I hate that gross, makeup built up powder crustiness. Ick
yeah me too. It can make you look 10 years older, it seeps into the tiny wrinkles+pores of your skin if applied all day. Have you ever seen an 18-19 yr old girl who looks 30 because of the makeup under her eyes have gone into the tiny cracks and made it look..terrible?

Yeah, it happens to us all sometimes, and it SUCKS!
But you rly have no choice if you're on set for 6+hours, it's usually hot, especially with the lights, and the sex going on.. and a shiny face may look "fresh" and "dewy" in real life, but it looks terrible in pics. A good makeup artist knows how to dab at it with a damp sponge, take it off as they apply more, but depends on the shoot and who is doing the makeup, etc.. I have dry skin and even I have to apply powder every 15mins or so:/