Princess Diana. At least she contributed something to society other than shitty movies.
Sharon Tate is only a somebody because of who killed her and Marilyn Monroe was just a pretty face but they were nice to look at, so let us all vote for them.
Joan of Arch wasn't she like 20, she was one tough chick though. Leading a whole army against the English. Then burnt at the stake because well...because they thought she was a heretic.
Definitely! Talk about a movie stunt gone horribly wrong. The fact they kept it in the film really makes me think twice about that director's decision.
I mean, it is one thing to keep true to film integrity, but that seemed kind of too far...
Sharon Tate, definitely because of how she died and the fact that she was butchered while she was about to have a kid by a hippie poser and his merry band of loonies.