I haven't but I've heard mixed results. I'd be open to change, but right now I'm of the mind set that the whole "free-range" fad is just a marketing ploy to take advantage of those willing to believe that it is healthier. I do concede that I may be wrong. I hope it works well for you.
When they start charging the same amount as what I'm paying for my food now, maybe I'll make the change.
Apparently there at least one study that says it is not healthier.
It should be noted that the study does not make conclusions about the comparative levels of pesticides or chemicals in conventionally and organically grown food or the health effects of consuming such chemicals.
Yeah, what Dirk said.
Hit the local farmer's market, if you have one. Don't be afraid to ask questions, though I find myself getting a lot from the local Amish, as their's seem to taste the best, by far.
Quite a while ago, I simply cut out all fried foods - that made a huge difference. I also cut down big time on milk products...that also made a huge difference (after all, we are one of the few animals that drinks milk as adults - let alone drinks the milk of other animals. Not quite natural, that is).
Read the ingredients of everything store-bought. And even then, keep track of what you get and where, what tastes best and what is making you feel best.
As whimsy said, it seems that the stuff grown naturally tastes one hell of a lot better. It is so easy to tell the difference between a locally and organically grown strawberry and a store-bought.
When they start charging the same amount as what I'm paying for my food now, maybe I'll make the change.