I like a long lost thread where I get to vote "He Blows".:thumbsup:
He made a lot of very good points during the cap and trade bill debate (I still do not know how the fucking liberals passed that, a person in a vegetative state would have voted no). Also he speaks with emotion and believes in what he's saying rather than reading from the teleprompter with as little emotion as possible (Keith Olbermann). In fact that's why I watch Fox News, because they're not reporting that Obama and his family went to Five Guys for lunch and what they ordered.(Your journalism degree has now been officially declared worthless after you reported that).
To paraphrase in the style of the aforementioned Keith Olbermann.....
"You, sir, are an absolute lunatic!"
LOL....only kidding but seriously anyone who thinks that Glenn Beck is a legitimate source of lucid opinion or viewpoint has a serious lack of ability to consider all sides of an equation in an objective fashion before making a decision. I think you let your little secret bias out with the use of the words "fucking liberals" in your post. You've voluntarily labeled yourself as a "right-wing nutball" as a result of that statement. Then again, that's just my opinion. Others may disagree but I doubt it.
I urge you to keep exclusively using Faux news as your information source and that you keep that head of yours inserted squarely up your ass. You certainly wouldn't want any other data, facts or opinions to interfere with what you have already concluded to be the correct stance on any given subject.
Otherwise, I hope you have a great weekend! :thumbsup:
Keith Olbermann is just as bad if not worse than Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck at least has the common decency to not feature a segment named "Worst Person of the World." I'm fine with the term "right wing nutball", it's better than "left wing hippie." Also keep watching MSNBC and there daily Obama worshipping. I'm sure it will be just dandy when Obama proceeds to fuck the entire United States over with his crappy policies. Have a great weekend assclown!:thefinger
Also keep watching MSNBC and there daily Obama worshipping.
Just the type of response I expected. I watch a lot of news channels, Mr. Ozmanks....I'm a news junkie and I damn sure ain't no "left-wing hippie". I watch Olbermann, Hannity, O'Reilly, Maddow, Dobbs, and a lot of stuff in between and I like to examine all sides of an issue before I make up my mind on any given subject. However, since, by your own admission, you simply use Fox as your news and op-ed source, you're obviously more well-informed than I am.![]()
Also, I never called you any names or flipped you the bird so I guess you are just by nature an intolerant and obtuse individual....especially when faced with the truth.
Oh....and not to be petty, but the correct usage of the word in that context is "their", not "there".
Then, you are a poorly informed "news junkie". You watch tend to watch opinion shows (as evidence by your post) where one person is given one hour or a half hour to speak their mind about various issues. Now, I on the other hand, watch Fox News throughout the day and listen to NPR and BBC news. Therefore I have superior knowledge of the News. Intolerant? I guess having your own opinion and sticking to it qualifies as "intolerant." Also, since you want to get technical "ain't" is not a word and "Also, I never" should be "Also, I've never."
My intentions were to agitate you on Friday afternoon^
I'm still trying to figure out why you bumped this thread?
No, he's not popular. He's just another minion in Rupert Murdoch's Army...:dunno: