GOP to corporations : Don't move the jobs back to America, keep moving them away from US citizens

You seem not to understand free enterprise. Businesses don’t owe this country anything, the idea that businesses need to be patriotic and willingly lose money based on some sense of sentimentality is laughable.

Considering people have died in this country to protect those corporations, pay to have roads to they can get their supplies, pay to have a somewhat educated workforce they can draw from, pay to put fires out if they start at their place, pay to have police so roving bandits don't take all their stuff, and about a million other things, yes, on a moral and ethical level they do owe us. Almost all those businesses certainly didn't mind drawing on all the resources of the country they could get away with when it suited them. If they don't owe us we as sure didn't owe them all they have took.

The US taxes corporations exorbitantly and incentivise businesses to leave. So in fact, Obama and Warren DO support big businesses leaving the “homeland”(stupid term btw). They support it with their policies in dozens of different ways.

I am in favor of getting businesses to stay willingly by creating an environment which is appealing financially. Like Texas is doing to steal Californian companies.

You do realize most of the world is a crappy, poor, run down cesspool where the common people are de facto slaves to those they must work for to survive. Basically what you think is fair is for everybody here to have to lower themselves to the level they would have to compete with people that are so subjected to abuse they live in abject poverty and are borderline slaves if not there all ready. Yet, you see nothing wrong with that. The way, THE ONLY WAY, we could every really compete with that is to lower ourselves to that level. That's the reality. Yeah, sorry, I just be too much of a hippie elitist for not wanting that. By the way did you know that Texas has one of the largest amount of impoverished people in the country. I'm not just talking about total numbers but percentage of their populace as well. Wow, that economic strategy is really paying off for them. The last time our country had little regulation we had company coal mining towns that orchestrate putting people in perpetual debt and slowly killing them as they worked for little pay. Maybe we could go back to that. Maybe you could blissfully join those workers in your laissez faire darwinistic utopia that would almost certainly happen. Somehow I get the feeling it would only be okay if you were the one of the few raking in the cash and and the top though.

It is the constant distinction between liberalism and conservatism, force versus choice. I am conservative, hence I desire minimal government interference and more freedom, lower taxes. Warren and Obama favor coercion, force, punishment on individuals and businesses in order to get a desired response.

If we weren’t taxing businesses at 39%, the most of any major nation, they wouldn’t be leaving.

I hate to break this to you, but you don't want freedom. Not really. That is mostly just a lie people like you tell yourselves as rationalizing your ways of thinking. What would be a more accurate assessment of your views is you want selfishness under the guise of freedom. You got yours and now want to do whatever it takes to keep it. You want to control others for your own benefit just in a roundabout way. You want individual profits without individual responsibility. Considering people have a duty to the society they live in and nobody has an unlimited right to what they want when that starts to adversely effect the people around them I'm not going to shed a tear if people are forced to properly support others and even less so when it's some corporation that has to do so. Considering those people, the elite, the rich, and corporations have schemed and used their enormously huge influence on those in charge to basically write the rules they want for themselves for so long to give them every advantage I'm not going to be bothered if somehow a very little bit is given back to the ones that need it.

Corporations have shown nothing throughout the entirety of history that indicates they can every police or regulate themselves. The thought is so silly it's laughable for anybody that thinks about it honestly. Sure government's aren't always good either, but it's kind of stupid to then want to give control over the only things that can be and almost always are even worse than them. When people have a system and players in that system where the entire basis of it depends on everybody's mutual greed to even function is it a wonder things are the way they are? Does nobody really is the folly in that? And yet, that's what we have, and there are people out that that practically follow it like a religion without even seriously having introspection as to why they even believe what they do.
You seem not to understand free enterprise. Businesses don’t owe this country anything, the idea that businesses need to be patriotic and willingly lose money based on some sense of sentimentality is laughable.

The US taxes corporations exorbitantly and incentivise businesses to leave. So in fact, Obama and Warren DO support big businesses leaving the “homeland”(stupid term btw). They support it with their policies in dozens of different ways.

I am in favor of getting businesses to stay willingly by creating an environment which is appealing financially. Like Texas is doing to steal Californian companies.

It is the constant distinction between liberalism and conservatism, force versus choice. I am conservative, hence I desire minimal government interference and more freedom, lower taxes. Warren and Obama favor coercion, force, punishment on individuals and businesses in order to get a desired response.

If we weren’t taxing businesses at 39%, the most of any major nation, they wouldn’t be leaving.

Is it OK to you for the government to subsidize companies that are moving their activities and their job out of the country ?
Don't you think it subsidizing companies that move their activities and jobs from away back to America would be a better use of tax-payers money ? 'cause that was the purpose of that bll, that was what get GOP so concerned they used filibuster not to let it happen.

Yes on the common citizen.
But corporations and CEO are perfectly in control of it...
Considering people have died in this country to protect those corporations, pay to have roads to they can get their supplies, pay to have a somewhat educated workforce they can draw from, pay to put fires out if they start at their place, pay to have police so roving bandits don't take all their stuff, and about a million other things, yes, on a moral and ethical level they do owe us. Almost all those businesses certainly didn't mind drawing on all the resources of the country they could get away with when it suited them. If they don't owe us we as sure didn't owe them all they have took.

All wars throughout history are for economic gain. With the oil industry big here with the world hitting peak oil, (peak oil is where what you pull out of the ground can not keep up with demand. China industrial boom caused this), W knew this and the reason for the false WMDs in Iraq. After all they only protected the oil ministry with troops after the fall of Baghdad.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Because neither party is led by people who can develop and then institute sensible, logical, rational and effective tax policies, we have the mess that we have now... and I believe that we will continue to have this mess. Does anyone here see any sign that we won't have this same mess going forward, no matter who or what gets elected??? I don't.

Even the dumbest politician could/should be able to pull this up on a computer: Global Corporate Tax Rate Table

OK, then dive down to develop a table of global marginal effective corporate tax rates (that's really important to the discussion).

OK, then decide which countries pose a legitimate and real threat to U.S. economic growth, taking into account things like relative population, economic and political stability, employee education, skill levels, infrastructure, etc. Those will be the countries and zones that the U.S. will likely need to match or at least be competitive against.

OK, now... develop and institute tax policies that enable domestic companies to stay here and be competitive, while not giving away the store (increasing the debt and deficit - devotees of supply side economics need to learn how it works in the short and the long term... and it's *just* a theory anyway), or just falling into the tired, old, simple-minded chant of "deregulate & cut taxes", like it's some sort of magical solution that solves any & all problems. The marginal effective tax rate in the U.S. is too high, IMO. But actual brain horsepower must be used to decide what level it should be taken to. Even Arthur Laffer agreed that Bush's miniscule drop in the income tax rates of the infamous "Bush tax cuts" did nothing but increase the deficit and then the debt - it provided no meaningful economic growth at all. I mean, we ended up in the worst recession since the Great Depression, so what more proof do ya need that just tweaking marginal rates can't keep you from hitting the wall?

Also, you can't allow the foxes (Fortune 500 corporations) to write the laws that mainly (in relative terms) affect the chickens (average wage earners).
this thread cracks me up:1orglaugh