Hiliary 2020
Oh cool.
The topic has changed to "why we nuked Japan twice" again.
And now it's because we did it as a warning to Russia.
I don't think you really believe that.
But if it's true how sick would that be?
"Hey Harry, lets incinerate alive a few hundred thousand human beings just to make sure Russia stays cool, after all we already did it in Dresden, Hamburg and Danzig and that went pretty good".
"Well by golly thats the cats meow, lets do it".
It's against the rules of war to target civilian populated areas. Period.
The topic has changed to "why we nuked Japan twice" again.
And now it's because we did it as a warning to Russia.
I don't think you really believe that.
But if it's true how sick would that be?
"Hey Harry, lets incinerate alive a few hundred thousand human beings just to make sure Russia stays cool, after all we already did it in Dresden, Hamburg and Danzig and that went pretty good".
"Well by golly thats the cats meow, lets do it".
It's against the rules of war to target civilian populated areas. Period.