Games you got bored of fast

its older, but "shadow of the colossus"... unless you have a game guide, its virtually impossible to know what the hell youre supposed to do. i just rode the horse around and shot lizards with arrows
its older, but "shadow of the colossus"... unless you have a game guide, its virtually impossible to know what the hell youre supposed to do. i just rode the horse around and shot lizards with arrows

Wow,you are looking to make some enemies fast.

Honestly,I didn't really like it that much either.
Halo. Leisure suit Larry, Overlord 2, MW3
Far Cry 2. It was fun for about 30 minutes until i realized it was the exact same 3 step process (1.Drive across the map to the objective, 2.Kill people at objective, 3 drive across the map back home.) over and over again. In addition to that the combat wasn't that great, so it got tedious very quickly. I hope Far Cry 3 is a better game.
S4 League. It's fun at first, until you realize that you move slower than a snail hot-glued to the ground unless you dash, and the community consists mainly of idiots, immature brats, and hackers, an ineffective tool for kicking out hackers (EVERYONE must vote yes), and no tools for reporting them.
its older, but "shadow of the colossus"... unless you have a game guide, its virtually impossible to know what the hell youre supposed to do. i just rode the horse around and shot lizards with arrows

... You just became #1 on my shit list. If I had a piece of paper to right your name/serial number on, that is. But I'm too lazy :D Just in case you didn't know, you have to raise your sword up and the reflecting light will show you where to go next and if that doesn't help just go online and there are a shit-ton of guides.

Anyways, I also might be targeted for this one but I wanted to see what the whole Mass Effect craze was about so I bought Mass Effect 2 on PS3 (ME1 isn't available for it) and got about 5 hours into it and it couldn't hold my interest. I kept trying but it felt very familiar.

I also tried to play Zelda: Skyward Sword. I just can't do Zelda with Wii motion controls. I want to sit with a regular controller and not have to keep wagging my wrists back and forth. It gets old real fast
Saints Row 3
Grant Theft Auto 4
All of the Call of Duty games (thank god my friend is the dumb one to buy it)
Marvel vs Capcom 3 everybody online was just doing the whole pop up combos which makes it very lame
Any 3D Sonic game, bar Generations. It's Mega Drive classic collections :thumbsup:.

And another vote for MW3.
its older, but "shadow of the colossus"... Unless you have a game guide, its virtually impossible to know what the hell youre supposed to do. I just rode the horse around and shot lizards with arrows




WHAT THE FUCK!? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!? REALLY!? Someone has just angered the video gaming gods when the wrote this shit down! I Guaran fuckin' tee you that this offense is one of the highest offenses one can make in the gaming world. You should be arrested and forced to walk down the street naked after having your genitals soaked in ice water for 4 hours! How dare you insult such a perfect and elegant peace of art that caresses the soul in its glorious and warm bosom. This masterpiece resonates with the very essence that exemplifies the beauty and grace of the human species to a level of which has not been seen since the days of Mozart! I am utterly shocked and appalled by such reckless discourse. You, Sir, have managed to ruin an otherwise glorious day with three very mundane sentences. I hope you are proud of yourself.:mad:
L4D2... It's still great fun every so often, but I don't really have any friends that play it and it gets boring playing by yourself or with silent XBL randoms.
Final Fantasy II. This one, not this one.

I've played and cleared FFI NES version and GBA version and they're both great, even if the former's fairly clunky and the latter is too easy. FFII GBA could not hold my interest for more than 15 minutes.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Most of the Final Fantasy games and Dragon Age.

C.K. Lawrence

Closed Account
Most recently The Godfather pt II. That game was both to short and to lame in comparison to the first. A fine concept but poorly executed imo.