snapped. And now, Perry Mason shows his ass in front of everyone. Remember, Jedi mind tricks only work on the feeble minded, and you walked right down the red carpet I layed out for you on a spur-of-the-moment play. Be glad you're in North Carolina where high school dropouts can be lawyers too. Hey, all of a sudden I want to be a lawyer. Which magazine ad did you get your degree from?


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I hate to tell you this Rattrap but you should probably limit your involvement to discussion about scientific matters. You aren't exactly lending insight to other topics. And Rey we can copy and paste all day long articles stating medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy filings but it is just not true. I have been filing for clients for over 20 years and while medical bills are certainly included in many petitions it is not at the level that these agenda driven studies conclude. The totak amounts may be higher than consumer debt but the individual cases do not add up to more.

So... your personal experience and opinion outweigh all the evidence that he produced? Is that correct?

You fucking right i base my opinion on personal experience.
Now that we've brought science into the discussion...taking your personal opinion over statistical evidence to the contrary makes you a fool. That's generally georges' schtick.