Gears of War 3

Anyone pick up Judgement? The campaign's fucking great, but the multiplayer takes some... Getting used to...
I went to the midnight release for Judgment.

School and work take up most of my time so I was only allowed a limited window in which to play it, but in the short time I was able to get two ribbons, the cog tag collectible, and an achievement all for my work so far. The biggest improvement on the game is how you don't have to wind up grenades anymore, you can just throw them. Closing grub holes will be a lot easier (also reason why I got one of the ribbons) now, and harder to kill when throwing a grenade because you can be in cover when you throw them as well.
I went to the midnight release for Judgment.

School and work take up most of my time so I was only allowed a limited window in which to play it, but in the short time I was able to get two ribbons, the cog tag collectible, and an achievement all for my work so far. The biggest improvement on the game is how you don't have to wind up grenades anymore, you can just throw them. Closing grub holes will be a lot easier (also reason why I got one of the ribbons) now, and harder to kill when throwing a grenade because you can be in cover when you throw them as well.

Yup. All the new mechanical changes are perfect for the campaign, but they may well have ruined the multiplayer. The MP's not really bad, it's just not gears enough. It's like gears and halo collided, and that's not good.
I just stick to the campaign, I've never been a fan of multiplayer and I don't have gold as well.

That is great news they stuck with the campaign being sweet, (on my 360 which had the red rings of death) my old 360 had the first two games beat on the hardest difficulty, co-op beat, and all 50 waves of Horde mode gone through. Also all cog tag and collectibles picked up as well. My Gears 360 just has 1-3 beat and all cog tags and collectibles for all of the games as well. Judgment I'm gonna let sink in and I'm gonna enjoy the heck out of it, playing a little bit of the campaign at a time.
Love the campaign! The Survival mode of Judgement is so hard. Even on Casual still can't get passed wave 10. Overrun however is a fun game and finally they put free-for-all.