Gay Parents Better Than Straight Parents?

Will E Worm

No, they do not make good parents.

really? cause i know a couple here in SF that are doing a damn fine job. and there are many more like them.

now, are they better than straight parents? i doubt it. id say theyre equal. parents are parents, no matter the sexual orientation.
As long as there's just one penis (and at least one penis) between the two parents it's fine


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
He said "credible" source, Will. doesn't even support his position. It's just some guy talking about a gay advert he doesn't like and implying gays are bad. No evidence. No research, statistics, or even an anecdote.



Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Wow serious topic here...I'm a good mommy to my lucky doggie and I'm single lol but if I were lesbian and my lesbian partner was taking care of lucky I think as long as we love lucky then she will be I have little experience with this topic but enjoyed reading all the responses...
Well, they do have a better fashion sense, MOM, they don't buy their kids ugly sweaters, MOM, and when their kids need glasses they buy them the cool looking ones, not the nerdy looking ones, MOM.

(yes, that's a message to my mom)
a thread a la booth babe :facepalm: what's next, I truely wonder. I hardly think than gay parents are better than straight parents


Well, Boothy is one more MIA member who I'd rather see, then certain others who we can't get rid of. As for what's next: Whatever I want it to be.