Help With Certain Gauge Vids

Hello all....looking for some early Gauge vids; one where she was maybe a babysitter or high school girl. It's been used as a promo online alot. She's 'worried about telling her parents'. Very fit and fine. Couldn't find a link with a search.
Any other early stuff of hers...links appreciated.

Sorry if this has already been answered, but that movie is 'Weapons of Ass Destruction 2' Wearing purple stockings right?? VERY hot, and I have it :):) Although, she doesn't get blown all over, she gets blown up her ass, 3/4 times!!

when the site was called forbidden video, they had some great unreleased clips of gauge. They were very hot!!! I haven"t checked out the site since it was changed to bizzaro. I actually paid the membership and downloaded all of her 20-30 min clips on there, and I've never seen them anywhere else. The best was the clip when she was in the dungeon. If you can find them all, it's well worth it. If anyone wants the titles, pm me and i will give them to you

as far as the suitcast goes, as someone already stated, it was weapons of ass destruction 2. I'm a huge gauge fan, and will put that clip up there in my top 3 or 4, but I think that the clip in weapons of ass destruction where she starts off in the dog cage is hotter yet. Any Gauge fan must own those two movies!!!:2 cents:
does anybody have they gallery were Gauge is in a pink night gown and she is on the couch. i cant find it anywhere.