'Good guys with a gun' tries to stop bad guys with gun. Makes things worst.


Staff member
2 points - will neo-facist mme lepen by in jail too soon, like you want hilary to be, for inciting racial hatred


george, if you love america so much and it's your idea of a perfect country, why don't you emigrate and go and live there?

Mme Lepen will be present at the regional elections as will be Mr Sarkozy whether you want it or not. An important percentage of people share Mme Lepen's opinions and they are more and more numerous. The reasons of this are very simple, during decades the candidates from the traditional left and traditional right haven't taken any really drastic and adequate measures against massive immigration, massive debt caused by the people who took advantage of our so generous social systems since 30years, also the feeling of injustice because of the laxism shown the by the socialist justice against sentencing strongly criminals has revolted and infuriated many. Also add to this rampant communautarianism and disrespect of french traditions caused by the wrong decisions taken by previous governments.
Anyone who doesn't share the beloved ideals of the socialists is by default a racist . I know this bullshit logic since way too long and always exposed by the same void of logic and brainless cretins. My country suffered and suffers from a too generous social system since 1974 which gave everything to people who never ever busted their asses off and who never ever worked to at least deserve a tenth of what they are given for free, this same system allowed them to get free housing, free social security and free healthcare before born and bred French citizens, and do you think that is fair?
America has strenghts and weaknesses like any country, I have some family there but I have to take care the only parent I have which has helped and given everything to me.
Haven't you forgotten the UKIP in your country ? No, maybe you should see what is happening in your country and kind of serious problems there are. Thatcher was one of the best persons UK had like Churchill, a leader with balls, determination and thoroughness. I do respect such leaders.
I am for a meritocracy not for a socialist system where everyone think they are all due without working for free and of course I am for a respect and absolute law abidance of the constitution of my country, those are the principles which I abide by.
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fair play to you if you're looking after a parent in france

anyway, remaining off topic talking about france & french politics,

do you accept that lepen, père, is a racist?

his statements show this, no?

holocaust denial etc ...

does the apple fall far from the tree?


Staff member
fair play to you if you're looking after a parent in france

anyway, remaining off topic talking about france & french politics,

do you accept that lepen, père, is a racist?

his statements show this, no?

holocaust denial etc ...

does the apple fall far from the tree?

I know about Mme Lepen's father , he has been doing many wrong things so you learn me nothing new at all. Did you know on the other hand that Hollande and Jospin were trotskists? Do you know what is associated to trotskism ? Stalinism and a lot of socialists are closet antisemites and anti white racists douchebags, did you know that ? I don't think so
Did you know on the other hand that Hollande and Jospin were trotskists? Do you know what is associated to trotskism ? Stalinism and a lot of socialists are closet antisemites and anti white racists douchebags, did you know that ? I don't think so

seems you're a bit confused here

whatever you say about trotsky, who i don't say was a great guy, he was jewish - at least by birth

now, understand stalinism was different from trotskyism - which is why stalin got ramón mercader to kill trotsky with an ice axe

so, while i don't agree with any form of communism, those who identified as trotskyists tended to be those who wanted to distance themselves from stalinism and its errors

i think it can be argued that stalin was, personally, anti-semitic.

his actions were, however, more complex and he spoke against anti-semitism on some occasions but said and did anti jewish things at other times - we should remember he was a crazy, murderous megalomaniac


you say a lot of socialists were/are anti-semitic

well a lot of them are not anti-semitic - you must know already that one reason for hitler hating and wanting to fight communism (as you do, by the way) was because he said it was thought up by and carried out by jews

Jewish Bolshevik party leaders included Grigory Zinoviev, Lev Kamenev, Yakov Sverdlov and Leon Trotsky.

Bolsheviks & communists in general were anti-religion, including judaism.

Anti-semitism was common in russian empire before the communist takeover - so the communists didn't invent it.


it's a complex issue, but you should not just say socialists are anti-semitic

the nazis were right wing, they hated and murdered jews

are all right wing people anti-semitic then ?