Glenn Beck

Do you like Glenn Beck

  • Screw Him

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • He blows

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • I like Him

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • He is a very very smart man whos worlds speak the truth.

    Votes: 6 16.2%

  • Total voters
Anyone else really hate Glenn Beck on CNN Headline news. this dude is really full of himself, he thinks he the smartest man in the world. I cant stand listing to him, Just wanted to know if you guys like him
I thought I'd give him a chance. Then I caught a piece of him interviewing John Edward. John Edward - a guy whos sole business is to rip people off and give people false hope. Beck actually took that lying fucking clown "seriously". Glenn Beck is a hack.
Glen Beck is a tit.

Not because he is conservative.

He's a tit, because he's a tit.

He is nuttier than a porta-potty at a peanut festival.

I.M.O he is not right wing, I am right wing and I don't want him on my side, and im not a asshole you hurt my feelings.:crying: J/K to each his own when it comes to politics, i am right wing.

Glenn Beck is just another right wing asshole.
he kinda reminds me of a pimple and i'd like to squeeze his head till he pops.


milf n' cookies
I think he makes alot of good points many times.
Glenn Beck is not a right winger? If you believe that, you would probably believe O'Rielly when he says he is an "independent."
Personally, I think terms like "right wing" and "left wing" are redundant. They don't do enough justice for the broad range of political opinion that exist.

You are right that these labels don't capture the eclectic nature of most peoples political thoughts. But they do describe the poles of a continuum to make a rough assessment of where people stand on the issues. For reasons I don’t fully understand, the Libertarian vote seems to go with the “right wing” on their God, Gays, & Guns issues.
For reasons I don’t fully understand, the Libertarian vote seems to go with the “right wing” on their God, Gays, & Guns issues.
It doesn't - I don't know where you're getting your numbers from.

Conscientious libertarians reject coercion practised by the left (in the guise of social responsibility) and the right (in the guise of preserving our values/society). We reject the imposition of morals - be they moral or economic.

That said, there are minority groups within the major parties (e.g. the Republican Liberty Caucus) which work to change party opinion towards the founding ideals of the nation - liberty and constitutional, limited government.

But they do describe the poles of a continuum to make a rough assessment of where people stand on the issues.
If it does - where does a person like me stand? Centrist?

For reasons I don’t fully understand, the Libertarian vote seems to go with the “right wing” on their God, Gays, & Guns issues.
It doesn't - I don't know where you're getting your numbers from.

Conscientious libertarians reject coercion practised by the left (in the guise of social responsibility) and the right (in the guise of preserving our values/society). We reject the imposition of morals - be they moral or economic.

That said, there are minority groups within the major parties (e.g. the Republican Liberty Caucus) which work to change party opinion towards the founding ideals of the nation - liberty and constitutional, limited government.



Closed Account
To thread starter. If I did or didn't like him would either way make a real difference to you or the forum? If we voted like or don't like on everyone in the media or entertainment industry we would be busy little bees wouldn't we?

I don't care to answer really, maybe a "don't care to disclose" option? Like when a place asks your race or income.

seems to me that means you like him and don't want to admit it. if you hated him then you would say so, and if you didn't care, then you wouldn't reply.


Closed Account
seems to me that means you like him and don't want to admit it. if you hated him then you would say so, and if you didn't care, then you wouldn't reply.

No my fellow member, sorry but you are so off the mark. My point was just this, what difference does it make? The starter said this "Just wanted to know if you guys like him" that's not a valid reason to me to answer. So I posted why I felt that way. If it read "How do you compare him to Rush or Donald Duck" or Has he crossed the line on the issue of "blah blah blah". However "Just wanted to know if you guys like him"Also I'm very limited to what I can reply to on here and have the right to a reply so not replying wasn't a option.

Sorry my post wasn't as interesting as the wonderful vision of popping his head like a pimple. Guess I'm just not as articulate as some. :D

haha. I'm just being a smart ass. the world needs smart posts Lady Love, so don't stop on my account.


I have heard of the guy for the longest time and what do you know, he was on a radio station that I ran across.
Here's what I have gathered - The guy speaks in veeeery sloooooow mmmooonnootuuune in a attempt to get theeeeeee atten......tion ooooooooof
hiiiiiiiiis odd.........e............ance.

Who does he think he is, a disciple or something ? A soothsayer maybe ?:dunno:
Now, I'm not going to say that I detest his person, I just don't like his presentation. He claimed to be a pro Second Amendmentor and he was challenging b.o.'s policies, but the guy is strange. Maybe he's a lefty plant acting like a right winged goof :D :dunno: