Meat is delicious, [Nobabe]yum yum yum[/nobabe]. And every time I think I COULD do a vegetarian lifestyle, I remember all the sanctimonious vegan pricks I'll be upsetting by NOT, and then I really enjoy that bacon sandwich or bag of scratchings with my pint or trip to KFC or chicken tikka pathia.
That's the most offensive part. If the big book of hate inspires people to go veggie, I'm going to eat EVEN MORE cute delicious animals. Fuck you Donald, your guns, your bible and you stupid red caps. Stay away from my whore's right to abort and let me enjoy my hellbound hot dog.
Offensive. But not if I were quoting the Quran right? I didn't think so. Then you would just shut the fuck up or even better, advocate for my belief.
And here's the difference - eat what you want. I'm not seeking to convert, nor would I kill you for it. But you can fuck off.