Girls With Shiny Faces


Official Checked Star Member
[B][URL=" said:
Aaliyah Love[/URL][/B], post: 7221677, member: 370968"]nah its just girls who are sweaty, didn't use enough powder+bright lights. You literally hae to keep on adding powder to your face all day long while shooting. Then it builds up+makes u look like crap sometimes:/

I hate that gross, makeup built up powder crustiness. Ick :(

Aaliyah Love

Official Checked Star Member
I hate that gross, makeup built up powder crustiness. Ick :(

yeah me too. It can make you look 10 years older, it seeps into the tiny wrinkles+pores of your skin if applied all day. Have you ever seen an 18-19 yr old girl who looks 30 because of the makeup under her eyes have gone into the tiny cracks and made it look..terrible?:( Yeah, it happens to us all sometimes, and it SUCKS!
But you rly have no choice if you're on set for 6+hours, it's usually hot, especially with the lights, and the sex going on.. and a shiny face may look "fresh" and "dewy" in real life, but it looks terrible in pics. A good makeup artist knows how to dab at it with a damp sponge, take it off as they apply more, but depends on the shoot and who is doing the makeup, etc.. I have dry skin and even I have to apply powder every 15mins or so:/
most shiny become of the make up or something, they are hot and would like to cover their faces with cum :)