GG Allin: yey or nay?


Hiliary 2020
Have you seen this, have you read about this guy?
His big thing was shitting, pissing, cutting himself, even puking on stage.
Audience members would also shit and piss and chuck it on stage and what not.
typical live performance.

Personally I didn't like his music too much but it was ok for hardcore , but just couldn't get into seeing a guy roll around in his own shit on stage, but apparently a lot of people were into it.

Came across these videos of his last day alive, what a bunch of freaks.
funny at the end he's saying how bad he wants to get high, which he did later and it killed him.

Only in New York could a guy walk down the street naked and covered in shit and nobody thinks twice.
It does bring back some memories of crazy riot stuff after punk shows I used to go to.

more freaks at his funeral.
warning: dead people inside

J Mascis was on stage with him the first time he took a dump on stage at the Cat Club NYC in 1987

So yey or ney?
I knew about him. Didn't like one thing about him. It made my stomach turn knowing we shared the same planet. Don't mistake lack of talent combined with mental illness for genius.


knows petras secret: she farted.
good topic dude.

i almost forgot about this nutjob. this guys music is terrible but you gotta give it up to him for being who he is, a fucking loon.

i swear, if i didnt end up meeting my girl and choosing to work and support her, id be totally submerged in punk culture. i love that shit, i really do. and sometimes, i miss it, but i have a better gig now.

i cant really go around claiming my old punk roots since i work to support a woman i love and go along with all the bullshit you have to go along with in order to keep your loved ones secure like paying bills and shit.

dont get me wrong, i hate bills and a lot of em i dont pay, and i still have the hard-headed fuck conformity attitude, fuck shitty fucking music, fuck mtv, and all that shit like non other. so i guess im still punk, just a more realistic punk who happens to really like his girl.

we gotta do what we gotta do, but my core values stay the same.


knows petras secret: she farted.
yeah man i love punk. been in a few bands and all that shit.

i regular listen to dead kennedys, subhumanz, sex pistols, the exploited, the ramones, the clash, all that shit. yeah, black flag too dude.

like i said, id still be really into the scene if i didnt pick up all the responsibilities of a relationship. i still play once in awhile with some random people when i get the itch.


Hiliary 2020
I like that song drink fight and fuck (2nd song in video)
just can't stand being around live shit and naked dudes too much.

drink fight and fuck..........who doesn't like that?

guys nuts, covered in shit and piss and blood,,,,,,fighting with the audience, grabbing women.


knows petras secret: she farted.
haha i was just listening to that song wtf!

hes too extreme for me, im into a lot of stuff but violence isnt one of them. but i surely respect what he did.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
He reminds me a bit of Iggy Pop in his old Stooges days. He went on like that too, just not THAT hardcore.

I read that Iggy seemed to get a lot of anger out of the fact his dick is not really much to talk about... like Mick Jagger, too. I see a connection of people overcompensating through performance for lack of package.

Though I personally like it when performers get a bit edgy, I think if you have a talent, you don't need to go for extra credit by going overboard. Mick Jagger gladly did not g so far, though he had some fucked up stage clothings in his time ^^


Lord Dipstick
I'm starting to worry about you, ma dood!:facepalm:


Hiliary 2020
I'm starting to worry about you, ma dood!:facepalm:

don't worry.
but honestly I'd rather hang out with this guy than those jersey shore new yorkers anyday..........
but either way they both like to do the same things when you get right down to it.
that being:
GG Allin

If you can't be creative, be obscene; if you can't communicate, shout over everyone else.
I saw that GG Allin video where he was covered in shit and blood walking the streets. It was intended to be shocking. But, if you aren't shocked easily, all you have left is something that is mega-boring.


I'm not a fan of his music, but I respect his complete lack of giving a fuck. It was pretty heroic while it lasted. I'm glad he died instead of getting older and chaning his ways and doing a butter commercial (HEEELLOOOO JOHNNY ROTTEN!)

Only in New York could a guy walk down the street naked and covered in shit and nobody thinks twice.

Have you not been to Los Angeles?

I saw that GG Allin video where he was covered in shit and blood walking the streets. It was intended to be shocking. But, if you aren't shocked easily, all you have left is something that is mega-boring.

I'm not easily shocked. Infact I don't think I've been shocked by anything since I was a kid watching people getting beheaded on the internet. But I'd still never think of this as coming close to boring... It's still fucking entertaining.