Genuine blonde


Blondes -women and men- are usually very stupid people.

Are there any other distinguishing features related to them?


Staff member
tell me please what is your point by make such generalisation on blondes assari???To show that you are a tool? I mean really you know that some of the nicest sex symbols were usually blonde women with blonde hair like Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Rita Hayworth, Lauren Bacall and Grace Kelly for the ones of the 40'-60s, in the modern times 90's-00's, we have Pammy Anderson, Victoria Silvstedt, Scarlett Johansson to name a few who are also blonde. A saying goes by that blonde women are more fun in bed, I don't disagree with it. I have met some very intelligent blonde haired people in my life, so making such broad generalisations is not wise.
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tell me please what is your point by make such generalisation on blondes assari???

It is common saying that blondes are stupid so I am merely repeating what other people say.

Seriously speaking : Are they dumber than others I do not know. :dunno:

I'm surprised you didn't notice that she clearly isn't a "genuine blonde" and hasn't touched up the dye job in about a month. I also don't think much of your generalization that blondes aren't smart.

It is great that you noticed those things in her.

People generalize things always so this was only a small and deliberate mistake.

Yes, most natural blondes are from Finland

Genuine blonde: A woman (or man) with white hair.



Haha! :sheep:
I rather have a pretty, but little dumb blonde... that's still much more likely to be a better option than having ugly inside-ugly outside boring bitch who "thinks" she is better than the rest while falling short in every category... They don't say for no reason that blondes are more fun...