Game of Thrones


Finally.... the Winter (attack of the White Walkers) they mentioned and hinted at for so long finally arrived in a bad ass battle :shock:

It got my blood and adrenaline flowing, but not in the way that you ladies do ;)
Also, snow. By the time Stannis gets to Winterfell, they will be up to their waists.

I predict the Boltons will have Stannis on the brink of defeat when Jon and some of his mates show up and save them, in an ironic reversal of Blackwater Bay when the unexpected arrival of Tyrell forces yanked victory from Stannis' grasp.
That's what I want (hope) to see. And it's a nice callback/payback to Stannis saving Jon from Mance. (But, boy, wildlings and Stannis' men -- that's gotta be an even more tense alliance than between the wildlings and crows.)

Antonella Kahllo

Official Checked Star Member
OMG! cant wait for Game OF Thrones tonite, I think is going to be crazy good
Yeah. I don't give a shit about his right or claim or whatever other reason he makes for the Iron Throne after that decision. I'm hoping Davos just hangs out at the Wall (can he join the Watch and be protected from any retaliation by Stannis?) and let Stannis starve and freeze outside Winterfell's walls. Any of his men that still stand with him after witnessing that abominating act can fuck right off too.
I always thought (hoped, really, because knowing this show, it was never reasonable to expect) that "sacrificing" Shereen would be the one bridge Stannis would not cross, the one thing that would finally make him kick Melissandre in the cunt and send her packing, one way or another. I'm truly disappointed he made that decision and I couldn't possibly give a damn what happens to him now.

This entire season seems to be about everyone getting their asses kicked. There's still one episode left, but I don't get the sense there will be any major victories next week. The one thing I have really enjoyed about this season is that some of the plot lines have come together, e.g., Sansa and Theon (also, Sansa finding out Bran & Rikon are alive), Tyrion and Daenerys. But Sansa's getting raped every night and Tyrion's tenure as Dani's adviser was famously short-lived, so...

And it's too bad Drogon only had seating for one. It will be a miracle if Jorah et al make it out of that arena alive now. Missandei, Daario and the rest of them have gotta be saying, "Hey, what about us?" Dragon should have been able to fry all of those fucks in a few breaths; even he kind of got his ass kicked.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I've been saying Stannis is a dick for a year and a half. Before it was cool.

Maggie Green

Official Checked Star Member
Do you think Daenerys will come back and get the imp or anyone else? Or is she on her own now? I have never liked Stanis at all, ever since he made that demon baby and had his brother killed. And I want to bang John Snow in the worst way.
what i find interesting is George Martin is the one who came up with the Stanis scene not the writers
oh i figure the imp figures out a way to survive he always does
At least next week we get Lena Headey naked.

I'd heard she was going to have a nude scene. But really, in the state in which we last saw her, I kind of doubt it's going to be sexy. More like her getting tortured naked or something. I guess we'll find out.

I've been saying Stannis is a dick for a year and a half. Before it was cool.

I always thought he was a dick. He's been portrayed that way since Robert died. In many ways, he's the most mentally imbalanced character on the show, as evidenced by his burning alive a ton of people since Season 2, including other relatives who didn't accept the Lord of Light crap. But at least they did something wrong in his eyes. Shereen didn't.

I just wanted to see how his plot line would shake out. I wanted to see if a shred of humanity would emerge from his wicked character, the way it did with Jaime (even though I still think he's a dick too). For a moment, it looked like that might happen. At the same time, when Stannis had that tender moment with Shereen a few episodes ago, that was when I knew for sure he was going to kill her; it was fairly obvious, I thought. This week's events merely ratified the result.

Do you think Daenerys will come back and get the imp or anyone else? Or is she on her own now?

Book readers, correct me if I'm wrong, but Dani's escape with Drogon essentially brings her character up to date with the books, right? Clearly she'll be back, but probably not until next season. We may see her next week, but I don't think her "Court" at Mereen is likely to see her for a while. She needs to regroup somehow.

I'm just speculating here, obviously.
I'm hoping Davos just hangs out at the Wall (can he join the Watch and be protected from any retaliation by Stannis?)

Pretty soon, The Wall will not be a place ANYBODY wants to just "hang out." Winter is here. The long night is coming.


If you're actually asking why he did it, I'll tell you.

At least next week we get Lena Headey naked.
Looking forward to that.

She used a body double. Lena has been properly naked in other stuff before, if it matters.

Book readers, correct me if I'm wrong, but Dani's escape with Drogon essentially brings her character up to date with the books, right?

Virtually. If memory serves, she's just about to encounter one of the Khalesaar that formed around Dothraki deserters from her cause when Drogo died, of which there are a couple, who are all pretty keen to kill the foreign whore that defiles Drogo's memory by continuing to call herself "Khaleesi." Although I doubt any new Dothraki story will feature in the show or even if we're supposed to think she even has any Dothraki mates left, since they killed Irri and aged Missandei so she could fill that "Dany's friend" role.

Of course, there's loads of stuff from the book which we'll never get in the show. "Young Griff" and Jon Connington, Balon Greyjoy's brothers, five more Sand Snakes, Quentyn Martell, none of whom I particularly care about.... and Arianne. :crying:
Do you think Daenerys will come back and get the imp or anyone else? Or is she on her own now? I have never liked Stanis at all, ever since he made that demon baby and had his brother killed. And I want to bang John Snow in the worst way.

You would think she would return long enough to release the other two dragons.