GOP Sen. Martinez tells supporters he's resigning

Pretty interesting trend...Mel joins Sarah on the list of quitters not to have in a foxhole with you.

Of course, maybe it's better if they bail out of the foxhole if the whole time they were IN the foxhole they were pulling the pins on your grenades, saying "What's THIS for???" and doing other whacked-out, dangerously dumb shit.

Republican this Democrat that...They are all the same. They are all self absorbed politicians that serve special interest...BOTH R AND D.

We need people that are not career politicians that want to fix problems like Peter Schiff who is running for US Senate in Connecticut against Chris Dodd and Dr Rand Paul, yes Ron Paul's son who is running for US Senate in Kentucky.

The two party system has failed us because people get caught up in party politics, not what is best for America, liberty and freedom. The US Constitution is the most important document ever written and I want our elected officials to respect it and abide by it. Without it there would have never been a free man on the planet.

IMO the only way we will ever get a govt that really serves the common good again is when we do something about the perverse amount of money we allow to be in our political system.
No but it is just about the polar opposite to Libertarianism that you don't like so its seemed the logical argument?

Please explain further your point.

You can not simply "turn on Libertarianism" and think America will be *fixed*. 200 years of racial and gender discrimination can not be rolled back simply by eliminating the Federal gov't and becoming a group of individual states. All that will mean is there will be Rich states and Poor states. Our political system needs to be *tweaked* so that it serves people and not corporations. Corporations turn our gov't --both State and Federal--into Monopoly Creators and Protectors. Simply having Universal Healthcare does not make a nation Socialist. We do need taxes but we don't need a massive military budget anymore. We can shift money away from the Defense Budget in order to fund Domestic programs that the majority of Americans want--like quality Education and Healthcare.
Why is the roll of al tax payers to fund these out of control over budget federal programs that only make things worse. Its this kind of Nanny state mentality that has gotten us into the mess we are in. People expect the govt to fix their problems instead of taking responsability for their own actions. Like the Lady at the Obama rally before the election that thought if she voted for him he was going to pay her mortgage.

I want exactly three things from my Government.

1. Protect our borders by providing a strong national defense....FAIL
2 Keep a sound monetary policy....FAIL
3 Leave me the fuck alone...FAIL

I cannot for the life of me understand why people look to politicans and govt to solve problems. All more govt does is cost tax payers more and create more problems. The answer is always less govt. Never more govt.
Seeing as you ignored 90% of my response and then trotted out the standard Libertarian talking points, your belief set works with a small population. The Constitution was written when there was a small population. Simply put, there are too many people in the country not to have a bigger gov't.

I will give a final answer--a properly functioning U.S. Federal Gov't will allow you to recognize all 3 of your personal criteria.
Seeing as you ignored 90% of my response and then trotted out the standard Libertarian talking points, your belief set works with a small population. The Constitution was written when there was a small population. Simply put, there are too many people in the country not to have a bigger gov't.

I will give a final answer--a properly functioning U.S. Federal Gov't will allow you to recognize all 3 of your personal criteria.

The founders I think would be outraged if they were here now and thought we were trying to totally operate off a set of documents written with Quill pens in the 1780s.It's a set of ideals (the constitution) that must be able to adapt and be interpreted to fit modern times.
Why is the roll of al tax payers to fund these out of control over budget federal programs that only make things worse. Its this kind of Nanny state mentality that has gotten us into the mess we are in. People expect the govt to fix their problems instead of taking responsability for their own actions. Like the Lady at the Obama rally before the election that thought if she voted for him he was going to pay her mortgage.

I want exactly three things from my Government.

1. Protect our borders by providing a strong national defense....FAIL
2 Keep a sound monetary policy....FAIL
3 Leave me the fuck alone...FAIL

I cannot for the life of me understand why people look to politicans and govt to solve problems. All more govt does is cost tax payers more and create more problems. The answer is always less govt. Never more govt.

I want huge corporations to "leave me the fuck alone" - but, short of me becoming Amish (and even that wouldn't work completely), it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon.

Government can be corrupted, but corporations typically have corruption built in from the get-go, so if I'm going to work to make the most out of any large institution, I'd rather work to improve government, and make sure that it does work effectively...
I want huge corporations to "leave me the fuck alone" - but, short of me becoming Amish (and even that wouldn't work completely), it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon.

Government can be corrupted, but corporations typically have corruption built in from the get-go, so if I'm going to work to make the most out of any large institution, I'd rather work to improve government, and make sure that it does work effectively...

If a corporation is corrupt or I don't like them I can boycott them and take my business elsewhere.

If my govt is corrupt I cannot just up and chose to not participate. The IRS looks down upon me not wanting to participate. I cannot not pay my property taxes because I dont like the governor.

I will always trust business because people in general will sway away from unethical business naturally. Government we are stuck with and we end up voting for the lesser of two evils.
If a corporation is corrupt or I don't like them I can boycott them and take my business elsewhere.

If my govt is corrupt I cannot just up and chose to not participate. The IRS looks down upon me not wanting to participate. I cannot not pay my property taxes because I dont like the governor.

I will always trust business because people in general will sway away from unethical business naturally. Government we are stuck with and we end up voting for the lesser of two evils.

You can take your business elsewhere, if there is competition in the marketplace. Companies eliminate competition.

Companies can be bought and sold and taken over. Gov'ts should be much more stable then this.

Companies view the Constitution as the playbook. They either then operate under a "rules are meant to be broken" mentality or, worse, a "risks can be managed" mentality of "it might be cheaper to pay class action lawsuits than offer non-harmful products or manufacturing."
I will always trust business because people in general will sway away from unethical business naturally.

I could not disagree with this more.What about the financial crisis were in caused by unethical financial buisnessmen ,the enrons,or go google GE is a felon.Capitalism is a natural for unethical practices and always has been.
You can take your business elsewhere, if there is competition in the marketplace. Companies eliminate competition.

Companies can be bought and sold and taken over. Gov'ts should be much more stable then this.

Companies view the Constitution as the playbook. They either then operate under a "rules are meant to be broken" mentality or, worse, a "risks can be managed" mentality of "it might be cheaper to pay class action lawsuits than offer non-harmful products or manufacturing."

And govt doesn't use cost benefit analysis and is always ethical?

The people I trust least is my government and it should be that way. Our Constitution was set up this way because of this very thing. Now they are to be the most trusted entity? No way. Our Federal govt was set up originally to be very small. If its small and work the way it was designed we would have a 13 trillion dollar federal deficit. But no, our govt has grown so huge and bloated with bullshit lobbyist and self interest groups, and entitlement programs its maddening. And this comes from both sides of the political spectrum. I have ZERO reason what so ever to trust the government. They have given me zero reason to trust them.

I will always trust myself and my instinct first and foremost, another person or business second and the government last.
I could not disagree with this more.What about the financial crisis were in caused by unethical financial buisnessmen ,the enrons,or go google GE is a felon.Capitalism is a natural for unethical practices and always has been.

The government is the cause of the financial meltdown, not business. The govt forced these loans by setting policy and making banks loan the money. Also the federal reserve for making money too cheap and allowing credit to be attained too easy.

Govt is the problem, always has been and always will be. Period.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
IMO the only way we will ever get a govt that really serves the common good again is when we do something about the perverse amount of money we allow to be in our political system.

Agreed 100% :glugglug:

Agreed 110%.

It's the system that's fatally flawed and those who have the power will do anything and everything they can to maintain the status quo. Keep us preoccupied with "bread and circuses" so they can continue to pick our pockets and line their own.

To quote Roger Daltrey....."Meet the new boss....same as the old boss".

I will always trust business because people in general will sway away from unethical business naturally.

Then please explain the continued proliferation of used car lots and time-share condos. :confused:
The government is the cause of the financial meltdown, not business. The govt forced these loans by setting policy and making banks loan the money. Also the federal reserve for making money too cheap and allowing credit to be attained too easy.

Govt is the problem, always has been and always will be. Period.

We are not going to agree lol.
IMO its as I said earlier the perverse amount of money in politics that is the corrupting element.That almost is exclusively coming from the wealthy vested interests like corporations.Its the powerfull lobbys like those that corrupt our political system not the other way round.They write the laws, pay for elections. basically own the whole thing.No wonder the common good and the peoples interests don't get enough representation.
I have always wondered what would happen if you took all libertarians and sent them off to an imaginary new continent that had just been discovered where they could start their own country and society. While they might have the freedom to say and do anything they wanted unless it directly injured somebody else, I wouldn't be surprised if in five years half of them found a way to enslave (Ok, they technically don't believe in that so lets just say virtually permanent indentured servitude or making the others owe enough debt where they might as well hand their life over. That way they can rationalize and say those people they owned "choose" that.) the majority of the other half. Or maybe they will merely have to work at a job that pays them .5 dollars and hour and kills them early in life to support the lucky ones that have in abundance. All the rest of that half would just end up dying when all the material wealth and the resources were horded by the others, even if it's more than they will ever need or even could possibly use in a reasonable manner, and cause the others to end up starving. I bet a lot of those people once they ended up on the other side would have a rude awaking to how faulty their beliefs really are. Everything wouldn’t just magically work out for everybody like a lot of them think. I can say without exaggeration that libertarians are some of the most selfish people I have ever encountered in my life.
The government is the cause of the financial meltdown, not business. The govt forced these loans by setting policy and making banks loan the money. Also the federal reserve for making money too cheap and allowing credit to be attained too easy.

Govt is the problem, always has been and always will be. Period.

You're about as lost as one can be on the causes of the current economic crisis.

However, I only blame you half-way for your misperception. Of course there are those who have mistakenly and in some cases purposely attributed this crisis to a couple foreclosures. Foreclosures certainly had a role in deepening the crises but that was as a symptom not a cause.

This current economic crisis was brought on subtly over time by the explosion in oil prices and it's effect on gasoline price. That's the reason why the world is in economic malaise and not just the US.

When consumers adjusted their spending behavior around exorbitant gasoline should be clearly obvious what would happen to various other business sectors dependent on the money consumers used to spend with them that was now going in their tank. The results are right there for everyone to see....

Virtually every other business sector were brought to their knees except for 1, the oil industry which contrastingly enjoyed quarter after quarter and year after year of record profits. We would be in great shape economically if the majority of workers in the US worked in the oil industry. There wouldn't be scrolls and scrolls of fact you'd probably have trouble finding a house to buy.

I mean honestly, some of you actually believe a few US foreclosures is the cause of mostly all the major economies in the world nose-diving???

So what caused oil pricing to skyrocket?? Well, before the proposition was thoroughly debunked by the reality...oil apologists attributed skyrocketing oil pricing to increased demand...That obviously should have been laughed off since the price for a bbl of oil was about $25 when GWB took office..From there it reach a high of about $147 per bbl. in the span of GWB's presidency. There is no logical way for demand to account for that pricing difference in that short span of time.

Then speculators were to blame. That's partly correct but speculators did what they were supposed to do under the circumstances. When you have a conflict with a raging insurgency blowing up pipelines, beheading people and blowing up markets left and right in a place like Iraq..speculators are suppose to speculate the pricing higher even if the impact on supply is minimal.

So then the question becomes could this economic disaster have been averted? Likely so had we done things differently with respect to Iraq.

There went your economy sir.:2 cents:
Wow Dont know what to say to that? Guess you schooled me good.

Oil and gasoline prices are to blame, not the complete collapse of the sub prime housing market? You are the first person to present that argument to me. Economist all over the planet have thought it was the sup prime collapse all this time.

Thanks for explaining it to me...Learn something new every day. :thumbsup: